What Happened To The Loyalty?
St. Luke 9:23-26
loy•al \ˈlȯi(-ə)l\ adjective
[Middle French, from Old French leial, leel, from Latin legalis legal]
1 : unswerving in allegiance: as
a : faithful in allegiance to one’s lawful sovereign or government
b : faithful to a private person to whom fidelity is due
c : faithful to a cause, ideal, custom, institution, or product
2 : showing loyalty
3 obsolete : lawful, legitimate
synonymy see faithful
Everyone Is Loyal To Something Or Somebody
People are loyal to many different things. Some are loyal to their jobs. Some are loyal to their desires. Some are loyal to their habits. Some are even loyal to people who are not supposed to have your loyalty.
- And in Jesus' discourse to the disciples on the type of loyalty that God requires, he says to them that no man can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other.
- It is up to us to choose the right way that we are to go.
- The Scripture says that if "It seems evil unto you to serve the Lord, Then choose ye this day whom ye will serve"
There Is A Difference Between The Right And The Power
There is a difference between the "right" and the "power". And we as God's prized creation have been given the privilege of will. Which means that we have a choice either to hearken and obey, or to ignore and go our own way. And the most illogical concept that issues from the argument of the will is this.....That I have a right to do whatever I want to do, even if it is what God said not to do.
- The truth is that your will means that you have the power to make a decision.
- But power does not denote permission.
- Whether you are saved or not, you don't have the right to sin.
- So even though you have the power to do wrong, you don't have a right to do anything but the will of the Lord!
- If this was the case, the rapist would have a right to rape.....when we know that he/she only has the power (or ability) to do it.
- Do you have the right to steal? No! Even if you have the ability to do it.
- God never gives us the right to do wrong, even if we take the freedom of will and ability beyond the given limits of God's grace to us.
All Of Creation Is Loyal To The Creator, But Man
All of creation obeys the voice of the Lord.....that is but man. Man has been given the ability to make choice and many have chosen to say yes to themselves and no to God. But Jesus says to deny yourself.
- To know that all creation bows to the will and obeys without a second word.
- To know that He tells the sun to shine, and it does.
- To know that the river flows at His word
- To know that every word that He speaks to the birds is obeyed.
- But then to know that man in all of his ability, man hears God's voice that says "Serve Me", and man says to Him "NO".
- God says to man to "Come Out Of Your Sins", and man replies "This Is My Life And I'll Live It The Way I Want To".
God Is A Jealous God!
The Bible declares that our God is a jealous God. Which means that He is the epitome of intolerance and hostility towards a rival. It also means to be vigilant in the defense of one's possession. God is intolerant of things that take our love and affection away from Him. This is why should there be anything that is esteemed above Him, He will eliminate it and guard His possession.....which you are.
- Which is why Jesus says a man cannot even esteem himself as equal or above God, but rather that he must deny even himself.
- God is looking for loyal people who will serve Him and not look back.
- People who will serve Him and walk away from the things of the world.
- And when they come out, the come all the way out and walk with God.