When Truth is the Enemy

Acts  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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The riot at Ephesus reveals much about the nature of man and our aversion to truth, especially when it touches the nerves of profit, religious ideology and cultural identity.

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When you profit off lies, truth becomes the enemy.

The Truth Affected Big business (v.23-24)
Gospel impact was so great that it was impacting business, religion and cultural identity.
Their issue was not whether or not what Paul was saying was true, but that it affected their bottom line.
Now there is nothing wrong with profiting in business. There is nothing wrong with making art or goods, or providing services which people buy. It can be honorable and good, and making a profit, even a lot of money is not evil in and of itself.
Think for a minute what they were doing for a living. They were making various grades of statues, coins, and other artifacts that would be used as religious tokens, shrines and keep-sakes. They knew good and well that what they made had absolutely no spiritual power.
In essence, they were selling lies. They made money off of those who hoped to be blessed by means of obtaining and praying to these idols.
These were making money off of deceit. They were ultimately doing harm to the souls of people for profit. All false religion does this!
While they may have seen no harm in it, we Christians do not have such a luxury - We must never seek gain through harm or deceit. If you find yourself propagating lies, doing harm or even practicing deceit in order to make a profit, you should repent like the magicians did earlier in this chapter and make it right! Honor is more important than profit.
The world is generally fine with whatever we want to do and say as long as it doesn’t affect them. Oh, that it would!
Oh that the gospel would be so prevalent and powerful that big business would be impacted!
Matthew 10:22 NASB95
“You will be hated by all because of My name, but it is the one who has endured to the end who will be saved.
John 16:33 - “In this world you will have tribulation...”
While it would be foolish to seek opposition and persecution, I often wonder why we don’t see more of it. I fear it’s because we haven’t pushed the gospel out far enough. Maybe we’re observing the natural worldly boundaries that we aren’t even aware of and only willing to go so far with the truth. ?
Maybe we just aren’t praying big enough. Or maybe it isn’t our fault and just part of God’s providence for this time and place - but
what if the gospel impacted big business here today? (i.e. Pharmaceuticals, Guns, Social Media platforms)
What if people would buy less medicine (we are the most medicated, and least happy, least pain-free country in the world).
What if we would buy less guns, because we could trust our neighbor and we all looked out for each other (distrust in gov't and in general has grown, leading gun and ammunition sales to skyrocket - FBI background checks from 2010 14.4 mil - 2020 almost 40 mil).
What if we could redeem technology and social media and they would no longer be arbiters of truth, policing what information can go forth because people loved truth and shunned evil? What if those that used these platforms to make profit off of trafficking sex, or lies would themselves be transformed and become beacons of truth and Godly justice? What if the twitter mob was replaced by people who were willing to listen to their fellow man, who had compassion and understanding and who shined the light of God’s truth into the pain and suffering of this sin shattered world?
Lies and false worship are everywhere in our day and just like in Ephesus, people are making a killing off of them. These men were selling lies, and therefore the truth became their enemy.
What was it that was such a threat to the industry, religion and identity of this city? (v.25-28)
Acts 19:26 (NASB95)
“You see and hear that not only in Ephesus, but in almost all of Asia, this Paul has persuaded and turned away a considerable number of people, saying that gods made with hands are no gods at all.”
Simplest, most rational argument ever! Hosea 8:6 - “a craftsman made it; it is not God” (Lev 19:4, Rev 9:20, Deut 4:28) - We make them, they cannot even do what we do, i.e. see, hear, walk, create - why would we pray to them for anything?
When simplest truths run contrary to sinful man’s desire for profit and pleasure, they will be demonized and attacked with religious fury.
Ex. Ideas and truth that are under attack in our day:
- God is
- Truth and morality is discovered and not determined by individuals
- God made mankind as either male and female in His image
- We are all responsible for our own actions (individual responsibility)
When truth is gaining ground as it was in Ephesus - it is time to panic, and panic they did.
But before we look at their response, notice the way they framed their argument. (v.27)
“The charge was managed by a craftsman and was framed to incense the common people, and it had the desired effect.” Matthew Henry
Opponents of truth will never take it head on, but will use slander
John 8:44 NASB95
“You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
They Orchestrated a Big Response
They had to silence the truth and they would do so by attacking those who brought it.
They couldn’t do this through the law, because the law was objective and didn’t server their whims. So what did they do?
Demetrius stirred up the tradesmen, they stirred up the people, who in turn stirred up the masses. They literally created a mob.

When truth is the enemy, chaos and confusion rule.

Chaos and Confusion become the rule - v.28, 32
Don’t try and use their means! Stick to truth and Godly reason.
Our way is different! Not religious frenzy but sober-mindedness. Not anarchy but submission and meekness coupled with righteousness.
Ephesians 4:14 NASB95
As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming;
When the mob is fired up, it is so easy to get carried away with them!
Ex. the ideological “movements” of our day
BLM movement
Me Too movement
Critical Race Theory movement
In chaos of the mob, enemies are found everywhere - v.33-34
Not sure what is meant in v.33 - “concluded it was”, “prompted”, “drew”
Ultimately he was trying to distance himself from these Christians but in such a frenzy there is no nuance.
In our day...
Groups are demonized
Any disagreement is automatically categorized into the demonized groups
There is no conversation, just cancellation and silencing (v.34)
effective strategy (called filibuster in politics)
When something is said loud enough, often enough, or long enough - people will start to believe it.
That is why we need to constantly renew our minds
Turn off the outside noise, create space to reflect and think
Fill your heart and mind with God’s truth that you may discern what is false.
Cultivate your mind and heart

In chaos and confusion, law and order must be preserved.

The importance, and blessing of government and laws.
Thankfully for Paul and his companions, there was a town clerk, or governor/mayor present who was able to de-escalate the situation.
Praise God for wise leaders who don’t stir trouble
Romans 13:1-4 - Paul knew full well the protection of the law and would use it often as a safeguard for his life and well-being
Acts 16 - beaten and imprisoned unlawfully, he pressured the magistrates to make public their release
When they conspired to kill him in Jerusalem, Paul appealed to the Roman authorities and eventually to Caesar himself. (Acts 23 and following)
What is our response?
Pray for and expect massive gospel impact
Expect massive opposition
When the mob gets mobilized
Don’t jump into the fray needlessly, it may not be worth it
Don’t assume reason will win the day amid the chaos and confusion
Don’t try and use the mob for your own ends, it will quickly turn on you
Stay the course, stick to truth and trust God for this is faithfulness
Praise God for good laws and government, Paul sure did.
Christian priority: What are we willing to do that an eternal soul may be saved?
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