Heart 2 Heart
Well, I'm glad to be back guys. I'm overwhelmed by your love for us towards us. I'm so grateful for your prayers. Did you guys pray for us?
While we were gone, I really felt them. He needed them to be driving home.
So I was thinking. What do you want me to speak on what you want me to talk about when I get back and I know last time before I left. We were in a series of constantly if you guys remember that.
It's just the last couple months already.
But now I'm like, okay Papa when I come back, where do you want me to jump in at?
I just felt like he just wanted me to do a heart-to-heart with you guys.
Start the heart.
I got to listen to the messages while while I was out. Did you guys are on fire man?
Let's say that again you guys are on fire.
Visit other churches when I was out.
I'm telling your messages are on fire.
Your stories matter so much.
I got to listen to you. Frank
what is shared?
Then it was Jim.
And what she shared was Jim first Noah's back and forth that I heard you guys store you testimony.
I got to hear you guys testimony. A goblin cat relocating you. It's his perfect will.
Then finally someone brought it in the reverencing of God power of God. And I can say I am amazed that you guys.
I'm utterly amazed.
But it may sound screwed if I say this to you, but you guys don't need a pastor you guys have God.
Because I'm golf.
was excited to hear some of the reports like oh my gosh, you guys are like maturing.
And I wonder if some of it was already there, but maybe I was in the way so it can come out more.
I know these aren't normal words for a pastor to say is it?
Am I going to be in back is not to stop what God is doing in each and every one of you guys and in our lives is as in the community.
My heart is the cultivated.
cultivate what God is doing
For that reason, I won't be preaching every Sunday.
2002 heart to heart with the eyes
you can turn it back up. Each one who spoke. I want to give you guys a room to grow in that gift. I want to let you grow and room to speak and teach and share what God has put on your heart.
Because you guys carry the presents different than me.
And I don't carry it better than you.
But we're all equal in his kingdom.
Silver that reason I want to see God stirs fire on and you to a point where you can say, dude.
I just want to burn for him.
I won't be leading every prayer meeting.
Frank you did a phenomenal job
You did a phenomenal job mad.
But I am going to be there to support.
I'm not speaking every Sunday. I'm going to be here to support you guys. Because of what God is speaking in you and stirring in you.
What is God called us to Restoration?
Is the question what is God called us to?
What is reforming in us but in here and in the world around us?
I'll share one of my stories when I was in, Florida. I decided to visit a church called Nations. really cool place the others table and it was a day off it would they had a prophetic Ministry going on? That's why I signed up like two weeks in advance auto go to that.
And I never told him I was a pastor nothing. I just went as you know, just time of year to visit you in Watertown. And I sat down from this couple and they begin the prophesied over me.
They probably say some personal things, but then they prophesied about the shirts.
Who started saying that what I said? Is that you're going to begin to take teams into towns and cities in because of you guys? Towns and cities are going to be safe.
I never told him I was a pastor. I never even told him that was my heart. Because before I left another person gave me that same word.
Sometimes we wait. So we feel humanly possible to expand. And we don't look to see what God is saying in the moment.
So I sense God telling me that he's putting the heart of an evangelist on this place. Next move is to outreach and disciple.
It may seem scary and may seem uncertain.
From here to walk with you guys through it.
You don't grow here me out. You don't grow. By hearing you grow by doing.
Types of spiritual the Bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God still Faith Grows by doing and doing by the word of God. because that is not a live is
it's impossible for us to be dead because we're alive Church.
realize we're waking. I just sent the spirit of God doing something great.
For that reason the next couple of weeks. I'm going to teach we're going to be learning about Sherry mobile.
We're going to learn how to share the gospel.
Do your personal story which is your testimony and some of you guys had this is review. Well, that's good.
Your personal story and test me but also how do you just share the message of the Gospel?
