James Series 10 - Get Rid of Greed
Reading: James 5:1-6
Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. James 5:3 (NIV)
I. The rich await Misery
A. It’s time for Repentance (v.1a)
1. Who is James talking about?
a. Those who get rich by exploitation.
b. Not those who are “richer” than some.
c. Probably not even those wealthier people who are in the Church.
2. We are warned.
a. James talks to “them” but the message is for us: don’t be like them!
b. The rich oppressors will be judged!
c. In the ways we are like them, change!
3. The time for change is now!
a. Weep and wail: recognize our hopeless situation
b. We who know God must not only see our sin, but also seek forgiveness.
B. Misery is Coming
1. The rich live in comfort
a. Isn’t that the whole point of being rich?
b. While others suffer and sweat for them, they sit and sip cocktails on the beach.
2. Their very comfort will guarantee misery
a. Their comfort at others’ expense testifies against them.
b. God is recording a kind of video record
3. The coming misery is their judgement
a. The result of comfort built on injustice is misery–the thing they were avoiding!
b. The misery is God’s just judgement.
c. Still, there is forgiveness for all who turn
C. Are you thing rich and Love poor?
1. These rich had things, but no compassion
a. Stuff, is only stuff after a while.
b. Even comfortableness gets empty
2. They were rich only in a narrow sense
a. This is one-dimensional wealth.
b. Don’t measure life by the wrong ruler!
3. Get rich with love/compassion
a. To give up stuff for love is a great trade!
b. You can’t buy love, but you can invest yourself in people rather than things.
c. The wealth of fulfillment and happiness awaits those who give of themselves.
II. Things Rot
A. Moth and rust consume Earthly treasures
1. Earthly treasures are deceptive
a. They promise what they can’t deliver.
b. Like ads on TV, they tell us happiness is only a purchase away.
c. These are all lies.
2. Don’t invest in doomed stock
a. The DOW is going to take a significant down turn on Judgement day!
b. The value of all things are about to drop
3. Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. Matthew 6:19-20 (NIV)
B. This corrosion is Evidence against you
1. You have spent yourself on impermanence
a. One whiff of the milk tells you, your spouse forgot to check the date!
b. The break-down of the things you love tell God you lived for the wrong things.
2. You have neglected what is permanent
a. 3 things remain: Faith, Hope and Love
b. Not the tangible but the intangible lasts
c. What God gives as our first task is our best and most permanent investment
3. The corrosion will corrode you too.
a. James says this corrosion will eat us up like flames consume paper.
b. What is burnable will burn us!
C. Wealth won’t help on Judgement day
1. The wealthy won’t buy themselves out of their trouble on this day!
a. You can’t buy a better lawyer, or bribe a judge, or tamper with the jury.
b. Neither threats nor money will help.
c. Only a dependence on Jesus will.
2. Don’t count your money as the ship sinks!
a. Hoarding money in the last days! Hah!!
b. This world is gasping its last breaths.
c. Are we still living as if it’s permanent?!
3. While the ship sinks, do what counts!
a. Get off the ship–get in the life boat!
b. Help others get off.
III. God can’t stand Injustice
A. Don’t Rob others to get wealth
1. Don’t withhold wages.
a. Don’t neglect to pay your workers.
b. Don’t underpay your workers
2. Don’t put love of gain over love for people
a. Don’t exploit people for a few trinkets.
b. Don’t exploit people for any reason!
c. Love people – that’s where wealth is!
B. Don’t Luxuriate while others starve
1. Is it OK to eat while others don’t? Yes!
a. James doesn’t tell us to give away all of God’s blessings.
b. He isn’t talking about those who have something, while others have nothing.
2. The point is don’t live in luxury and self-indulgence while others are needy.
a. Are we trading generosity for luxury?
b. Do we have our values on right?
3. They fatten themselves up for judgement!
a. They think they’ve got it made.
b. They’re getting fat for slaughter
C. Conveniently ignoring is Murder
1. These idle rich don’t want to know.
a. They don’t want to know who’s needy
b. What a bummer–think happy thoughts
2. To live in wasteful luxury while others die for lack of basic necessities is murder.
a. It is killing by neglect
b. Especially now we can know!
3. The innocent will get their day in court!
a. Don’t worry you who are oppressed!
b. Don’t envy these rich!
c. Their judgement is coming.
The Bottom Line:
Neither Envy nor Emulate those who’s wealth is built on the Backs and Graves of the poor. |
Hymn: Be Thou My Vision #468 v.3