Thank God For The Blood
1 Peter 1:18-23
The greatest need that a man can have is the need to be forgiven and redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb. For no matter how good a person proposes that he is, his sins require that he be real with the fact that goodness does not wipe sins away. Money cannot wash away the sins of the soul. Friends cannot purify the hearts of men. But something supernatural has to activate and bring about the necessay change.
There's Life In The Blood
Just as in the Old Testament sacrifices, God required blood sacrifices to appease His disdain for the sins of man.
- Temple sacrifices were such that the blood of the slain animal was collected and sprinkled not just on the altar, but on the people as well.
- For without the shedding if blood there could be no remission of sins.
- So the blood was a necessary agent in the redemptive process.
Nothing But The Blood
So Peter says to the churches to whom he was writing that this was not the doing of gold nor silver, and not of traditions handed down to you from your fathers.
- In other words, it was nothing that could be done for you if all you had was money to depend on.
- And they told a truth that if salvation was something that money could buy, then the rich would live and the poor would die.
- So there had to be something more than money as a means of redemption.
- How much would it cost to appease the heart of God?
- How much would it cost to take sins away?
- Therefore, the price was alot more than anyone of us was willing to pay, or even than anyone of us could afford to pay.
What Did The Blood Do?
The blood took our sins away. And .....
- The blood......
- Sanctifies us
- Washes us
- Reinstated my position
- Cried out on my behalf
- Secured my salvation, like God told Cain "The ground will no longer yield to you, no matter how you work it!"