Has anyone ever did that before? Go put your hands up. This isn't the same thing. Good because I'm going to be relying on you guys to help.
a lot of times we don't step into this cuz we don't know how Are we don't know what to say? No one's ever taught us how to Simply share the gospel. Like I can hand you a track, but that doesn't mean I know how to speak with in that track.
Jeremy someone that tells you hate just read the Bible, but they want to actually hear the Bible and your heart. I'm getting my hair done in Florida. And I'm at this new salon. I don't know anyone there. I'm there sitting in the chair and This Woman's like you.
And I begin to just talk to her about God just like what happened to Jova witness me. How do I start sharing with her the truth of the Gospel?
and the more she started doing my hair only thing she keeps saying is then you really love God. But I started talking more to her about like the scriptures and breaking things down and she said man you really love the Bible.
It's just the spirit beginning to come into that salon and begin to just weigh in a little more.
Presents that we felt we were worshipping I felt that prices begin to weigh in.
Can I pray for you? Cuz she's like well, you know how to make that climb praying for you sick. Yeah. third grade 4 big man throws looking pastor church in Ohio coronavirus and travel and we shared a little more.
What happens if that's supposed to be our everyday life?
What happens if that's supposed to be in it? Look up presents that we worship God and we sense. It supposed to be around just killing people come into our vicinity or near us are shadows Darjeeling people.
You looked up that's only Peter though. No, no, no. No, that's for the body of Christ.
That fool that you were sensing. Yeah. Frank.
That's right.
Cuz being with Jesus changes the world around us. So it's just us being with Jesus changes us. When people come around us because Jesus is innocent should change them.
It's a transform then. It should make them sink.
Think of the atheist meets you he should question his belief system after you meet you.
A Muslim eats you should question if I was really the way.
This is what we're called to.
This was the last command of the father of Jesus. Cisco with you for and make disciples how many people in this room have ever been disciples?
So, do you know how to make disciples?
Because that's what we're called to do. And the only way you make disciples like dude, how would they ever know about God unless someone is sent to talk to them.
Hell yeah scripture. But how would they know?
do did you know Taco Bell has a new take the taco and they fry it and then they put this really good cheese sauce at but I would never know that. But I went there and I saw the sign and I asked him what it was and I ate it. Play my wife's to.
Yes, it was very good.
The only reason why I know about that is because I saw it. Sometimes the only way people are going to know about Jesus know about him. Nobody is love and life. Is it they see it in your life? If they hear it in your words. If they sense him in your presence.
This is what we're going to focus in on sharing the gospel.
We're going to learn how to do it. Just your own testimony. We're also going to learn how to do it through a couple tools from Cars 2 cubes.
Is it not only we're not going to stay there? Just learning how?
We're going to apply it. That means I'm going to ask you guys if you shared this week. Some of you immediately Mayfield condemned Mayfield So I didn't I failed.
I just can't that's why we're here. You can. You can share the gospel. You can change the world. If God can do it with just 12 men and one of them was a Judas.
Then what can you do with light? a group of us and none of you guys are Judas.
What can you do? I'm down in Florida. I get to meet this guy who was from another Amish group called The her tights. It sounds like young all these ice. You know what he's like in South Dakota. I don't think it what are the odds of going to meet someone else you'd like it hot and about this background. I'm not even near Sarasota, Florida. That's what he always hang out at the Mennonite disappoint. I went to midnight restaurants.
disappointed cookies
So I met this guy in this dude is sharing with me. What's going on in South Dakota? This is like a whole colony of them radically saved.
This is why I am this is so cool. Like I could to hear this story of a God is doing in the anabaptist culture. Call these are getting saved a religious bondage that was passed down generation Ali. I'm like what's doing in that what you want? Tell me your secret what's happening? People are sharing the Simplicity of the Gospel. They're sharing just the Simplicity of the Gospel.
