10-31-2021 Psalm 49
Psalm 49
Certainty of Death
There was a time of innocence without death.
Now we know that death is always a matter of when not if (vs17).
Death is a universal reality because all sinned.
Death separates us from what is material.
Looking for Ransom
The price of sin is death and the ransom is more than we can pay (vs7-9).
Mankind’s pride tries in vain to live on.
All our pride can accomplish is to put us on the level of beasts.
Prideful efforts result in foolish confidence and death as a shepherd (vs13-14).
God’s Ransom
vs15 is our hope in all of this.
Jesus shows that God can pay the price, is willing to do so, and has the power to do it (Matthew 20:28).
In Jesus, we have a true confidence (Galatians 6:14).
We must understand these realities concerning death.