When Truth Speaks
Thanks, Pastor. Mike in the worship team. That was a powerful morning of worship. Wasn't it? Well, good morning everybody. Great to see you all here. Good morning to those of you at home as well. And I'm excited to be here with you this morning cuz I had the opportunity to share a few things about what I learned when I was at the ccef conference in just a few weeks back. And for those of you could do not know what c c e, f stands for it is the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation. Okay, and their mission is to Yeah, I always get this backwards. So I want to make sure I look here. Their mission is to restore Christ to counseling and counseling to the church. Okay, you can see how I can fix that up. So I have attended their annual National Conference for about 10 years now and every year I leave with a single foundational, truth that scripture engages with every human condition to sufficiently provide help and hope in times of suffering.
Some people may question that statement by asking how does the bible address modern-day struggles and suffering like lgbtq plus struggles and complex trauma. Unfortunately, this year's conference focused on how this ancient text found in the Bible speaks to our modern-day problems. Since most of us have experienced some sort of trauma in our lives. We will focus on ways scripture in cages trauma. Our goal today is to grow in our ability to mind scriptures in order to identify touchpoints places where scripture speaks to our particular struggle. This means we will need to pay close attention to details as we study God's word together details are important. The more concrete and specific. Our details are that we find in the scriptures, the better, the application will be to our life. Far too often. I find myself reading the scriptures and feeling like a stone that's thrown across the still body of water. You know what? That's like you kind of skip across, right? Have you ever experienced that? At times, barely touching the surface of scriptures potential to meet you in real and personal ways? Well, my hope for us this morning is that we become wise and skillful miners carefully drilling down to find precious gems of Truth. Let's take time now and pray for the Lord to meet with us so that we may grow in this particular way. Father, we need you. Where we ask that you would open our hearts and Minds today to hear from you. Or B. We know that we all need to continue to grow and how we meet with you in the scriptures. And so today we're asking that you would do that work in us. Help us each one of us to grow in this particular way. I ask all this in Jesus name. Amen.
Here's where we're going today. We're going to answer three questions. What is trauma? How does Scripture engage with this particular suffering? And how do we respond to scripture to receive the help and hope that is found there?
First, what is trauma? Simply put trauma is a brush with death. It can be physical like a near-death experience or death of a loved one. Traditionally trauma occurs, when sense effects, bring spiritual emotional or psychological death. Due to abuse neglect or abandonment. Trauma may cause short-term long-term or even lifelong symptoms. If you keep symptoms of trauma, collectively have been given the name post-traumatic stress disorder.
Now something very interesting happens when somebody a believer in particular is given a diagnosis such as p t s d. Suddenly, it seems like the Bible has little to say to help someone who's suffering in a particular way.
Disbeliever. Who believes as we all do in the sufficiently. Sufficiency of scripture now, finds himself, torn between God's authoritative word and the world of medical diagnosis and treatment. Consequently, hope is placed in medical treatment rather than being around it and found in God's word. So what do we do with this? As believers.
I believe it's how do we keep our hope Anchored In Christ while interacting with and receiving help from the medical community?
We respond to this with the full assurance that God's word is both the means and the end in receiving that help and hope that is available to us for every single particular struggle that we come up against. And we also recognize sins devastating effects on our minds and our bodies. And in these times of severe suffering treatment from medical professionals acts as a means of helping us being a condition where we can actually hear from God. When spending time with him in his word, right?
You need to realize. That trauma is complex and it is not easily understood.
For some of us, it is difficult to identify with our suffering. We can't quite put words to our suffering in our struggle. Maybe we are Nam to life experiences and these muted frustrate. These muted emotions, frustrate us and can cause anxiety and depression. Memory loss hyper-vigilance fatalistic. Thinking the inability to sleep. May be feeling trapped in the stress of a past experience that interferes with your present-day responses to life. These are all some complex ways. People suffer from trauma, that were explained to me at the conference while attending one of the breakout sessions one p t s d.
Here's what I wasn't counting on. I wasn't counting on being able to personally identify with almost every one of those struggles as I was there. I easily identified with them. Since most of them have been my constant companions but much of my life. Now, I want to tell you. It was helpful. To learn from this wise, counselor, and brother in Christ.
