Tobit: Prayers of Distress
Prayers of Despair
THE LORD HEARS ALSO A SILENT PRAYER. AUGUSTINE: “With my voice I have cried to the Lord.” I have not, that is, cried with the voice of the body, whose sound is made from the vibration of the air, but with the voice of the heart that is silent for human beings but sounds like an outcry to God. Susanna was heard by this voice. With this voice the Lord has taught to us to pray without sound in the secret places, that is, in the recesses of the heart.60
Beginning the journey
Tobit was blind, yet he taught his son the way of God. You know this is true, because Tobit advised his son, “Give alms, my son, for almsdeeds save you from departing into darkness,” yet the speaker was in darkness himself. Do you see from this that it is a different light that rises for a just person and good cheer for those of straightforward heart4?
A guide for the road
An angel appeared to Tobias and offered himself as a companion through whom he might perform wonders for the people to whom he had been sent.1 And the Son of God assumed the nature of a human being so that, thus visibly spending his life with human beings, he might save the human race.2