30th-Ordinary - B

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Bartimaeus sees better than most in Mark's Gospel

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Ø Intro –Great Stories – Character develop, storyline, Climax, Conclusion, epilogue
A. Greatest story ever told – Good news of Jesus
1. We have been reading this story from Mark
2. Today, on the road to Jerusalem we approach the climax – PM
B. Another encounter with Jesus on the road but with a different ending
1. Sons of Zebedee Rich young man
2. Bartimaeus, blind beggar
Ø Bartimaeus – by name because readers may know Timaeus
A. Cries out “Jesus, son of David, have pity on me
1. Apostles treat like heckler Like a Yankee fan at a tribe game
2. Persistence and volume “Repeat” get him an audience with Jesus
B. By Jesus turning to him No one is to be left behind from KOG
1. Echoes Jeremiah “Behold, I will bring them back from the land of the north; I will gather them from the ends of the world, with the blind and the lame in their midst,”
2. Everybody, including those ill equipped for the journey
3. Call to the Kingdom is Universal, is Catholic; meant for all
4. God’s desire is that ALL will see Him come to faith and be saved
C. Insistent cry of Bart is revealing in itself
1. “Jesus, son of David “= Messiah From what he heard ONLY
D. Exchange - Jesus & Bart is revealing
1. “What is that you want me to do for you?” $, clothes, food?
2. Lesson in prayers of petition
a) If God knows, why offer up the petition?
b) In the asking we make an act of faith and dependence and surrender to God This is the correct posture of prayer
E. Bart response “Master, I want to see.” reveals two elements of faith
1. Recognizes that his greatest need is to see Jesus.
2. This “Son of David” has the capability and inclination to deliver
3. Jesus’ response promises Bart more than he asked for “Go your way; your faith has saved you
Ø In his “sightlessness” Bartimaeus sees better than most in Mark’s 3x
A. Contrast the “sight” of Bart with the blindness of Sons of Zebedee
1. Jesus asked them both the same question
2. Looking for seats of glory rather than looking at Jesus
B. Contrast Bart with Rich man
1. For all his resources and righteousness – RM cannot denounce his possessions to follow Jesus
2. Bart in his disability and poverty “Cast off his cloak and RAN to Jesus” – Did what the RM could not do – Follow Jesus toward Jerusalem
C. Contrast it with all other healings No secret Hold off to the Cross
1. At the PM the blindness of what Messiah really means will be revealed
Ø In Jerusalem Jesus, healer, prophet and teacher will reveal Himself not only as Messiah but also as High Priest – in the order of Melchizedek
A. Hebrews – Reminds of role of OT priests
1. Called by God to priesthood, not assumed by own will
2. Compassion through knowledge of own weakness
3. Makes two sacrifices 1. Self 2. Sins of people
B. Jesus enters into our human weakness through Incarnation
1. Like us in all things but sin
2. Called to this priesthood by the Father
3. Makes the ultimate sacrifice for us (not Himself) on the Cross
C. We RE-PRESENT this sacrifice at this and every Mass in a real way
1. Priest presiding is in Persona Christi Jesus the High Priest offering the sacrifice of bread and wine
2. Jesus is also the Sacrifice itself – the elements becoming the Body and Blood of this same Jesus the High Priest and the sacrifice
3. You and I are witnesses, participants in this mystery every time we pray the Mass together
Ø In this greatest story ever told, there is a theme from today’s readings
A. They remind us that God always desires to draw us to Himself
B. Calling people back from exile
1. Through the intercession and sacrifice of the High Priest Jesus
2. Through the curing of blindness of our own bias, prejudice or just self-centeredness
C. Our prayer today is that we may see with new eyes of faith Jesus present in the Eucharist and then having communed with our Lord in this most Holy Sacrament be able to see Jesus in all the people we encounter on our pilgrimage to the heavenly kingdom
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