Exam Quesetion #4: Which Commandment is the Most Important of All?
The Final Exams of Jesus • Sermon • Submitted
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The scribe follows up on Jesus’ controversy with the Sadducees. They are wondering which doctrine in correct, resurrection or no resurrection, and Jesus has been quite clear pointing out to them their error. The scribe asks a more direct question. Of all the covenant commands God gave in the Law for His people, which holds the highest priority? Which one should be obeyed above all others?
Jesus answers with the Shema and the command to a single, focused, all consuming love for God. He anticipates the next question by citing the second most important command: love your neighbor.
It is interesting that God commands love. We might think we can command obedience, or loyalty, or conformity, but love? Love seems to be too personal, too subjective to be commanded, at least with any hope of authentic compliance. So, what would have to be true for God to command that a people love Him?
God would have to be worthy of the required love (or at least have the authority to command it, in which case the response would be more duty than love, likely) AND the people would have to be capable of the love God is worthy of. Surely the scribe would recognize two inescapable truths here: one, that God is worthy of the love He commands (the scribe acknowledges as much in his response to Jesus) and that the people are not capable of the required love as evidenced by “all the whole burnt offerings and sacrifices” they are still offering for their sin (which amounts to acts of lovelessness!)
So, what point does Jesus make? That God deserves and commands a love for Him and for our neighbors that we cannot offer. And why does Jesus make this point? Because, He, Jesus, will fulfill this command, making Him the Lamb without blemish, a fit sacrifice for the sins of the whole world, an offering for sin in our place on our behalf. He will give Himself in love for the Father and the Father’s glory. And He will give Himself in love for us, His neighbors, whom He desires might benefit from His sacrifice and come to know the love of the Father for the Son for themselves.
I cannot love God nor any of you the way Jesus loves the Father and loves you. I need help, divine help, and Jesus is the help I need to love as I must! Through faith in Christ I am forgiven sin and guilt is removed making room in my heart for the love that is spread abroad in my life by the Holy Spirit Whom God sends to live in me when I put my faith in Jesus.
So what are we saying?
God is worthy of the love He commands
We are not capable of offering the love God deserves, thus, we cannot keep the most important command and are perpetual guilty, lawbreakers.
If we are to be rescued from this predicament, we need a Rescuer! And that Rescuer must be One who is able to keep the commands without infraction: Jesus!