As he explained the signs and symptoms. I had clarity as he helped me identify with my suffering by putting words to it. But in the end, I thought. Now what what do I do with this?
After some time of reflection, I realized that I need to continue doing what I have always done and I just meeting with the Lord and receiving his grace in my time of need.
However, I now recognize a greater need to spend focused time in his word, drilling down deep to meet with the Lord and real and personal ways. I need to experience scripture in ways were God's word actually intersects with my suffering.
We need to again, know that trauma is a form of suffering, brought about from sins effects. It is necessary to understand. Trauma, within the biblical framework of the Fall.
This helps us better understand how people are hindered in their ability to seek the Lord's help and received the hope that scripture offers. Is in their suffering. They know something is broken. But they don't know what it is or how to identify it. Adoring times like this, there is value in seeking help from trustworthy, friends, counselors therapist. As they help you to identify with your suffering, the medical community has done a great work, understanding sins, effects on our bodies, and our minds. They've developed a full treatments that improve our quality of life and praise be to God. While helpful. We must remember that those things are only a means to an end. Are altamed help and hope is found in the eternal life giving throughs of scripture. What we find here is care for our soul, as we allow scripture to put words to her suffering. In the end, we must hear God's authoritative and sufficient words concerning our particular circumstance.
But what does this look like? How exactly does Scripture engage us when suffering from trauma? Let's take a few minutes and walk through a passage of scripture together and find out for ourselves. Turn your Bible to Mark, chapter 5, and I'll begin reading in verse 21.
That's Mark 5 beginning and verse 21.
When Jesus had again crossed over by boat to the other side of the lake, a large crowd gathered around him while he was by the lake. Then one of the synagogue Leaders name, jerez came. And when he saw Jesus, he fell at his feet. He pleaded earnestly with him. My little daughter is dying. Please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live. So Jesus went with him, a large crowd, followed and pressed around him. Any woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for 12 years? She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and I spent all she had yet instead of getting better. She grew worse. When she heard about Jesus. She came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak. Because she thought, if I just touch his clothes, I will be healed immediately, her bleeding stopped. And she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering at once. Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked if you touch my clothes you see the people crowding it against you, his disciples answered and yet you can't. They asked who touched me. But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it. Then the woman knowing what had happened to her came and fell at his feet and trembling with, fear told him the whole truth. He said to her daughter, your faith has healed. You go in peace and be freed from your suffering. While Jesus was still speaking. Some people came from the house of Jairus. The synagogue leader. Your daughter is dead. They said why bother the teacher anymore. Overhearing, what they said. Jesus told him, don't be afraid just believe. Did not let anyone follow him except Peter James and John, the brother of James. When they came to the home of the synagogue's leader, Jesus saw a commotion with people crying and wailing loudly. He went in and said to them. Why all this commotion and wailing? The child is not dead, but his sleep. But they laughed at him. After he put them all out. He took the child's father and mother and the disciples who were with him and went where the child was. He looked he took her by the hand and said to her little girl. I say to you get up. Immediately the girl stood up and began to walk around. She was 12 years old at this, they were completely astonished. He gave strict orders, not to let anyone know about this and told them to give her something to eat.
So we're going to do is run to take the time. I'm going to work through this passage together. Okay, and we're going to look for details and identify details. That actually intersect with the suffering of trauma. Okay. Let's start right back here at Mark 521. First notice how deliberate Jesus was to position himself with people by Crossing Over the Sea of Galilee by boat. He first Drew near to them so that the crowd of people could draw near to him. Jesus initiate encounters to be had with him.
Then one of the Senegal Leaders name Jairus came. And when he saw Jesus, he fell at his feet. Show me see. Jairus models inappropriate response to Jesus, doesn't he? When he saw him, he fell at his feet.
He pleaded earnestly with him. My little daughter is dying, please, and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live. At once Jairus, begin telling Jesus all about his trauma. All about his brush with death. The fact that his little girl was dying. And Jairus believe Jesus was who he said he was. And that he had the ability to offer help and hope in an otherwise hopeless situation. And what did Jesus do?
