Sermon 110297
1Co. 13:12 Now and Then - II 11/2/97
Series 23.24 ABCC
I. Review 596
q Context = instructions on what & who is spiritual and specifically the use of spiritual gifts
q The Christian must always consider the present & future together(v. 12) = interrelated!!!
- NOW = before Christ returns (v. 10); characterized by limitations, weakness, impartness
- THEN = when Christ returns (v. 10); characterized by fullness, completeness, perfection
II. Time
God has set boundaries in place for all of his creation. One of those boundaries is the dimension of time. He has set in place a time limit for everything under the sun. One of those time limits is the life span of every individual born (Job 14:1-5). No one & nothing can escape the effects of God’s established time limits! Companies host seminars to teach employees to make good use of this precious commodity called time. Parents work with their children on this issue, spouses with each other, etc. – most people recognize the need to manage TIME!
- NOW = appointed time for everything (Ecc. 3:1), involves suffering (Rom. 8:18), fullness of time (Gal. 4:4; Rom. 11:25), time of our deliverance is nearer (Rom. 13:11), make the most of our time (Eph. 5:16) – Urgency, Stewardship, Alertness (Mt. 24:42), Priorities, Scheduling, Planning (Pr. 16:9). Now we need clocks, calendars, planners, reminders, etc. because we live within the limitations of TIME!!
- THEN = end of time (Ac. 3:19-21; Mt. 10:22; 24:3-6,13-14; 28:20; 1Co. 1:8: 15:24), eternal weight of glory (2Co. 4:17-18). No need for clocks, calendars or planners because only one clock will matter, one calendar & one plan – our prayer will be a reality “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done”. THEN we will see Him face to face. THEN we will know fully just as we have been fully known.
Now and Then, pg. 2
Time as we know it is rapidly coming to an end. When the fullness of time has come and God has accomplished all of His plans & purposes of redemption, Christ will return to bring an end to time. Because our God is patient with sinners, people live as if there is no urgency; as if they can choose when & if they will repent. Some of you children are not taking biblical teaching & preaching very seriously because you feel like you’ve got all the time in the world – you feel like you’ll get serious about this Christian stuff later. People go on pursuing their dreams & fulfilling their pleasures, but they do not know that God has a timetable that overrules every one’s calendar & plans. The end of time is coming – there will be no second chance THEN, there will be no time to repent THEN, there will be no time to ask for forgiveness THEN, there will be no discussion about what you were planning to do THEN. When Jesus Christ comes again, the time for planning, good intentions, procrastination, laziness, excuses, justifying yourself, good deeds, prayers, seeking forgiveness, reconciling, sharing the gospel, practicing hospitality, attending Wednesday prayer meetings, GG meetings, etc. will be over – for THEN it will be time for giving an account for the way we used our time. For some it will mean rewards, joy, rejoicing, praise, deliverance as they hear “Well done, good and faithful servant…Others will hear “I never knew you: depart from Me you who practice lawlessness.” When you come to the end of time, what will it be for you – joy inexpressible & full of glory or indescribable misery, agony & pain. Look to Christ NOW & you will not be disappointed THEN!