Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Who is Sarah?
· Sarai (8297) - Dominative (re: Hagar)
· Sarah (8283) - Princess, noble woman (Fem. of 8269)
· “Sar” - A head person, people “who clearly have responsibility over others,” a notable man, a leader, ruler, and judge.
Such as in Exodus 18:21 where “able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness” are qualified to hold such a position.
Hebrew character “hey” replacing “yod” - This is a picture, that God does not establish His covenant on the basis of the works of the law, but according to His grace, and we, having received His grace, then walk in His righteousness
Where is Kirjath Arba, and who are the sons of Heth?
The answers to these questions are significant to understand the impact of the grace of God in Abraham’s life
Kirjath Arba - city; four; is also the name of a man
Arba was the greatest of the Anakim
Arba was the father of Anak
Numbers 13:21-22, 31-33
Descendants of Anak came from giants, dwelt in Hebron
Giants offspring of Nephilim
Heth means “terror”
Kirjath Arba = Hebron; Hebron = Mamre
“Allies with Abram” lit.
translated “masters/possessors of covenant with Abram”
Melchizedek discipling Abram
· Baal: master, husband; god of fertility in Canaan
· Qanah - to erect, create, procure, esp.
by purchase, by impl. to own
· lovingkindness= “chesed”
· faithfulness = “emunah” (same root as “emeth,” which means truth)
“In the land of Canaan, the possession of land was limited to members or descendants of the original tribal members.”
The man Abram who was in covenant with the Anakim no longer existed.
Abraham was not bound to that which Abram bound himself to.
What made the difference is the grace of God.
God giving Abram a new name does not take place outside the context of God revealing His character (names) to him, and Abraham learning to live accordingly, demonstratively trusting in Him as who He has revealed Himself to be.
Abram calls on the name of the LORD
“God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth”
“I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward”
Almighty God
The Judge of all the earth”
“The Everlasting God”
“Jehovah Jireh”
The way Jesus lived and the things He taught, the things the apostles wrote in the New Testament, we all on the basis of how God had revealed Himself in the Old Testament.
The more we understand and appreciate the continuity throughout the Bible as a whole, and allow the whole counsel of God to shape our theology and world view, the less likely we are to wind up confused and following a Messiah that Scripture didn’t prophesy and Jesus didn’t reveal Himself to be
They address him as “Nesi Elohiym”
· “Nasi” (5387) - Exalted one, I.e. a king.
Means prince, chief, leader.
Literally translated it means one who bears responsibility.
“The ‘princes’ of Israel did not only participate in the civil leadership; they were also regarded as pillars in Israelite religious life, the upholders of the covenantal way of life.”
Literally also means one who holds aloft an ensign.
· It is interesting to note that the Hebrew word “oth” (sign) also means an ensign, and is the word used both for the standards of the tribes in Numbers, and for the sign of the covenants God established (I.e. the rainbow; circumcision)
re: “His right hand embraces me”
Showing lovingkindness by His right hand
“Beware” (8104) - ‘Shamar’
“tend and keep it”
“Take…back” (7725) - ‘Shuv’
Isaac wasn’t the promise Abraham set his eyes on
“Kindness” - ‘Chesed’
· Lovingkindness, steadfast love, grace, mercy, faithfulness, goodness, devotion… 3 basic meanings which always interact: “strength,” “steadfastness,” and “love.”
Any understanding of the word that fails to suggest all three invariably loses some of its richness… The word refers primarily to reciprocal rights and obligations between parties… implies involvement and commitment in a relationship beyond the rule of law
The grace of God (chesed) and the truth of God are both revealed in His law, and both are essential for those in covenant relationship with Him to lay hold of
John 1:14,16-17
John 1:14 (NKJV)
‘and,’ not ‘but’
Abraham’s servant rejoiced in the mercy and truth of God, in that the LORD directed his steps
We need His love to love Him; we need Him to obey Him
His Spirit, His grace - produce in us that loving obedience
Tower is a stronghold
This is just a small window into the relationship between these words in Scripture
“Lifted up his/her eyes”
“Comforted” - Heb. ‘nacham’ (5162) means “to repent, comfort”… to repent means to make a strong turning to a new course of action.
The emphasis is on turning to a positive course of action, not turning from a less desirable course.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9