So, Jesus went with him, a large crowd following impressed around him. He went with him. This is a remarkable spiritual reality that we all need to savor. Jesus went with Charis, his very presence would set up an amazing encounter. That would be life-giving. Now, there's a break from this story and now they're introduced to a needy woman who suffered from bleeding for 12 years. At a woman was there should have been subject to bleeding for twelve years. What did the women? What's the I'm sorry. I want to keep reading through 29. She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had yet instead of getting better. She grew worse. When she had heard about, Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak. Because she thought, if I just touch his clothes, I will be healed. Immediately her bleeding stopped, and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering. What did this woman do? She Drew near to Jesus and touched his cloak, right? She believed that Jesus was who see who he said he was and that he had the capacity. To do something about her suffering. To meet her right in the midst of that suffering.
And how did Jesus respond? At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked who touched my clothes. You see the people crowded against you, his disciples answered and yet you can ask who touched me. But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it. Jesus responded by pursuing this woman. He could have simply kept walking after realizing that power had left him, right?
But he didn't. He stopped. Any desired that this woman have a personal encounter with him?
Jesus knew that this woman needed more than just physical healing. Jesus knew that what she needed was for her soul to be cared for by spending time with him.
And how did the woman respond to Jesus invitation?
Then the woman knowing what it happened to her came and fell at his feet and trembling with, fear told him the whole truth. She fell at Jesus's feet. Does it sound familiar? Yes. Sheriff spend time at yours his feet to what a beautiful model for us and a picture. For us to imitate. Scripture says that after the woman fell at his feet. She trembled with fear and told him the truth.
With great humility reference and all the woman shared all that was on her heart with Jesus. I believe she emptied herself of her suffering.
Telling the Lord about all the trauma caused by 12 years of bleeding. Surely. She told him what it must have been like when she had come into contact with people. Should have to yell unclean unclean.
How being ostracized left her feeling abandoned, and alone, certainly. She shared her feelings of hopelessness and despair. After not getting better to spice spending, all that she had. The pay for medical care from many doctors.
And how did Jesus respond? He said to her daughter, your faith has healed. You go in peace and be freed from your suffering. Jesus refers to her as daughter. What an intimate Encounter With Jesus, this woman had All because Jesus stopped getting keep walking. He stopped turned around and pursued her so they could have had this encounter together.
Jesus, does that. Does that with me and he does that with you?
He said it was her faith in him that brought healing. And it was that physical healing and that healing of her soul that enabled her to go in peace freed from her suffering. Now, the scene turns back to Jairus and his dying daughter. While Jesus was still speaking. Some people came from the house of Jairus. The synagogue leader. Your daughter is dead. They said why bother the teacher anymore. What was Jesus's response to this? Overhearing. What they said. Jesus told him. Don't Be Afraid just believe.
Jesus, encouraged him to not respond to his trauma in fear, but instead to believe, Jesus is who he says he is.
Now, skipping down to Mark 541. We finally see. Jesus coming to Cheers. His daughter. Who is now dead. What did Jesus do? What did he say?
I reached out and he took her by the hand. And said to her little girl, I say to you get up.
Jesus could have easily healed this little girl from where he was in the crowd of people.
but again, Jesus purposefully wanted to be with the girl and her family. Up close and personal.
He wanted them to have an encounter with him. That was real and personal. Jesus prunier to Jairus daughter and took her by the hand. Has she heard his voice?
She felt his touch.
And with his kind and gentle and compassionate voice. Sister little girl. Get up.
How does Jesus presence impact? This little girl?
Immediately, the girl stood up. Immediately. And how did Jesus presence impact the bleeding woman?
Immediately her bleeding stopped.
Time with Jesus has an immediate impact.
In summary, there are three ways that this passage of scripture, engages us in our suffering.
First, Jesus deliberately positions himself to be with us. We are not left alone. There is not a single time that you or I are left alone. He is with us.
Secondly, Jesus initiate Saint intimate encounter with him.
We are invited. I threw ourselves down at his feet and share all of our suffering with him.
And thirdly time with Jesus, has an immediate impact, we receive real and Lasting help and hope in real time.
See how these summary statement came from. Our detailed observations of this passage details are important. They produced touchpoints where scripture and life meet.
Finally, we are tasked with answering our final question. How do we respond to scripture and receive help and Hope? The passage we just studied in Mark chapter 5 for vide, three helpful answers to this question. So let's see what this particular passage of scripture is calling us to do in the midst of our suffering.
