Joyful Gospel Advancement

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Title: Philippians 1:12-18


Good morning and welcome again to this gathering of Hope Bible Fellowship. If you would like to follow along with the sermon notes, we have an interactive worship guide available by scanning the QR code on the screen with your phone's camera. It will link you to our worship guide where you can follow along and record your thoughts about the message.
This week we are still in the first chapter of Philippians. Now I want to let you know what is going to happen for the rest of 2021 with the sermons. We will continue in Philippians through Thanksgiving and then we will pause this series to jump into a short Advent/Christmas series and then pick back up in Philippians after the first of the year.
It’s always a treat when a church gets an email or a visit from one of the missionaries they support with prayer and finances. The technology that we have today lets us have even video calls with those who we have a special relationship with as missionaries or church planters that we send out. In December, we are actually going to have an opportunity to hear from Kurt Anderson who was my youth pastor growing up but is a missionary working with Youth For Christ Military Community Youth Ministry. Getting an email update from Tyler Harrison or anyone else we have had contact with is always an amazing glimpse into what those here are supporting there. The Apostle Paul did not have Zoom or Facetime. He didn’t even have the United States Postal Service. But he could and did write a letter to one of his supporting churches, the church at Philippi. They were eager to hear form him. I just want to put yourself in the place of those church members in Philippi who had heard that Paul sent a letter and it was delivered by a friend and now it was going to be read at their gathering. This is what their friend, their missionary, their brother wanted to say to them. If you recall, Paul began by greeting them by expressing love for them. Then he tells them what he is praying for them. But in the next few verses Paul is going to lay out a rundown of his current situation and gives a glimpse at his hopeful outlook for the future.
With that in our minds, let’s turn to verses 12-18 of chapter 1. Let's read from God's Word.


Philippians 1:12–18 ESV
12 I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel, 13 so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ. 14 And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear. 15 Some indeed preach Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from good will. 16 The latter do it out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. 17 The former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely but thinking to afflict me in my imprisonment. 18 What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice. Yes, and I will rejoice,


I. Circumstances

Paul references what has happened to him at this point so we must go ahead and see if we can understand what his circumstances were at this point. Here it is: he is in jail. He's a prisoner.
He's writing to the church in Philippi, who are his brothers and sisters in Christ, from jail. Why was Paul in jail?
For preaching Jesus.
He was positive about the situation because Christ was being proclaimed. I want you to take a minute and just notice how laser focused Paul is. Notice his Christ-centered perspective. It sort of hits you in the face. It’s right out there. He’s not complaining about the jail food or the guards. He’s not poor mouthing about his situation. He’s focused on one thing. It reminds me of something he wrote in a letter to another church, the church in Corinth.
1 Corinthians 2:2 ESV
2 For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.
Paul was focused on proclaiming Christ and seeing that happen even in his absence.
He was focused on Christ. That is the key. When you are involved in ministry whether you are vocational at a church or a member of the church doing ministry in your individual life, it can be easy to get really tired. If we aren’t intentional, it can become easy to not have joy in ministry. This happens when we take our focus off of Christ and we start to focus on other things. We focus on our reputation, appearance, and really often we focus on the results instead of the God who causes those results. See, God will work and God will cause people to believe. We don’t produce the results. God produces the results. He’s the one who saves people. We are responsible to focus on Jesus Christ and be faithful to proclaim Him. When I realized this, it radically changed how I viewed evangelism. I’m not responsible for how someone responds. I’m responsible to faithfully proclaim the good news of a Savior, Jesus Christ, crucified in my place, for my sin, as a substitute for me, and risen to life again. I do that and I trust God to work and produce the fruit. He grows it. You tell people about Jesus. You serve at your church. You minister to people at work. But don’t you take your eyes off Christ because your joy will start to seep away and it’ll just become duty instead of delight.

A. Paul's Circumstances served to advance the gospel.

His circumstances were that he was in jail. How did his being in jail serve to advance the gospel?
- The whole imperial guard knows that he is imprisoned for Christ.
- All the rest know this too.
- This would give a credibility to what Paul believed because he believed it strongly enough to be imprisoned for it. It lends to the authenticity of the object of his faith in people's eyes.
You don’t have to read much about Paul’s travels to know that if he’s in your prison, there are probably some ramifications of it. There were some consequences to him being in prison.

II. Consequences (v.14)

What are the consequences of Paul being in jail?
- most of the brothers saw what happened to him and it made them bold in their proclaiming of Christ.
- Instead of seeing him in jail and that causing them to fear, it made them confident in the Lord. We are so scared of suffering but so often, it is the very means that God uses to expand His kingdom. And we try to avoid it because it's not what we planned.
- Reference Peter trying to stop Jesus from going to be crucified.
Matthew 16:21–23 ESV
21 From that time Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised. 22 And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying, “Far be it from you, Lord! This shall never happen to you.” 23 But he turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.”
Peter was trying to stop Jesus from going to do the very thing He was sent to do. Peter didn’t understand God’s plan to redeem the world through Jesus’ substitutionary sacrifice.
- Paul's suffering made them bold to speak the Word without fear.

A. Led to people proclaiming Christ for various different motivations.

1. Out of Goodwill and Love (v. 16)

Those who preached out of love know that Paul was imprisoned for his defense of the gospel. Paul is giving a contrast of those who proclaimed the gospel out of goodwill vs those who opposed him and who would be the cause of him having to defend his approach of proclaiming the gospel. Paul was criticized due to his view of the gospel for not making it a requirement that people who became Christians and were not Jews would have to adopt all of the Jewish law. It was this understanding of salvation by grace through faith that he would have to stand in defense of for most of his ministry.

2. From envy and rivalry

Apparently Paul understood that these other missionaries saw themselves as Paul’s rivals…
- Out of selfish ambition
- insincerely
- To afflict Paul in prison - they apparently wanted to cause trouble. Seem to have thought that Christianity needed a different spokesman than Paul.

III. Paul's Celebration (v.18)

What then? So...?
- Paul doesn't say their teaching is wrong.
- He is not giving a pass to false teaching. They were proclaiming Christ. Neither group is identified. It seems like both had correct doctrine and proclaimed Christ. Their treatment and attitude toward Paul tells us that even Christians with right belief can behave wrongly. I’ve seen this time and time again with pastors. I’ve seen it in myself. We need to look at our motivations and make sure our right belief and our behavior match.
- Paul rejoiced that Christ was proclaimed, even if they were trying to afflict him in doing it. He was focused on the the ultimate goal and not his comfort.

How should I respond?

What is our big action? How do we respond with our hearts and our lives?

Repent of sin and trust Jesus.

Trust the good news of the Gospel.

1. Proclaim the Gospel with Joy.

2. Proclaim the Gospel with full focus on Christ.

3. Proclaim the Gospel with right motives.

4. Proclaim the Gospel and do not fear.

5. Proclaim the Gospel in your suffering.


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