1 Timothy 3:14 to 4:5
Sermon Tone Analysis
Well we are at the tail end of Chapter 3 of 1st Timothy. We have recently looked at the expectations God has for us as we assemble, roles for men and women, and Bishops and Deacons.
Today, we will look at the key verse of this entire epistle, verse 15, and then will look at an amazing contrast of Truth and Apostasy.
Let's Pray.
Read 1 Tim 3:14-16, 4:1-5
Verses 14-15 "These things I write to you, though I hope to come to you shortly; 15 but if I am delayed, I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth."
1. "These things" I write to you...when Paul says these things, no doubt is he talking about Chapters 2 and 3, but really all of the epistle. There are such rich instructions for Timothy and us today regarding how we should be operating the Church and how we should be conducting our lives.
2. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever...none of this is antiquated...all is relevant for us today.
3. Paul continues, "I hope to come to you shortly"...
4. Paul had left Timothy in Ephesus, and desired to visit with him again. Keep in mind, this was one of Paul's last epistles written about 3-5 years prior to Paul's death and we cannot say for sure if Paul made ever made it back to Ephesus to visit with Timothy.
5. Timothy was dear to Paul, a close companion and brother...his spiritual son in the faith, and it's so great when we are able to be with a close brother or sister again after years apart. It does our hearts good to have sweet fellowship. Fellowship is the Greek word koinōnia and it's the best of friendships. A friendship that is grounded in Christ, and one that you have confidence will last into eternity. Paul and Timothy had this type of communion.
6. My Christian travels have taken me to California, the Philippines, Maryland, and now Indiana. I have met many wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ that I don't get to see, except for Facebook. Paul didn't have Facebook, or a cell phone, so he and Timothy were really cut off, except for letters or seeing one another in person. Imagine being Timothy, being away from your family, left on an important assignment in a foreign city, and even your Spiritual father in the faith, Paul, had to depart on a different assignment. Then, one day you get a letter from Paul...how impactful must this have been?
7. And, Paul writes with the intent to guide you and instruct you on how you should conduct yourself, and the churches you are overseeing. Guidance, being poured into and discipled by a loving spiritual mentor is an amazing privilege and gift. There are not enough spiritual mentors discipling other Christians...if you have the opportunity to disciple or be discipled, be appreciative of this gift and the time spent with your spiritual mentor.
verse 15
1. Paul continues now in Verse 15 which is the key verse of this whole epistle...highlighting to us the intent and purpose of Paul writing to Timothy.
2. "I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself..."
3. This epistle provides instructions on how one ought to behave in the household of God...
4. Paul just described expectations for men and women, and Overseers and Deacons in the church. Some scholars think there is a shift here, where now and moving forward through this epistle, Paul's focus is upon Christians in general...
5. Notice what Paul entitles the Church... "house of God", "church of the living God", "pillar and ground of the truth." This is a difficult verse because there is a literal sense and a more personal and intimate sense of interpretation here.
6. In a literal sense, we get a picture of God's physical house, the church, with it's architectural pillars and ground or foundation. This is a God's house- the house of the truth; and Paul is writing to Timothy and us to provide practical wisdom and guidance on how we should conduct ourselves when we gather to worship and learn and receive from His word.
7. What associations do you imagine when you hear "house of God?"
8. I get a picture of an older Christian scolding someone for what they perceive as an irreverent act. "Have some respect! This is the House of GOD! We don't laugh here, and carry on...this is a place of worship!"
9. You will never hear me scold someone for enjoying good fellowship, even if they are a bit excited.
10. On a little side-note, I want to mention that it is good to respect the House of God, but there is a line crossed when too much reverence is given to physical church buildings, holy sites, and relics. I remember being in Israel and watching people almost lose their minds upon walking into certain churches, seeing relics, or even the empty tomb. No doubt, these places are special, but do not worship anything in this earth, otherwise it's idolatry.
11. The Israelites fell into this trap many times. 2 Ki 18:4 tells us how king Hezekiah reformed Israel of idolatry, "He removed the high places and broke the sacred pillars, cut down the wooden image and broke in pieces the bronze serpent that Moses had made; for until those days the children of Israel burned incense to it, and called it Nehushtan."
12. The original intent of bronze serpant on a pole was good... Moses fashioned the pole per God's instructions in Num 21 and any of the Israelites that were bit by serpents in the wilderness just had to look upon the pole to be healed. This was a picture of the cross and sin on the cross, and how we just have to look upon Jesus in faith to be healed. Later this pole became an idolatrous relic, being worshiped over God.
13. We must be careful not to fall into worshipping church buildings or any 'thing' of this world.
14. One other fallacy is to think God physically dwells at the church. You can call it 'God's house', but God doesn't live there. That may seem like a silly statement, but I have witnessed people act differently when they enter a church...as though all of the sudden they have entered into the presence of God.