First is calling us to fall at the feet of Jesus. This passage reveals the need for us to come to him. And tell him everything. Do not hold back.
If we believe Jesus is words to Paul, in 2nd Corinthians 12:9. When Jesus tells him, my grace is sufficient for you. For my power is made perfect. In weakness. If we believe that. Then we must lay our burdens down before him and received the grace that we need in our time of need.
This passage is calling us to not be afraid. God does not want us to live in fear, which is obvious since do not fear. Is the most repeated command in scripture. God wants us to rest in his perfect love and receive help and hope not punishment.
I believe 1st John 4:18 speaks of this. Well, there is no fear in love, but perfect. Love drives out fear. Because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. Here's how I see this working out in our lives. We continue being made Fearless by God's perfect. Love through an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.
We sailed again. We continue being made Fearless through God's perfect. Love.
Through an intimate relationship with our Lord. Jesus Christ. How I see it working out.
And finally recalled to believe believe, God is who he says he is, and that he will do all that. He's promised us. Jesus Comforts us with these words. It says, do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God, believe. Also in me.
Jesus has every right to ask us to believe in him. As a matter of fact, he's the only one who has the right. Because there's no one or nothing else in all of creation, who deserves our complete Trust.
For it, is he? To hold all things together.
I thought I would share some personal ways that I've grown both through the study of Mark and in my time at the conference.
I've grown. And what it means for me to personally fall at the feet of Jesus.
It requires me to spend time with the Lord in his word, mining. The scriptures in order to put words to my suffering. This helps me to identify with my suffering by understanding myself as a suffer, a sinner, and a saint.
I find hope and being known and understood by my God, the God of All Comfort.
Having somewhere to go scripture. And someone to come to, who can fully identify with my suffering Jesus.
Makes a real and Lasting difference in my life.
I was also helped by the reminder that when God tells us in his word do not fear or do not be afraid. He doesn't say that because there are not things to fear.
Now, there are many things in this fallen and broken world to fear. But God says, remember me so that you do not fear. And if you are afraid. God says in Isaiah, I'm sorry to make slides for these. But in Isaiah 41, 10 through 13, right there, super sized down, Isaiah, 41:10 and 13. These two verses had become part. First is for me through this study. And they're incredibly powerful. And on top of that, they perfectly sum up the passage that we just studied in mark.
He says.
So, do not fear. For, I Am With You. Do not be dismayed for I am. Your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand for. I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you. Do not fear. I will help you.
There it is. That's the touch point that I was talking about.
Scripture in life. Coming together. We're God's word and my suffering intersect right there is where that help, and I hope is found.
I am deeply persuaded. That's the reason God tells us do not fear more times than anything else in all of scripture is because he fully knows all that. There is to fear. Therefore he takes every single one of those opportunities to remind us of the help and the hope that we have in his being with us. As a protector and our strength.
Finally, the most helpful experience. I had while at the conference was during General Session 3. The session is called how trauma breaks into scripture. I watched and listened as the speaker winstanley. Let us through Psalm 22 in ways that truly brought me into the Lord's presence.
It was so helpful to experience someone drill down into. So I'm 22 and then come back out with practical throughs that comforted my soul.
I believe it would be a blessing to all of us to have the chance to meet with the Lord in this song and similar ways. Therefore I invite you to join me each day next week on faith, life for a study of Psalm 22. This will be a great opportunity for you to identify ways. This song puts words to your suffering. You will also be asked to respond to this passage based on your particular observations. This study will likely enable helpful ongoing discussions that can take place and maybe your Sunday school class is your small groups. The Women's Bible studies.
I look forward to intentionally growing together in our ability, to interact with and respond to scripture in Wise. And when some ways. Let's pray.
Father, we thank you so much for your word. We thank you that. We can meet you there and that no matter what our circumstance, no matter how much we find ourselves suffering. That you meet us right? Where we are in the middle of it. That you are always with us.
Then you go out of your way to passionately pursue us. So that we can have a personal intimate encounter with you.
Through our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Father, we thank you for this day. I thank you for your church for each and every person here, and at home. I pray that you would massage these truths into their heart. So that they can. Reap the full benefits.
Of your word and ask all this in Jesus name. Amen. At this time, Pastor. Mike is going to lead us in a time of worship and prepare our hearts for communion.