Sometimes the Simplicity of the Gospel with casting out demons Healing The Sick laying hands on people and and radical things happening. Sometimes it's a demonstration of God. Do I rather see a sermon than hear one any day?
like seriously eyes when the most exciting thing in your life because Jesus is so real. To the point where you just can't contain it like your love for each other like you're in a public setting you holding your soon-to-be wife.
I see you to you. She's your wife already though.
What jurisdiction is she not worthy? It's not concealed. We can steal our affection towards God.
Because we don't want people to think. Dude, people are going to judge you whether you want them to or not.
When you walk in the room you already think thoughts about you whether you like it or not. It can be good or bad, but it doesn't matter.
So they're going to have an opinion but not make it be based on God. What up, make your opinion be based on who I know. Do you love me from the foundation of the world who laid his life down?
We're going to learn how to share and after we learned how to share the gospel among ourselves to some Sundays. You're not going to hear a sermon. You're going to hear different people sharing. Okay. I want you to present the gospel. Because we have to get this in our hearts. This was the whole premise of the early church, man.
It wasn't about who can play the best who can sing the best. What was the premise was? Do you know the one who you crucified? The Messiah Jesus he's came already.
And get easier. What the prophets prophesied about who take out your old heart and give you a brand new heart? And I'll put my spirit in you you won't have to no longer be a Ten Commandment follow the ten commandments are in you.
I'll take out your old Heart of Stone and give you a heart of Flesh. This is what the gossip this is what they were proclaiming that would turn the world upside down. But listen until we allow this truth to turn our world upside down will never turn the world around us upside down.
This is what we're going to do die.
What I'm supposed to have service here in there. We're going to learn how to share this.
Cuz it's really cool. Tell him that person about Jesus and it's really cool giving them a prophetic word about what God is saying to them. Pepe sorry, that begins to make them think about their lives in that moment.
But sometimes we stay there we never like we never just go farther. We can ask him. Where are you at in your life with him right now?
Before I left, Florida, I was training this girl named Sam and I told her I said listen God is drawing you. She's like well why how you know I said cuz a group of people and Thursdays are praying they're praying for you. She's like, why would they do that? I think we're praying for all the lost their hearts, and I promise you before I left on the floor. We got another guy conversation at the gym. And I'm telling you I'm not trying to force God conversations. I'm not trying to be that weird car salesman. You know what? I mean you come on the lot and you might have just came in to check your tires are already at you like hey.
We're not here doing that with Jesus. Until we get on this conversation about God. I think God gives me a prophetic word about her grandmother. Who was a who was it that's racing a Baptist Church and she was a Believer pray for them and all the sudden. She's like, how do you know all this I seen you been dreaming about your grandmother.
Puddle of Mudd in the middle of the gym I'm going to make muscles not much.
This is what happens when we actually begin to allow God to flow in this every day.
German ding goggles to bring it to miraculous. He wants you to go from Frugal to fruitful.
The biggest thing for us is how do you do that?
Scripture says of man. He wants you to Bear much fruit. watch fruitguys
But you can't do that.
Until you get out of the way.
Sometimes you have to get out of your own way.
We sang about making room for God. I'm getting rid of my traditions my religions. Some of those aren't like what you grew up in like Christmas or or our Traditions some of it's your own heart believe that you believe that aren't true.
We don't have to spend two years trying to get over ourselves.
We don't have to we don't have to spend countless hours in therapy.
What takes man gears takes got a moment.
Sometimes we know more about the bondage wear and then the truth that can set us free.
This man, so I'm finally giving up sugar for a while. Just for a while. I don't know all the effects of sugar. I know what it does to your body. I know that it can. Slow down the healing process. I know that it can cause information. I know that it causes deterioration. I know that's what sugar does but how many people know knowing what the effects of sugar does it make me skinny?
I can't begin to explain what sugar does but none of that changes me. It only lets me just add the kicker. It is so addictive.
But I can dive into the issues of addiction but none of that sets me free. That only teaches me the power of my bondage.
Come on. Play louder.
