Daniel 7.10-Daniel Describes the Scene Around the Throne of the Ancient of Days

Daniel Chapter Seven  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  1:12:43
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Daniel: Daniel 7:10-Daniel Describes the Scene Around the Throne of the Ancient of Days-Lesson # 209

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Wenstrom Bible Ministries

Pastor-Teacher Bill Wenstrom

Tuesday May 14, 2013


Daniel: Daniel 7:10-Daniel Describes the Scene Around the Throne of the Ancient of Days

Lesson # 209

Please turn in your Bibles to Daniel 7:1.

Daniel 7:1 During Belshazzar’s, Babylon’s king, first year, Daniel saw a dream specifically visions in his mind on his bed. Then, he wrote down the dream. He declares the beginning of the account. 2 Daniel began to speak and said, “I was in a trance like state, staring because of my vision during the night as behold the heaven’s four winds were blowing violently against the great sea. 3 Then, four great beasts, one different from the other, came up out from the sea. 4 The first beast was like a lion with eagle’s wings attached to it. I was in a trance like state staring when its wings were torn off. Then it was lifted up from the ground for the purpose of it standing on two feet like a human being. A human mind was also given to it. 5 Next, another beast, a second one, resembling a bear with it raised up to one side with three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. Then, they issued orders to it, ‘Arise, devour much flesh!’ 6 After this, I was staring in a trance like state as behold, another one, was like a leopard with it having four bird’s wings on its back. Also, the beast had four heads. Indeed, governmental dominion was given to it. 7 After this, I was continuing to stare in a trance like state because of these night visions as behold, a fourth beast, intimidating, yes even terrifying as well as extremely powerful, possessing two large rows of iron teeth. It devoured as well as crushed. Specifically, it violently crushed the rest with its feet. Indeed, it was characterized as different from all the beasts which were before it in the sense of possessing ten horns. 8 I was contemplating in a trance like state because of these horns as behold, another little horn emerged out from among them. Then, the first three originating from the horns was torn out by being in the presence of it. In fact, behold, on this horn, were eyes like a human being’s eyes as well as a mouth speaking boastfully. 9 I was continuing to stare in a trance like state when thrones were set up. Then, the One Ancient in Days sat. His clothing was white like snow. Also, the hair of His head was like lamb’s wool. His throne was fiery flames. Its wheels were a blazing fire.” (My translation)

Daniel 7:10 “A river of fire was flowing and coming out from before Him; Thousands upon thousands were attending Him, and myriads upon myriads were standing before Him; The court sat, and the books were opened.” (NASB95)

“A river of fire was flowing and coming out from before Him” speaks in symbolic terms that God the Father issues judgments against men and nations and here it is with regards to the Antichrist.

“Thousands upon thousands” is composed of the masculine singular construct form of the noun ʾǎlǎp̄ (אֲלַף) (al-af´), “thousands” and then we have the masculine plural form of the noun ʾǎlǎp̄ (אֲלַף) (al-af´), “upon thousands.”

The first time ʾǎlǎp̄ occurs it is in the singular form and thus means “a thousand” and the second time it is in the plural and means “thousands.”

The singular form of the word is in the construct state meaning it is governing the plural form of the word expressing a genitive relation which is a genitive of number indicating how many there are of the construct term.

This indicates literally that “a thousand times a thousand” were continually rendering worshipful service to the Ancient of Days and is hyperbole for an innumerable host of individuals.

“Were attending Him” is composed of the third person masculine plural paʿʿel (Hebrew: piel) active imperfect form of the verb šemǎš (שְׁמַשׁ) (shem-ash´), “were attending” and then we have the third person masculine singular pronominal suffix hû(ʾ) (הוּא) (who), “Him.”

The verb šemǎš means “to serve” and describes the individuals around the throne of the Ancient of Days as serving the Ancient of Days but with emphasis upon their low status in comparison to the Ancient of Days and also speaks of reverence and worshipping the Ancient of Days.

Thus, this verb speaks of unidentified individuals “serving worshipfully” at the throne of the Ancient of Days.

