Behold God's Majesty
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Behold The Majesty Of God
Behold The Majesty Of God
Key verses: Isa. 40:18, 25
Key verses: Isa. 40:18, 25
I can understand to the extent of my sorrows, affliction and despairs that it can sometimes be difficult to be hopeful of any relief, rest and provision. You may sometimes drift in your thinking and wonder, “How could there possibly any purpose in such darkness?” Or you may think, “God must have made a mistake due to that fact I am going through this painful experience.”
Israel had been told of their soon coming Babylonian captivity. It would be a time of recompense of their sins. However, the prophets are commanded by God to bring comfort to the hearts of the people. They would herald the message of war being ended and pardon given.
Now, we must not see the summation of this chapter as only referring to physical deliverance from bondage. There are also references here of the Good Shepherd to interject Himself into the world to bring about the ultimate deliverance. Isaiah was looking further into the future than just the time in which he lived.
We live in a world (as did many before us) which goes to great efforts to provide non-believers and well as true believers with alternative objects to rely upon. The world systems will say, “There is nothing different between God and the gods we offer you.”
Let us be resolved in our hearts today that God is DIVINELY UNIQUE above all the imitations of this world.
When it comes to power and providence, the one true living God of scripture is uniquely preeminent above all and His promises to his chosen people will most certainly come to pass.
1) God Is Unique In His Creation
1) God Is Unique In His Creation
A. God’s unique power
A. God’s unique power
What is the very first thing we read when we open up God’s Word?
Gen. 1:1 “1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
God is THE ONE who has made matter, mind and every living thing.
Let’s look at VERSE 12
How many of you have seen oceans, sky, mountains, etc.?
The Bible is now introducing you to the one who made them all.
Notice the challenge of perspective.
Take you hands and imagine fitting every ocean in them.
Measure the distance of the night sky with an outstretched hand.
Use a scale to weigh every dust particle on earth.
B. God’s unique knowledge
B. God’s unique knowledge
Verses 13, 27
Illustration: With every medical procedure, space exploration, structure built, there must be consulting with multiple professionals to ensure success and endurance.
The only meeting that happened consisted of the Trinity; God himself.
When God created planet A (there was NO planet B) He knew ever thought deed and action would come from it. Then He created it.
Illustration: God created a room with a boy and a red ball. And if created, the boy would play with the ball. Since God did create the room, the boy will most certainly play with the ball.
Verse 27 — So, how can we conclude our ways are hidden from God???
C. God’s unique reliance
C. God’s unique reliance
I am meaning the LACK THEREOF!
God has never and will never need YOUR help.
Exodus 3:14 “14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM...”
Notice verse 14.......
God is totally self-sufficient.
We have no bargaining ground with God (If you do this for me, I will make sure your will gets done)
Let’s be honest, there are some things about God that are mysterious to us.
Romans 11:34 “34 For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counseller?”
Quote: “Just go on remembering that God managed fine before you were born!” — Derek Thomas
Notice verse 22.....
God exceeds the greatness of His creation.
God likened the making of a tent to His “stretching” out the heavens.
Notice verse 28.....
God exceeds any fatigue or exhaustion.
Psalm 100:3 “3 Know ye that the Lord he is God: It is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; We are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.”
Notice verses 15, 17.....
These verses bring great comfort when reflecting on our nations past and most recent events.
Examples: World wars, terrorism, communism, a president who is leading our nation to mock freedom and parent’s rights over their children, etc.
Romans 8:38-39 “38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
2) God Is Unique In His Providence
2) God Is Unique In His Providence
Notice verse 22.....
Quote: “A figurative expression for God’s providential upholding and maintaining of creation.” — E.J. Young
God is not to be seen the same way as you see a watchmaker.
A watch is made, wound and then left to itself to continue ticking.
God is not like some grandpa asleep in some rocking chair.
Daniel 2:21 “21 And he changeth the times and the seasons: He removeth kings, and setteth up kings: He giveth wisdom unto the wise, And knowledge to them that know understanding:”
Don’t OVERLOOK the comparisons Isaiah is trying to achieve here....
Notice what God has done and does! Could you do them?
Notice the power of past and present world powers. God is far MORE POWERFUL!
Notice the magnitude of the created world. God is FAR BIGGER!
Notice the powerful men of history. Where are they now???
Isaiah is simply saying, BEHOLD YOUR GOD!
Notice verse 25.....IDOLATRY IS STUPID
Man has been trying to lower God to his standards for many years.
When Martin Luther told the humanist Erasmus that his thoughts of God were too human, he was passing sentence upon all rationalistic religion that has infected the church through the ages. [Thomas, D. (1991). God Delivers: Isaiah Simply Explained (p. 255). Darlington, England: Evangelical Press.]
Quote: Whenever someone says, ‘I like to think of God this way …’, what follows is sure to be idolatrous. The gods of our imagination are too small, too frail, too human. — Derek Thomas
You and I do not gather to humanize God, but rather worship God!
Notice verse 26.....GOD OF THE LITTLE THINGS
Quote: Idolatry comes from thinking wrong thoughts about God. Depression arises when we think wrong thoughts about ourselves—that we are too insignificant for God to be concerned about. — Derek Thomas
Matthew 6:26, 28 “26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? [28] And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:”
A detail may enter your life and be new to you, but it is simply and old acquaintance to God.
1 Peter 5:7 “7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.”
For God to remain true to His own character, God must be concerned with every molecule in your body and detail of your life.
God’s children must return to being captivated by the majesty of God.