That's all you're doing. Life is so big, you know the size of his fear. Tell me it takes twelve men to lift his sword. Another that slays the Giant. And we spend our lives learning. springboard
when is you just had God? I just a simple little round Stone.
Come on.
You guys are already free from you just step into that in the step into that agreement.
Step into the agreement that you're free from you step into the agreement that you're free 7 to the agreement that you're on fire. I want you to step into the agreement with God.
What is your day to find you? What is your emotions Define you how about you let his truth the find you. Because that's the only thing I read about and heard about that sets you free and truth. You will know the truth and the truth will set you.
Most of our spiritual warfare and stuff is based on our own thinking.
We're going to take this nation back to God.
He doesn't sound very confident.
Come on, let's try this again. We're going to take this nation back to God.
Station back to God the church has to go back first.
That's a big deal to follow. What are you talkin about, dude?
You have not because you ask not when you ask you ask according to your own selfish desires to fulfill and flow upon yourself, dude. but he says the first you always felt with my being selfish, but he says you have not because you Are you asking for your nation back to God?
Look crazy. Good Frank.
spoken to me about this scripture in Acts and it's just after what I shared her up here and it says They you know, the it says the council threatened them further and they let him go and as soon as they were freed Peter and John return to the other believers told them what happened and and when they heard the report, they all lifted their voices together in prayer to God osadharon creator in heaven or on earth and the sea that everything that is in them you spoke Long Ago by your Holy Spirit through your ancestor David your servant saying where why do the nations are the nation? So angry, why did they waste their time in feudal plans the kings of the earth prepared the for the battle the rulers gathered together against the Lord and against is Messiah and then they said in fact this happened right here, you know, and any good to go. They went onto to pray and they says oh Lord hear their trip. They're threats. Give us your servants great bonus and preaching your word stretch out your hand with healing made a miraculous signs of Wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus. And after this prayer the meeting place was shaking and they were all filled again with the Holy Spirit. And so we pray that and Diana was there with me and she said she said we need to pray those very words. So we did we pray those very words here on Thursday night to weeks ago. And when I forget who it was when all was ran when Randy and Lorraine shared, you know, we prayed we ask people to come up if they wanted to be prayed for and the people that I prayed with. You know what they ask for they ask for boldness to share the gospel with people. Come on. No and so God is good. He answers our prayers and we need to ask him.
So this is where we're headed. Come on. Come on.
I just wanted to say pray with us and pray first for a hunger for boldness to catch fire in our hearts and to consume us with a hunger for the boldness to preach the gospel with then pray that prayer with us today. You pray it with us today?
You ever smell something good and you weren't hungry and that made you hungry. Ever happened to you. Oh, yeah kid cookies, but like to Fried Chicken, you might not be in the mood for it, but someone's cooking it or it was barbecuing outside. Bella Roma begins to draw you in to a place of hunger
He would ever experience I'd am I just the only one.
What happens if it's the same way with Hunger for God?
What happens if it's my last day looks listen, we're going to come to an agreement that we are going to go and we're going to get on fire and we're going to see people save Richie families restored. We're going to see people killed. We're going to see this nation turn back to God. Are you coming to an agreement? I bet you start allowing your actions to line up to your heart's beliefs. Two states without works is dead. So how many how many internal decree is good for starting place? But that's not the end. It's actually stepping out. McMahon if I would have never believed got something to the Amish to bring Revival I wouldn't be dealing with the Amish people.
So because of that. Stories you guys heard was affected. I do this not always easy. I get beat up, but my grandfather on their side don't like me.
She said you don't believe in Blue Jays and blue jays Blue Jays and red birds.
Got mad and walked away.
Play Summer Savory peacocks.
But I'm telling you this because you have to step into what you believe God is calling you to and what God is calling restoration tube is a world-changing movement.
Cuz they're going to be known as the restorers of the breach.
And right now it may seem that we're in seed form.