The imperfect conjugation of the verb is a customary or stative imperfect describing an action that is done habitually or continuously indicating that this innumerable amount of unidentified individuals were “continuously” or “habitually” rendering worshipful service to the Ancient of Days at His throne.

“And myriads upon myriads were standing before Him” is advancing upon and intensifying the previous statement that a thousands times a thousand of unidentified individuals were continually rendering worshipful service to the Ancient of Days.

Thus, the advancement and intensification is that there was not only an innumerable amount of individuals worshipfully serving the Ancient of Days but also an even greater amount standing at His throne waiting to serve Him.

“Myriads upon myriads” is composed of the feminine singular construct form of the noun rib·bô (רִבּוֹ) (rib-bo´), “myriads” and then we have the feminine plural form of the noun rib·bô (רִבּוֹ) (rib-bo´), “upon myriads.”

The first time rib·bô appears it is in the singular form and thus means “ten thousand” and the second time it is in the plural and means “ten thousands.”

The singular form of the word is in the construct state meaning it is governing the plural form of the word expressing a genitive relation which is a genitive of number indicating how many there are of the construct term.

This indicates literally that “ten thousand times ten thousand” were standing before the throne of the Ancient of Days and is also hyperbole for an innumerable host of individuals.

“Were standing before Him” is composed of the preposition qǒḏām (קֳדָם) (kod-awm´), “before” and its object is the third person masculine singular pronominal suffix hû(ʾ) (הוּא) (who), “Him” which is followed by the third person masculine plural peʿal (Hebrew: qal) active imperfect form of the verb qûm (קוּם) (koom), “were standing.”

The verb qûm means “to stand” indicating that ten thousand times ten thousands were standing in the presence of the Ancient of Days waiting to serve Him.

The imperfect conjugation of the verb is a customary or stative imperfect indicating that an innumerable amount of unidentified individuals were “continuously” or “habitually” standing in the presence of the Ancient of Days waiting to render Him worshipful service.

“The court sat” is composed of the masculine singular noun dîn (דִּין) (deen), “the court” which is followed by the third person masculine singular peʿal (Hebrew: qal stem) passive perfect form of the verb yeṯiḇ (יְתִב) (yeth-eeb´), “sat.”

The noun dîn means “the court” referring to a session of the heavenly court which was conducted by the Ancient of Days and literally means “the judgment” sat which in a figurative sense means that the court was convened by the Ancient of Days.

The verb yeṯiḇ literally means “to be seated, to sit” indicating that the judgment sat but in a figurative sense it means that the court was “convened” in the sense that Daniel saw a vision of the One Ancient in Days, the Father convening a session in the courtroom of heaven.

“And the books were opened” presents the result of the previous statement that the court was convened in heaven.

“The books were opened” is composed of the masculine plural form of the noun sep̄ǎr (סְפַר) (sef-ar´), “the books” and then we have the third person masculine plural peʿil (Hebrew: qal passive) perfect form of the verb peṯǎḥ (פְּתַח) (peth-akh´), “were opened.”

The noun sep̄ǎr is in the plural and means “the scrolls” and does not mean “books” in the sense of a codex since they were non-existent in the sixth century B.C. when Daniel penned this book which bears his name.

It refers to a scroll, likely vellum or papyrus and which contained information relevant to the judgment of an individual.

Here it refers to the scrolls containing the record of the evidence which will bring about the conviction and execution of the little horn since verse 11 describes God judging the little horn.

The verb peṯǎḥ means “to open” referring to the unrolling of a scroll, which contains the record of evidence to bring about the conviction and death of the little horn.

Daniel 7:10 “A river composed of fire was flowing, yes issuing forth from His presence. A thousand times a thousand were continually rendering worshipful service to Him. In fact, ten thousand times ten thousand were continually standing in His presence. The court convened resulting in scrolls being opened.” (My translation)

In Daniel 7:9, Daniel presents to the reader a description of the Ancient of Days, who is the Father whereas here in Daniel 7:10 he presents a description of the scene around the throne of the Ancient of Days, which is composed of four statements.

Since this scene appeared to Daniel in a vision, these statements are describing in symbolic terms that the Father is the judge of all His creatures. Thus, they also emphasize in symbolic terms that He is sovereign over all of His creatures and all of His creation.

