Sermon 101997
1Co. 13:8-13 Love Never Fails 10/19/97
Series 23.22 ABCC
I. Review 594
q Paul describes HOW we are to use our spiritual gifts in 12:31b-13:7 = the excellent way
q The effect of using spiritual gifts the wrong way or without love (13:1-3) = NO PROFIT!
q The Biblical Description of Love or the Excellent Way (v. 4-7)
1) endures wrong a long time w/o retaliation; self-restraint, 2) responds with goodness & useful actions even when wronged, 3) not displeased at the success of others; making comparisons & competing, 4) not a “wind bag” consistently boasting about self, 5) does not think exaggerated & inflated thoughts of self, 6) does not act is a manner that would dishonor/disgrace Christ, 7) does not insist on personal rights & in not self-centered, 8) is not angered about self-centered matters, 9) not resentful or bitter regarding a wrong suffered, 10) no joy in sin or any evil way, 11) finds joy in truth, justice & righteousness, 12) reluctant to disclose another person’s sins & weaknesses, 13) always has faith in God, 14) never looses hope & confidence in God, 15) can face any circumstance in life & never give up. God does not say TRY to love or even PRAY about loving, but rather simply LOVE!
II. Why Should the Christian be Certain to use His/Her Spiritual Gifts in Love (v. 8-13)?
q Love never fails = there is no time in the future when love will not be needed or SUPREME (v. 8a, 13) - 1Jn. 4:8b
q Spiritual gifts will fail = there is a time in the future when spiritual gifts will not be needed (v. 8b-12)
A. Some things are needed for this life only = ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE (2Co. 4:16-18)
1. Human government, employment, marriage – no purpose in eternity (the same for houses, education, athletic ability, neighborhoods, school systems, parenting, etc)
2. Spiritual gifts are not intended for eternity; this present age only (v. 8b)
- No need for prophecies, tongues, gift of knowledge, apostles, teachers, etc. in eternity
Love Never Fails, pg. 2
3. Spiritual gifts are partial (in part) when compared to eternity (v. 9-10)
There are times when our worship experience & fellowship together & ministry to one another is so edifying, but we must remember that this is only a part of what is to come; it is not complete yet!
4. Spiritual gifts are like things of childhood when compared to eternity (v. 11)
As a child most things appear to be big, amazing, attractive, needful – we were so impressionable when we were children; but when we become adults, we no longer need baby food & toys. Adulthood = Eternity
5. Spiritual gifts are like looking into a mirror rather than face to face when compare to eternity (v. 12)
The spiritual gifts are to reveal the character of God to & through the church, but this cannot compare to seeing Christ face-to-face. Why would you be satisfied to look into a mirror & interact with someone’s reflection when you could interact with them in person? Spiritual gifts are only a reflection of Christ!!!
B. Love is needed now & in eternity
1. Now (v. 13)
2. Eternity (v. 8a)
Love is patient now & will be patient in eternity; kind now & will be kind… The need for love & the character of love can never change because God is love. Our need for God’s love will never end (Rom. 8:38-39) & the quality of God’s love for us will never change (Rom. 5:8). Likewise we need to love the Lord now & in eternity (Jude 21) and we need to love each other now & in eternity (v. 8a). Do you feel that pressure from love (2Co. 5:14; Jn. 13:35)? Do you feel the guilt from a lack of love (1Jn. 4:19-21)?