Refill ink cartridges to look at us are churches even packed.
And you may feel like that weird seats one, but the Bible says do not despise Small Beginnings. imagine if if an apple seed would despise itself because it's not an apple. I'm not an apple seed it would kill its potential to grow into the massive tree.
When we look at ourselves, I'm just play the drums. Did you go to print out today after the service?
willing to fight for The Unborn this is it seems small right now.
I promise you how many people wrote the airplane start off as a thought in someone's head. I meant to fly, but I can imagine all the Ground Dwellers you out of your mind. No way meds going to fly. But that guy kept saying that's going to fly. We're going to come up Eddie failed so many times and I'm sure people would say you guys are failures. It's not going to work give up so many times you missed it.
Robinson Hyundai That thing came off the ground. In everyone, that's that the spies. Lemon seed form their grandchildren are in enjoying the fact that someone didn't give up. So we can follow their place two locations. because someone had an idea that started as a seed listen, we may be in seed form, but greater is he that is in greater Is God that's in you. Then he that's in the world.
I don't think we're in seed form that I just be honest. We've broken ground we sprouted we take your route and we're getting ready to start playing some fruit baby. We're going to Bear some big fruit with little group right little group, little Groot.
That's where we're at. And we're going to Bear much fruit guys.
This is just the beginning. It's going to be great guys going to get better and better.
I'ma finish off.
This is my heart to heart with you guys. Another thing. I'm going to talk to you guys about
You guys remember me given that Trump prophecy right? Have you remember it? So you don't forget it told me to have the account of all right. I just can't go flying off at the mouth without being accountable.
amen or out
message what will be president?
I said it's going to be a food crisis.
how to say cars are going to come off the ground
What's going to happen you'll see?
Somebody share my heart with you guys is to Bear where I'm at with that.
Should I believe in accountability?
I haven't gave up completely.
Right now it looks pretty stupid to hold on.
I'm not going to argue and say he should have been this would happen that happened. And tell you where I'm at right now. So you guys can hold me accountable as a cousin my family as my people. It's my church.
I'm a bit discouraged about it.
Not completely know.
I tell you I'll tell you the truth.
Recently, I gave someone a prophetic word.
it was true, but then the infant wasn't true
Did they were going to conceive have a child at the end of it? It's going to be a little girl. So I was feeling from Papa. So they can see with those really cool cuz I told him when they can see if it's going to be a sign that your family is going to be in to come out of bondage. So when they found out they were pregnant they got a phone call from one of their family members. that was saying they wanted to get out of the lifestyle that they were in
then came the gender reveal.
And it's not a little girl. It's a boy.
All the way off. To that point I was like, it's all went to them. I said look. apologize I messed up there. I'm sorry that was hearing clear.
I could say why hurt you to a certain point.
And I miss that one.
How do you say warm I'm growing in it. Growing in my prophetic gift that God put in me. 7 time I've been so right that it was just wow. So the times were dead wrong if it had someone tell me I was dead wrong and then come to find out I was right.
It's not about me being right. It's about me really hearing the voice of God. So that's my goal. My heart is to hear God's voice and my goal was never to turn you away from God speaking.
I'm not completely sold yet. Am I hard on the Trump thing?
But I will say this five hurts. anyone from the leaving of God speaks the people Can people hear God in these matters? It was my whole heart apologize to you. Cuz God does.
God does he really does guys?
if I made you Weaver and believing God to talk to you. I apologize with my whole heart. Cuz God will talk to you.
I'm growing into schist.
And I'm asking for Grace.
So that I can continue to hear cuz I tell you the truth. I tell you the truth that I was dealing with. So that was revealed to me when I was in, Florida.
After you prophesy believe that you're hearing Gotti prophesy out like that in that look like it happened or you waiting still for it. Kind of made me want to shut up.
how to make me not want to share any more like go down that direction of the prophetic
I mean when your right side but when when you don't really see what in the world is going on.