The first statement describes in symbolic terms that the Father issues judgments of nations and people.

The second statement also describes symbolically that the Father receives worshipful service from an innumerable amount of individuals whose identity is not revealed to Daniel.

The third statement intensifies and advances upon this second statement and describes symbolically that another host of innumerable unidentified individuals are standing around the throne of the Father waiting to render Him worshipful service as well.

The fourth and final statement describes the Supreme Court of Heaven being convened resulting in scrolls being opened which contain information regarding the evidence against an individual who Daniel 7:11 reveals is the little horn, who we noted is the Antichrist.

This evidence against the Antichrist would be the record of his blasphemous actions during Daniel’s Seventieth Week and his persecution and murder of God’s people.

Therefore, since Daniel 7:11 speaks of God judging the Antichrist, this scene described in Daniel 7:10 is that of the Father passing judgment against the Antichrist.

Also, since Daniel 9:27 and Revelation 13:1-10 make clear that Antichrist will be the leader of ten-nation European confederacy and eventually a world-wide ruler during the Seventieth Week of Daniel, the scene described in Daniel 7:10 is also during the same period of time.

Daniel 7:10 is thus describing in symbolic terms a future event that will take place at the end of Daniel’s Seventieth Week in which the Father will pass judgment on the Antichrist which will result in his death and being deposited in the eternal lake of fire.

So the scene described in symbolic terms in Daniel 7:9-10 is of future events that will take place at the end of Daniel’s Seventieth Week.

In fact, these verses are describing symbolically the events that will take place which will bring to an end the Times of the Gentiles, which will be followed by Jesus Christ’s judgment of the Jews followed by the Gentiles.

At His Second Advent just prior to His millennial reign, the Lord Jesus Christ will first judge Israel when He lands on planet earth.

This judgment involves the removal of unregenerate Israel from the earth leaving only regenerate Israel to enter into the Millennial reign of Christ (Ezek. 20:37-38; Zech. 13:8-9; Mal. 3:2-3, 5; Matt. 25:1-30).

This will be immediately followed by the Lord Jesus Christ judging the Gentiles, which involves the removal of unregenerate, anti-Semitic Gentiles from the earth (Matt. 25:31-46).

Also, since Daniel 7:9-10 records events in symbolic terms which will take place at the end of Daniel’s Seventieth Week, the innumerable unidentified individuals rendering worshipful service to the Father and those standing around His throne waiting to do so must be both regenerate human beings and elect angels.

Those who are regenerate human beings would include regenerate Israel from Old Testament dispensations including Daniel’s Seventieth Week.

It also would include regenerate Gentiles from every dispensation up to and including Daniel’s Seventieth Week.

Lastly, it would also include the church as well as elect angels.

Therefore, Daniel 7:9-10 does not describe the Great White Throne Judgment of all unbelievers throughout human history recorded in Revelation 20:11-15 since this takes place after the millennial reign of Christ and Satan’s final rebellion which occurs just after the millennium.

The events in Daniel 7:9-10 take place immediately prior to the Second Advent of Christ which terminates Daniel’s Seventieth Week. In fact, Revelation 19:20-21 record Antichrist and the false prophet being thrown into the Lake of Fire.

Then, Revelation 20:1-4 records Satan being imprisoned during the millennial reign of Christ.

Revelation 20:7-10 records the final rebellion of Satan which takes place after the millennium followed by Satan being cast into the Lake of Fire where the Antichrist and the false prophet are still alive and suffering punishment.

Then, Revelation 20:11-15 records the Great White Throne Judgment in which every unregenerate person in history is thrown alive into the eternal lake of fire.

So the chronology of these events in Revelation 19-20 indicates quite clearly that Daniel 7:9-10 records in symbolic terms the scene prior to the judgment of Antichrist at the end of Daniel’s Seventieth Week and prior to the Second Advent of Jesus Christ, which brings to completion the Times of the Gentiles.

Obviously the Antichrist is unregenerate and like every unregenerate human being exposed to the gospel of Jesus Christ but rejects it in unbelief he will be thrown into the Lake of Fire because of this rejection of Jesus Christ as Savior.

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