Part II Stones Empowerment
Part III – 5 Stones: Empowerment of Courage
1. Review of Series:
a. General Overview of Story of David and Goliath
b. Stone 1: Orientation to God
2. Today is also Pentecost – so I would like to read to you that text in brief
a. You stone for today is courage.
3. The events of Pentecost encompasses a number of subjects.
a. The promise of the Spirit – the on-going living presence
- Spiritual Companion
b. The reward of waiting
c. Transformation – disciples to apostles/learners to proclaimers
d. Birth of the church on earth – ongoing ministry – Great Commission
e. Baptism - the Body of Christ – public confession
f. Empowerment – the ability to do for God that w/o his power, we cannot accomplish
g. A new beginning.
4. While the events of Pentecost are unique and today will always be a day of special celebration in the life of the church – the Body of Christ – the Family of God, the Community of Faith. The days of courage, empowered by God’s Spirit.
5. Presence, is both historical and on-going.
a. The courage of Noah to complete the task assigned despite ridicule and harassment.
b. The courage of Abraham to obey God in the face of traveling to a new land.
c. The courage of Joseph to survive and trust his life to God’s plan
d. The courage of Rebekah to leave home and make her servant spirit work and act on God’s plan for Jacob.
e. The Courage of Deborah, the first recorded female judge and prophetess to lead in a man’s world.
f. The courage of Ruth to leave her country and be faithful to Naomi
g. The courage of Davit to step forward
- The youngest
- The least of the brothers
- The harp player
- A shepherd
- At most an armor bearer
To pick 5 stones – w/o armor, an army, or stature or reputation.
Armed only with His relationship with God and His anointing.
6. But there is a difference – that empowered David to run toward the enemy of God – and stand tall before the Giant Goliath.
7. 1 Samuel 16: 12b-13
“Then the Lord said (To Samuel) ‘Rise and anoint Him for David is the one. So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day the Spirit of the Lord came upon David in Power.’”
8. David’s Pentecost – not with flames of fire but with oil – the none the less the same – empowered to be God’s servant and at His disposal.
9. So fear aside – David – full of the Spirit of the Lord face the Philistine.
10. Reflections from DiVinci Code:
Sir Leigh Teabing, the English Knight, and lift historical in the quest for the Holy Grail told professor, and novelist, Robert Langdon, that the possible reason why Opes Dei might be hunting the keystone, the supposed key to finding the secret of the Prior of Scion, “men go to far greater lengths to avoid what they fear than to obtain what they desire.”
Fear, the opposite of courage, is a powerful force that can drive us away from all that God would have us experience in the fullness of Christ –
Fear is disabling, but with the Spirit of Pentecost we can obtain that which our soul thirst for – the heart of Christ.
We have no fear in Christ – only courage as we take on the fullness of the Spirit this special day of the Church.
I ask all of us this day to renew our courage in Christ.
11. As we come forward to participate in communion, I am going to ask the ushers to move the baptismal font into the aisle so that as you come forward to participate in communion I want you to dip your finger into the water and make the sign of the cross on your forehead saying, “I remember my baptism and I am thankful.” If you have not been baptized, say “Lord I want the courage that can come from my baptism.” I want you to renew your strength in Christ, renew your courage to conquer your demons – your fears, and wash yourselves of all your sins by the water.
12. Be like David – full of the Spirit – and run toward the enemy with your stone of courage to slay your Goliath