15. Acts 7:48-50 Stephen, just prior to being martyred said, "...the Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands, as the prophet says: [Quoting Isaiah 66:1-2] 49 'Heaven is My throne, And earth is My footstool. What house will you build for Me? says the Lord..."
16. Paul, gave a similar message in Acts 17:23-24, to the people of Athens, "God...does not dwell in temples made with hands."
17. There is no problem with being respectful towards the church, just be careful that you do not pay too much homage to a building made by mankind.
18. Ok, so we just talked about the House of God in a literal sense, but, contextually, we can also extract a more personal and intimate interpretation. The house of God has a familial feeling.
19. In this same chapter, Paul instructed that the Bishop and the Deacon must rule their own house well speaking about their "family." So, in this sense, the 'house of God' is not so much the physical structure, but the household or family of God. Paul is giving us family rules or the rules of the household.
20. In my house, we have certain rules like chores, kindness, respect, being a peacemaker, etc. God has rules for His family as well. Rules for the leaders, rules for the servants.
21. It's silly to think that these instructions only apply on Sundays or whenever you gather together with fellow believers at the physical church building. These are instructions for us in how we are to conduct our lives...
22. Think back on the list on the qualifications for Bishops and Deacons...In Chapter 3, we looked at character qualifications of the Bishop and Deacons, and many are centered on how they behave outside the church in determining their fitness to serve in the church.
23. What is the House of God? Is it just a building...our church? Or, is the House of God much more personal and intimate?
24. 1 Cor 3:16 "Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?"
25. 1 Cor 6:19 "Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?"
26. When you are saved, the Holy Spirit who was beside you and drawing you to truth, now resides in you. You become God's house...the temple of the living God.
27. This is why we must have good conduct, and what happens when we don't? When we sin? The Holy Spirit grieves, especially since He in dwells us and we just dragged Him through that sin. Eph 4:30 states, "...do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption."
28. And, this intimate and personal idea continues here in 1 Tim 3:15 with the word "Church" as accompanied by "church of the living God."
29. The word Church in Greek is the ekklēsia def. "an assembly" or "a congregation." It is not a word for a physical structure, but a group of "called out people." So, when Paul talks about the church, again, he is talking about the people, not the building.
30. We just discussed how the Holy Spirit in dwells us...we are the church of the living God.
31. The church is the people, not the building. Have you ever been in an empty church sanctuary? Without the people, it feels lifeless. The people, the spirit-filled people are what make the sanctuary special. When we gather, no matter if it is at the church, on a beach, or in a home...the gathering is the church.
32. Paul writes so we may know how to behave in the household of God, and this household is the called out assembly of believers who are the pillar and ground of the truth.
33. The Pillar and Ground is the idea of a support and foundation. Think about how columns and a strong foundation bear the weight of a roof. And, very much Christians bear the truth of the Gospel, the truth of Jesus.
34. Christians are the salt that preserves the world, the light that dispels darkness, and the pillar and support of the truth.
35. We are the message bearers of the Gospel in this world, truth hangs upon our words and how we conduct our lives, so praise God that He inspired Paul to write this epistle so that we know what God's expectations are for conduct.
36. Just as I feel praise for God, in appreciation of how He has communicated to us, as we look at this next verse, I think Paul is also bursting into spontaneous praise.
continue to verse 16
Verse 16 "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh, Justified in the Spirit, Seen by angels, Preached among the Gentiles, Believed on in the world, Received up in glory."
1. In verse 16 Paul now proclaims the truth that the Church, the assembly of believers, uphold...
2. The truth is 1st "without controversy..." "without controversy" is one word in Greek- def. "as agreed... by consent of all."
3. If you think anything in verse 16 is controversial, you are wrong. Paul said the truth he is about to present is without controversy.
4. In Chapter 1, Paul instructed Timothy, "charge some that they teach no other doctrine." Sadly, there are people today who confess Christianity, but do not believe these truths in verse 16. It's controversial to them, and they are wrong.
5. Even if you think it is controversial, even if you do not believe, that does not diminish this truth. This truth surpasses all of man's logic and understanding; it is outside space and time; it stretches into eternity and is a truth founded by creator God Himself.
6. Paul wrote in Rom 14:11"For it is written: [quoting Isaiah 45:23]"As I live, says the Lord, Every knee shall bow to Me, And every tongue shall confess to God."
7. And, what is that confession that all will make to God...
8. "...that at at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord..." Philippians 2:10-11
9. All people one day, will stand before God, and whatever preconceived idea they had about God will be shattered, and they will bow before God and confess that Jesus is Lord.
