Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
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We have a wonderful God, don't we?
We really truly do.
This morning.
I'm going to begin and Psalm chapter 39.
I'm going to be reading from the New Living Translation as I do.
So, you can follow along with your copy or on the screen, but it's on 139, the song with States this.
You have examined my heart and know everything about me.
That's encouraging and terrifying at the same time, isn't it?
You know what?
I said or stand up, you know, my thoughts even when I'm far away.
You see me when I travel and when I rest at home, you know everything I do, you know what I am going to say. and even before I say it more,
this will help.
You go before me and follow me.
You place your hand of blessing on my head.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too.
Great for me to understand.
I can never escape from your spirit.
I can never get away from your presence.
If I go up to heaven, you are there.
If I go down to the Grave, you are very.
If I ride the wings of the morning, if I will buy the farthest, oceans, even there.
Your hand will guide me and your strength will support me.
I could ask the darkness to hide me and the light around me to become Knights.
But even in the darkness, I cannot hide from you for you.
The night shines as bright as day, Darkness and Light are the same to you.
I have loved that passage.
And I appreciate the way the New Living Translation expresses.
Those those words in the heart of the psalmist that he looks at his God.
Is he understands this God that he is writing about?
And we see a god that is is omniscient.
That's encouraging, isn't it?
It is crucial for you.
And I as we look at this portion of Genesis this morning.
To understand that we serve a god, that is everywhere present at all times.
Like I said, that's comforting and that is scary all at the same time.
There are times that I am so grateful that God is right there, present with me.
And there are other times in my life where I have looked and seen my actions and I hang my head and Shane knowing that he was right there with me.
You know what?
I'm talkin about, don't you?
As we look back at the life of Joseph and we see the events that will unfold in his life.
We we are going to see a man that has been dubbed as a man of integrity in the scriptures and rightfully, so
As we look at his life, we see Integrity in this young man, Integrity is the simple definition of it is simply this doing the right thing.
Even when no one is watching.
And as we just read in Psalm 139, God is always watching, isn't he?
But when we look around, when we, we look at who is or isn't watching our actions, our motives.
We do, what is right regardless?
Without exception, without excuse.
Is sitting in a church on a Sunday morning.
It's easy to nod your head and say, Amen.
Well, maybe you say, amen.
I don't know.
But you can agree with that sitting in church on a Sunday morning.
It's a little harder when we go out and we interact with our families with the world around us.
It is a moral character that is being ripped out when we live a life of integrity.
In this moral character that you, and I live out is, is the moral character that God has handed down to us in his word.
Truth be told that's hard to do sometimes.
Got it set for.
A holy righteous standard.
This is it's not going along with with what everyone else is doing because everyone else calls it, right.
That's easy to do.
But being willing not to do that in order to follow.
What God.
Has instructed us.
See, following the crowd, can be very beneficial sometimes, and when the crowd looks at you, they'll say, oh, you're a person of Integrity, you're doing what we're doing.
That is not the Integrity that we are.
We're talking about here.
Integrity is is what you do, consistently regardless of who is there.
Regardless of whether or not you're being watched easy to do the right thing when you're being watched.
I've never been tempted to speed when a sheriff's.
Deputy was right behind me.
Never the Temptation.
Did not even cross my mind.
I follow the speed limit.
My son's back there smiling.
He wants to become a sheriff's.
He corrects me, Austin.
In all honesty, sometimes it's harder.
To be that man or woman of Integrity, isn't it?
When no one is watching.
Especially when really nobody would even really care.
You know what, It's situations I'm talking about, you could think of those in your life.
Is anybody even going to really care if I do this or not?
We justify in our hearts.
That is where Psalm 139 comes into play in the believer's life.
We understand that we worship a god.
This guy that we saying about and it lifted up our voices to and song.
So beautifully with Melody is a God who is everywhere, present.
And you, and I need to remember that.
I want you to consider.
Genesis chapter 39 and I did encourage you to turn there and your copy of God's word.
I'm going to read the whole chapter this morning.
I have few other details in here that are vital for us to see.
Remember and understand as we look at this young man, Joseph and his actions that reflect and demonstrate a life of integrity.
It's amazing in one chapter.
We are going to span multiple multiple years.
The amount of yours is actually a known but quite a few here.
And if you recall, Joseph, at this time, we pick up and chapter 39.
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