They should not want to share anymore.
Music Pastor I'm struggling with that.
Just grab my heart with you guys.
Am I saying it's completely over? If I tell you yes, I'd be lying to you guys cuz my heart's not there yet.
I was like I was like four. I was like, thank you. Yes.
Looking at the slide I put up that day.
videographer so you want me to read the slide? The side I put up that day. It said this child will be present in 2024.
Yeah. I know I was like it was a typo. I meant to say 2020. Did they will rage burned cities because of the win there be martial law for a season another virus more deadly economic recovery and a Resurgence of wind instrument.
I believe that tapped it here from God. Sometimes when we hear you know what Tony and I have gone through a lot medically over the last three decades in our lives and we found whenever we go into a doctor's office and we listen to a doctor speaking. Both of us hearing the exact same thing. We don't always. Receive the same thing and sometimes our interpretation is is different. So I really believe you did hear from God that day. Thank you.
I was just thinking that what if the main purpose was just for obedience, you know, sometimes like you said it's always right is that feels good when God says something to you and you're right and then when it doesn't end up being with a supposed to be you or what you thought you heard sometimes just your Is hot how how do you react how do you feel you know and 11 things didn't line up the way so sometimes it's just I feel like sometimes it's just the obedience just listening and doing what God asked you to do and I think that's the ultimate sacrifice of yourself and no matter what it looks like. It's just obeying God.
So the only reason why I'm sharing that with you guys cuz I told you to hold me accountable.
I told you that. I want you guys to hold me accountable.
open the
Thank you guys.
Thank you. This is where it goes back to what pastors to have said before he left will you commit to pray? Will you commit to lay on your face before the Lord and pray? We have seen the Elders of this church attacked just like Jim said
Frank with his arm Ellen fell Tony a Nipper and I talked with Bonnie several weeks ago and I was like, we need to cover them and prayer the elders the pillars of this church and there are pillars of the church. Like he said the mature people in this church that are getting attacked. Will you get on your face before God and pray? Pray for those that are coming in pray for the leaders pray for God to intervene and break the hand of the enemy that is come against us.
Lord Deliver Us Lord save us your hand is not too short. Our our heart is to obedience as Ricky said, you know, our hearts are to obedience. Where do you see our hearts Deliver Us from the evil one? And I've been covering them in prayer Lord protect them. Keep them safe. There's a Guardians of the gate these these leaders of our church. They're the Guardians of the gate. There's a pillars and all of hell is coming against them because he doesn't know what you're doing Lord, but he knows the seasons he can recognize this season's Lord protect the garters navigate to protect our elders keep them safe protect their families. I plead Psalm 91 in the blood of Jesus Christ over them. We've got to step up to the plate. He's got to cover them. We got to take every thought captive cuz hell knows what a threat we are and that's why he bombards the mines with you are ineffective. You aren't really hearing God. You don't know what you're doing your your it's pointless to speak up because you your words have no value. All those lies are to keep you trapped in your own mind.
And completely ineffective and we are at that point of the baby being born. There's a maturity in this building that has risen up. The spirit of the Lord has risen IHOP. We need to fight on our knees.
Come on.
It's all right.
Hey, man. So just wanted to share that with you guys let you know where I was at in that area and that I'm still accountable. Okay?
so Daddy We asked for boldness. In the season that we're entering and we asked for boldness God that the things that would be like so not us that you would just step and I swear us like a glove make a bowl. So radical God
Give us Grace the speaker truth to demonstrate your power stretcher hand 4th for miracles signs and wonders in our lives through our mouths with words god with things that we have not even known open up the prophetic Gates and each and everyone of us. Give us give us dreams. Give us Visions about people that give us dreams about the future. Give us insight into matters. in power of God
and grant us access deeper access into your love because Faith activated by love is what matters
What was in this area Croatan this Avenue? We thank you for the cities that will be saved the towels that will be saved people that will be saved. We thank you for the many many ministers in this house that will rise up. We thinking for the fivefold right now in this room. We thank you that you're raising them up.
