Colossians Chapter 2 Legalism

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Today we see Paul turn from theological errors of false teachers to their practical errors! (Gnosticism to Legalism)


The law means variously the OT in general, the Torah (especially the Pentateuch or first five books of the Bible), the Ten Commandments or the several codes of conduct that identified Israel as set apart and in covenantal relationship with God. Jesus summarized the law with two commandments: to love God with heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love one’s neighbor as oneself. Paul declares that the law is fulfilled in Jesus, who sets humans free from the law’s penalty of death. Legalism is the attitude that identifies morality with the strict observance of laws or that views adherence to moral codes as defining the boundaries of a community. Religious legalism focuses on obedience to laws or moral codes based on the (misguided) assumption that such obedience is a means of gaining divine favor.

Verse 11-12

Again we look at “context” : The Gentile Christians in Colosse had no need to confirm to Jewish rules and regulations, such as circumcision.

For in Christ they (we) have been circumcised.

The Spiritual Circumcision was done by Christ’s finished work on the cross. The circumcision of the heart!

Rom. 2:29

Paul continues with a picture example of his thoughts in verse 11.

This circumcision happens at the moment of Salvation!

Baptism is the picture: Buried with Christ and raised with Him by the Holy Spirit. (water baptism by immersion)

1 Cor 12:13

Verse 13

Paul once again reminds them what their condition was before Salvation and what their new condition is after.

Verse 14

This new life came when God forgave us ALL our sins for He canceled the written code.

Before God’s written Law, His “written code” all people stood condemned. Rom 3:19

But in Christ the Law (written code) is fulfilled. Rom 8:2

**here Paul is saying, Legalism is wrong because believers are dead to the law In Christ!

Verses 15-17

15: Powers and Authorities equal Demonic/Evil powers that inspire legalistic rules. Christ was Triumphant over them!

Paul gives examples of legalism that they were facing.

Verse 18: If you follow legalistic ways and turn from faithfully following Christ you will be robbed of the rewards of Christ.

1 Cor 3:10-15

Verse 18

Another Warning Sign from Paul

** Some False Teachers and Heretics saw a false humility, which is a form of Godlessness by worshiping angels. They rely on mystic visions they have seen.

The worship of Angels is forbidden in Scripture.

Rev 22:8-9

*Legalism is a teaching inspired by fallen angels. 1 Tim 4:1

Verses 19-23 Conclusion

**Worldliness is living by the world’s rules, including those that have a show of humility and some alleged “angelic” source.

**Spirituality is living by the power of the Spirit in union with Christ by whom the believer has died to sin! Rom 6:6

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