Fit punishment to crime...
Example is key for kids...
Family tradition is key...
Mal 2:13-16 Godly offspring. Relationships which are solid... must have strong relationship with God Himself.God, family, job, church. Satan is the destroyer and wants to destroy holy seed.
Adultery destroys you... takes out trust... often denial at first... then complete break down... repentance back to health... learn to hate sin... divorce is treachery! Sin has a penalty...
Gen 1:26 is the beginning of it...
Gen 3:16 emphasized what they already know?!? Spiritual component necessary for marriage to work.
God-love in spite of themselves...
Six >C< of marriage... Hal Baird lost his wife... Handout 4.1 will draw her out...Gen 18: consider
Compromise self desire I Cor 13:5 Husbaqnd's job is to make his wife happy. Not make her perfect...
Courtship - keep romance alive... tell her how much you love her...
Commitment: we must protect our relationship... no demeaning comments... no putting down in front of others.
Conversion: the most significant. Still love in spite of mistakes. Jas 1:19
I Peter 3:7 Heirs together
March 21 Regional Conference in Tyler March 21
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Sermon text with italics and bold and John 3:16 and v. 20.
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