I thought about that your nana masuta hero mask. Does God has the voice of many Waters but the voice of many Waters be found here God? Michael Fountain erupting let it be within us in our bosoms. What is be like Jeremiah that we can't contain it any longer fire in our bones God. We thank you that we are at church on fire.
We thank you that we are a house full of your life and love.
We thank you for creative ideas for Creative Miracles Hallelujah.
God saying that I sense that he saying that some of you say I can't preach I can't teach that's not who I break you out of your shell. Gus's is breaking you out of your shell so that you can be at his hahaha.
I thank you, Daddy. for the mini house churches
I thank you Daddy for the many churches. But I thank you for the expansion of your kingdom your word your Authority.
I thank you. He's at USA will know you. We'll stand with you glory to God. I will walk with you. I think you that you'll move mountains to get this nation back. I thank you for it.
In Jesus name RJ finish this off.
Lord we just thank you today Father for your word god. We thank you for stopping our hearts got so we can receive it. Father as we leave this place today, I sat you just helped us to apply it. Begin to keep putting people in our way that we can start this moment. To reach the loss to reveal who you are to them God. Lord in the moment and out of the secret place where we come to meet you father. We just asked you meet us there.
Begin to change our hearts in the way that we see things the way that we interpret things father. Make us a mirror image of Who You Are.
father I just
pray that you would get rid of all doubt.
Right now father your word says that your grace is sufficient father and our weakest Point father Your Grace shows up father. So we just thank you for your grace. God help us if we give ourselves and receive your forgiveness father. Thank you for the fire that you were depositing into us right now, but ask.
Just to spread it father to everyone we come in contact with God.
Help us to be bold father.
Help us to be ready and in hungry for you father just to hear from you guys.
To be able to share. Whatever it is that you have deposited in us or whatever word you have for that individual father. You said that? What is the prophecy of just telling someone about themselves that it would be in such all such amazement? Then? They will know that God is here.
So thank you God. Thank you. I praise we leave this place to protect us. Keep us safe father Jesus name Jesus name. Amen for that and we have a home church at our house. We meet approximately once a month and if anybody's interested in joining us, we do have one coming up this Saturday.
And just come talk to us about it and will give you information.
Thank you. Thank you for opening that off cuz I've been there it's fun. It's a place that you're going to really get minister to and it's really fun.
A spot when Paul was gone. The whole time I was like just under attack because then then we said don't bother Paul because he's on vacation and he's my go-to guy, but it was just constantly, how do you know? How do you know? How do you know? Why do you believe how do you know and my son had a bad time and the kids mom? Verbally attacked me. In the meantime I had to go for my yearly breast exam and I got the letter in the phone call. You need to come back for more tests. So of course there's fear and her daughter-in-law just had a double mastectomy. So more fear that every time I thought I really need to talk to Paul cuz he knows like all the backstory. I would just hear pray. Pray pray and I would just say okay. I know you got this. I'm just going to pray I didn't pray for myself or anybody in particular. I just prayed in tongues hoping that God would put it out there where it was needed. So when I went back in for my test. Which I was still like scared to death. I kept giving it back but still scared to death the same doctor that read my mammogram the nurse or the Radiology girl came in, you know when she did the ultrasound and everything and she said, okay. I'm going to go get the doctor so he came in and he's like doing it all over again. I don't know. I don't know I keep saying and looking and looking and he said well, I think there's a little cyst and it was clear over to the side that wouldn't even have been into the mammogram. He's like, that's all I see. That's all it could have been. He said I'm calling you clean and you can go home.
And then our daughter-in-law whose mother died of breast cancer and she had the double mastectomy. She got her test back and three of the knots were just nothing and one little tiny one was cancer, but they got it all and her doctor called her clean to