Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9
Redeeming Son
If you been a Christian for any amount of Time you know that sometimes things don’t work out the way you want them to, but often they work out better b/c of God’s hand in and on your life.
I’m not sure how many of you know the story of how God called me to pastor you here, but it’s a story that didn’t start off the way I wanted it, but it’s been great and Glorious.
Before serving you here, we were serving at a church in Georgia.
I was called to serve at the church part-time as an associate pastor with a focus on children and youth.
It was a great time.
We had a lot of fun and I had time to finish up my seminary classes while serving in a church.
At this point I knew that God had called me into ministry, but I didn’t know fully what that Looked like.
One of my duties was to organize and direct VBS.
Well, VBS came and it was a fantastic time.
We had more kids visiting than ever before.
All the volunteers were on point and doing what they needed to do to make it run smooth.
I was excited and floored by how well everything was going.
Then the pastor pulls me into his office.
He proceeds to tell me that he is leaving to serve at another church.
He had been there for 7 years and wasn’t searching for a new position.
But the church that was calling him to serve was where he served as a youth pastor many years before.
They were pursuing him to come and serve them.
So he then asked me what was I going to do?
Was I content staying as the associate pastor or did I want to become the lead pastor?
At that point, I didn’t know what I wanted.
I was content.
I enjoyed my position.
I enjoyed teaching the kids.
I enjoyed training the youth.
I enjoyed where I was serving.
Well, I went home and told Corrie what was going on.
We started to pray and talk about what the future in Georgia would look like.
I decided that it would be good for us to stay and pursue the Lead Pastor position.
After all, I knew the congregation.
Most of them liked me.
They had heard me preach and hadn’t kicked me out yet.
So I told the pastor that I wanted to stay.
I know that not all of you come from a baptist background, but we do things a little differently when it comes to having a pastor come to serve the church.
I’m not going to go into too much detail, but we do need to know what happened.
Most baptist churches when a pastor leaves elect a team of church members to serve on a “pastor search committee.”
This search committee then fields resumes from all the interested applicants and interviews them.
When they come to an agreement on the right candidate they then invite the man in to preach and the church votes to either have him come or not.
The preacher would have to receive at least 75% of the vote to be approved.
Many of the congregation members were confused and concerned why we were going through this process.
They just assumed that I would take over after the old pastor left.
But we assured them that this was the right road to take.
The committee was chosen and they started to comb through resumes, including mine.
It was eventually decided that I wouldn’t be considered for the position.
They wanted to bring someone else in.
But this caused a rift in the church body.
Those who wanted me to be the pastor started getting mad at those on the search team.
There was hostility and frustration from the two different sides.
The search team narrowed it down to a guy they were going to have come out and preach.
Somehow he caught wind of the turmoil and pulled out fearing that he wouldn’t get the 75% required to be invited to stay.
The search team then disbanded and another search team was voted on.
At that point in time, I decided that I wasn’t going to be involved anymore.
I withdrew my candidacy and went on my merry way.
I was angry.
I was a little bitter, but I knew that things would get better.
I started to look at other places to serve for about 10 months or so.
Eventually, God called us here.
So here we are.
And it’s been awesome.
It’s not what WE intended, but God had better plans.
This is what we are going to look at this morning in the story of Joseph.
Joseph’s situation was a lot messier than mine, but his faithfulness is what kept him.
If you’re not aware, Joseph is the Son of Jacob who is one of the sons of Isaac who was Abraham’s son.
So Joseph is 3rd Generation in the story of Abraham.
If you think your family is dysfunctional wait til you hear what’s happening here.
Jacob, Joseph’s dad had 12 kids total with 4 women.
He was married to both Leah and Rachel, but he loved Rachel more than Leah.
Each of the ladies had servants that Jacob also had kids with.
Rachel was barren and unable to have kids until God opened her womb, much like with Sarah, Abraham’s wife.
Leah, Jacob’s first wife, had 6 kids by Jacob.
Her Servant, Zilpah, had 2.
Rachel, Jacob’s other wife, had 2 Kids.
As did her servant, Bilhah.
For the breakdown of who belongs to whom let’s read
This is important b/c Jacob loved and cared more about Rachel than he did his other wives.
Extending also to Rachel’s children.
He loved and cared for them more than his other kids.
This is not a biblical justification for having a favorite child, b/c the favor shown to Joseph is going to lead to the point of contention.
The story of Joseph covers the last 13 chapters of Genesis, so we aren’t going to read it all today, so much of it will be a summary on my part.
I do encourage you to go back and read it to grasp more of what is going on.
As we walk through this story, I want you to notice that out of all the characters in Genesis, Joseph is shown as more desirable than the others.
He has no major flaws or sin issues.
He is a model to be looked up to and he shows a beautiful picture of the messiah to come.
He isn’t without flaws, they just aren’t as grandiose as some of the other characters in Genesis.
Let’s start with his introduction
The Dreamer
We are introduced to Joseph at 17 years old.
He is out with his brothers as they are tending sheep.
When they are out tending sheep there is no supervision from their father.
While they are out there they aren’t doing what is expected of them.
So Joseph goes and tells his father that the Job isn’t getting done the way that it needs to be.
We also discover here that Jacob loved Joseph more than any of the others and to demonstrate that love he gives him an extravagant robe.
Here in our text it is translated many colors.
Others translate it as with sleeves.
The point here is that the Coat distinguishes and separates Joseph out as the favorite child.
Because of the favoritism that Joseph recieved from his Father, his brothers can’t stand him.
They hated him.
But on top of all that Joseph shares with them two dreams that he has.
In both of these dreams, he is shown to be ruler over the family.
He is shown much more favor than even his father and mother.
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