20090110.RKing.The Third Law.
Chemical engineer can depend on chemical reactions always being faithful... why? Because there is a creator. Gravity not turned on and off, for example. Laws of electromagnetism. Not limited to physical world... guarantees happiness... spiriutual laws at work right now. When we break God's Law it hurts. Not done away. Not nailed to the cross. Love of God. Strong clean and beautiful. We need a strong love for God's Law. Need God's help to live to please Him.
I John 1: A Third Law.
First Law 10 Commandments Love God Love fellowman.
Matt 19:16 God's Law 10 Commandments. Not all listed... no need to keep those? Oh!!!
James 2:10 Law of liberty... we need protection and safety
Matt 5:17-19 Isa 42:21 He will exhalt the Law!!!
Rom 7:12 Why? Rom 8:7 We do not like God telling us what to do...6 billion Bible printed
Second Law Rom 7:13 Sin innately within us no chapter break between chapter 7 & 8.
No brushing off sin... Take seriously.. it is invigorating... it is enlivening... letting Christ live in us... it is the Life of Jesus in us... Eternal Life, that is...n
Rom 5:6 Used to be a Presbyterian. Salvation is a process... not saved now... 'married' is a process till death do us part... many Christians worship a dead Christ hanging on a cross. We are in training right now. Gal 2:20 faith of the Son of God... breath of life put within you at birth... no power within you to cause you to live. Given the gift of repentance. No strength of God your only hope. I want Your Will in my life. Began life like a little baby. Pray for wisdom to answer people well. Favour with your boss. God save me from my flapping mouth.The law of aerodynamics overrides the law of gravity. Jet engine has thrust. Turn off the engine and airplanes don't stay in the sky. Can't take time off if you are a Christian. Gambling is covetness and one of the worse of sins. Not saved by works.
Titus 2:6 Have a pattern of good works... a pattern... Christ's righteousness in us is what we need... we do get the credit for allowing Jesus to live His Life in us.
Phil 2: living His Life in us... did you have any reservations when you were baptized? Do defence necessary... if you are respected or not... Jesus was Nobody. Walk softly through life and don't take your life too seriously Rev 2:20 Life is about being a servant of Jesus Christ. Want to a Laodicean avoider? No just don't be one. We have to live the law of the spirit of Jesus Christ.
John 5:30
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