Sermon Tone Analysis
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Lesson 21: Responsibilities
Colossians 3:18-4:1
We left off in our last study with giving Christ our all while staying close to Him, letting Him dwell in us completely.
Everything we say and do needs to be for God’s glory.
It needs to be done in the name of Christ and with thanksgiving to God.
This passage continues on from there.
As we look at the next section of the passage I want you t keep these things in mind.
Keep in mind God’s glory, keep in mind giving thanks to God and doin all in the name of Christ.
Please remember whatever we do in word deed is for him as we approach these things:
I. Wives submit fittingly
Submit means to surrender, to yield one’s power to another.
The Bible has much to say about submission.
While there are 16 occurences of a form of this word in the Bible, it is implied far more often than just that.
Every time the Bible says to humble yourself that is also a form of submission.
A. Submissive to her husband
There is no one else a wife is to be more submitted, outside of God,
B. Fittingly before God
Submission is something every Believer should do and practice.
Submission to your husband is always fitting to God.
Is it a bad testimony when a Believer refuses to submit to the authority of their local church?
Of course, it is.
It is equally a terrible testimony when a wife refuses to submit to the authority of her husband.
It is true, husbands make mistakes, so do churches and pastors - but there is a testimony for God that matters here.
Your marriage represents Christ’s relationship to the church, and it is important that the church be submissive to Christ and the wife be submissive to her husband.
In the Marines were required to obey our authorities, when we were ordered to do something, we were to do it without question.
Now we could get clarification.
We could get confirm things, but our job was to obey and and go forward with the mission.
Husbands love, but not bitterly
A. Love’s limitation - for your wife
Apart from God, there is to be no greater love in a husband’s life than his wife.
You are to love her.
1. Love her above any other in the world
No one else other than God, should be loved more than your wife.
So be reminded that would mean several things:
No other woman should catch your eye or your care like her.
No other woman should be treated as well as her and as caring as her.
2. Love her above any other even in the family
Love of one does not mean mistreatment of another.
Because I love God above all others does mean I love my wife less or mistreat her or neglect her - in like manner when I love my wife above all other even in my family - even above my children, does not mean we mistreat them or love them less - but I am to love and prefer my wife above all.
Women respond to a husbands love very naturally.
They don’t struggle with loving their husbands generally.
It is very natural for the - but men often are not loving for right reasons.
If you love your wife only for her shell - you are going to struggle
If you love your wife only because of what she can do for you - you are wrong
B. Love’s enemy - bitterness
Don’t say you love someone and then completely annoyed by them.
Don’t say you love someone and then continually get upset and bitter toward them.
God puts these things as other ends of the spectrum from each other.
Usually men get bitter because there wife does not think like them, does want to do all the things they like to do - is interested perhaps in the outdoors, or in sports like they are.
They don’t understand why all the shopping.
Why she get upsets at strange things that he doesn’t or why she is always worrying about how she looks or presents herself, he gets annoyed and often embittered.
Let me just say AMEN, she is supposed to be different you.
If you wanted someone who didn’t care about their looks, that likes outdoors and sports and doesn’t like shopping perhaps you should have married your best friend
Children obey pleasingly
There has never been an excuse of children to disobey their parents.
All children have to deal with the challenge in their own spirit to subvert and rebel against authority.
Your first authority young people, is your parents.
There are more verses about the what will happen concerning children who disobey or dishonor their parents than there is concerning: servants and masters; subjects and their kings or leaders; and church members and their pastors combined.
God is serious about obeying and honoring your parents, you should be to.
Parents, discipline encouragingly
The focus here is the father’s because in a general sense, father’s are the ones who are usually heavy in this area that the Bible is speaking of - which is to provoke children.
But the truth is for both parents.
When a child is pushed, poked, punished, and picked at to such a degree that is overbearing or micromanaged to every detail - rather than discipline and character - rebellion and anger are the result.
That isn’t the goal but is often the reality of the way we raise our children.
Be careful hat the nature and manner of your discipline is not with love, not explained, or without the proper training for the child or the parent.
Rather than encouraging our children to walk with the Lord and have a beautiful picture of what their relationship with the Father ought to be, we picture something far more sinister.
And the result is a rebellious child or a discourage child - meaning they are discouraged from doing right and even depressed in their outlook.
V. Servants serve appropriately
The appropriate way for a servant to perform is a godly fashion.
A. Godly service involves obedience
Obey in all things according to the flesh.
If the service desired is not sinful, you obey
If the service is goes causes sin, don’t do it.
Now there are things in your control and things outside your control.
But many things are.
You obey as long as it is right.
B. Godly service is consistent
If something is right for me to do, then it is right to keep doing it.
Bible reading, prayer, church attendance, witnessing, giving,
1. Consistency comes from serving an unchanging God
Malachi 3:6 (AV)
For I am the LORD, I change not;...
2. Consistency comes from serving with a singular focus
C. Godly service has the honor of God its goal
Do all heartily
Give your very best for God.
Give him all of your heart, soul and mind.
Seek God and His best in all the situations of your life.
A. Whether at work
B. Whether at church
C. Whether at school
Young people, I was an excuse maker for to long concerning school.
But a good Christian does it best in his studies at school or for the Lord.
Whether we like a subject or not we need to give our best and do it heartily - as to the Lord and for the Lord.
D. Whether at activities
Do all for the Lord, not to impress me or to please men.
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