Community Sanctification

Sermon Tone Analysis
In seminary, we had a free evening and went to a Rangers game. Sitting next to a group of guys who were cutting up as guys often do. The three of us were sitting there talking and a conversation started between our two groups. They asked what we did. “Pastors.” Immediately their language cleaned up, their cups were held much lower in their laps, and they sought to have a conversation about what they believed.
Hanging out with saved people and non-saved people.
Yes, do both!
But, there is definitely a difference.
Sanctification is real.
Sanctification is becoming more and more like Jesus Christ in our attitudes and actions.
The role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Christian is to sanctify.
These are benefits to being a Christian - repenting of sins, asking for forgiveness, and following Jesus.
We experience external change.
We experience external change.
(vv. 12-22)
Notice the “we.” These all relate to the community of believers, to the church.
Three relationship dynamics that we experience within the church:
The church works together with the pastor. “Be at peace...” The calling of a shepherd - to feed, lead, and protect. Includes difficulties & blessings.
The church works together to encourage one another. Remove destructive behaviors and replace them with edifying behaviors.
The church works under the guidance of the Holy Spirit
For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
Don’t quench, or extinguish, the work of the Holy Spirit. Especially the context of what God speaks to us, prophecy. As recorded in Scripture.
This is how we know good from evil and the Spirit applies those things to us.
These external relationships are empowered within the context of church membership.
American Express commercials, from 1987 - 1996, “Membership has its privileges.” Changes your experiences! Traveler has a flight cancelled, able to get in first class; stuck in the rain, a taxi driver waves him over.
Membership in the family of God changes our experiences.
Relationships deepen in the family of God.
We experience internal change.
We experience internal change.
(vv. 23-24)
“You” is plural.
Spirit and soul and body represent the whole person.
There is no part of your life unaffected by Christ.
The declaration of “blameless.” How?
Faith in Christ allows for us to be justified.
Justification = to be declared innocent.
O.J. Simpson revival. Many of us remember watching the jury of that infamous trial returning their verdict of “not guilty.”
This declaration is a “justification.” Regardless of guilt or innocence, you are declared innocent.
When we have placed our faith in Christ, God declares us innocent, regardless of what the evidence reveals.
This is because as Christ received your guilt, you receive his righteousness. This is what God sees when He looks at you!
We experience eternal change.
We experience eternal change.
(vv. 25-28)
v. 25 = II
v. 26 = III
v. 28 =
Grace sustains us.
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
When we feel unworthy to be saved, that isn’t from God.
When we feel unworthy to serve, that isn’t from God.
This is the power of grace - Christian, you have been forgiven!
Ghostbusters story.
Akyroid sought to bring about a change in the life of Belushi.
But, replacing something that led to destruction with something else that would ultimately be empty.
What Christ gives is an exchange of death for life!
Jesus offers you life today!