10. Not only are these truths "without controversy", these truths are also "great." The weight, value, and grandness of this truth no Christian should doubt. Great is the mystery does not imply "too mysterious," rather the mystery of godliness is spectacular or wonderful.
11. And, Paul calls this truth a "mystery"- something hidden in the past that has now been brought to light.
12. The coming messiah was a mystery, hidden to all the Old Testament prophets and saints, but Jesus has now been revealed to all who believe.
13. "godliness..." is defined as "piety" which is mankind's reverence towards God.
14. This statement Paul is about to present is a revealed truth that lacks in controversy, is wonderful, and draws us into reverence towards God.
15. And, scholars agree that the following 6 lines have a rhythmic arrangement in the original Greek. These next 6 lines may have been structured this way for teaching purposes or an early hymn or song.
16. We form rhythmic arrangements for teaching...take the ABC's for example... "A, B, C, D, E, F, G..."
17. And, we certainly have a number of popular worship songs as well.
18. The Casting Crowns song "Glorious Day" is a good example, "Living, He loved me; dying, He saved me; Buried, He carried my sins far away; Rising, He justified freely forever: One day He's coming-oh, glorious day!"
19. Did you know that song is adapted from the 1909 Hymn "One Day" by Charles Marsh? That's just free information. Your welcome.
20. The 6 lines in this verse in 1 Tim 3:16 may have been a song just like this; or an arrangement for teaching.
21. Some people also see this as a chronology of events in Jesus' life.
22. "God was manifested in the flesh"- This is known as the Incarnation of Christ. Some people say the Bible does not proclaim Jesus as God...it just did...God was manifested or revealed in the flesh. Jesus, wholly God, came from eternity to the earth in human form. Fully God and fully man.
23. "Justified in the Spirit"- Justified means "declared righteous." This is what happens to us when we have faith in Jesus...in God's sight, our sin is no more and we are viewed righteous. Now, Jesus was sinless, but was still justified in this sense...
24. Jesus was justified at His baptism. Matt 3:16 "...the Spirit of God descended like a dove and alighted (or rested) upon Him. And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, "This is My beloved son, in whom I am well pleased." We see the Holy Spirit and the Father's approval on Jesus at the beginning of His ministry.
25. Jesus was justified at His resurrection. Rom 8:11 "But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you." Jesus' sacrifice for sin was accepted by God as evidenced by the resurrection. He prophesied He would die, and three days later rise again, and was vindicated by the Holy Spirit who raised Him from the dead.
26. You can also make a case that Jesus was justified at the Transfiguration and the Ascension as well.
27. "Seen by angels"- Angels have great interest in the ministry of Jesus Christ.
28. Angels were present at His birth; they ministered to Him after His temptation; an Angel appeared to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane to strengthen Him just prior to His betrayal; Angels were at the empty tomb to allow the disciples in and give the instructions; Angels were present at His ascension and proclaimed to the disciples that Jesus would return; and around the throne in heaven are "ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands" an innumerable number of angels who proclaim, "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain."
29. You can also go back to the Old Testament Christophany appearances where Jesus was accompanied by angels. Jesus was indeed seen by angels.
30. "Preached among the Gentiles"- We have to look no further than Paul's missionary journeys to see how Jesus was preached among the gentiles.
31. "Believed on in the world"- The gospel has been preached in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth. People of all parts of the world believe in Jesus. This is not to say that the whole world believes in Jesus, but throughout the world there are believers.
32. "Received up in glory."- This pictures the Ascension and Jesus' present place seated at the right hand of the Father in glory.
33. In John 17:5, Jesus prayed, " And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was."
34. Indeed, this pray was heard and answered.
35. Besides the view that Paul was singing an early Christian Hymn because of the rhythmic presentation, scholar William MacDonald writes, "Some make this list of events chronological. For instance, they say that manifested in the flesh refers to the incarnation; justified in the Spirit refers to Christ's death, burial, and resurrection; seen by angels describes His ascension into heaven; preached among the Gentiles and believed on in the world are the events that followed His ascension; and, finally, received up in glory refers to a coming day when all His redeemed are gathered, raised from the dead, and received up with Him to glory. Then, and only then, will the mystery of godliness be complete, according to this view."
36. Interesting, that Paul will conclude Chapter 3 talking about these great and evident truths, and then will begin Chapter 4 warning against impending Apostasy.
continue to 4:1
1 Tim 4:1 "Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons..."
Verse 1
1. Now the Spirit expressly says... the Spirit...this is the Holy Spirit who is now, with emphasis, expressly, explicitly, or clearly warning about 3 dangers in latter times...
2. Some will depart from the faith...Danger of Apostasy.
3. Some will give heed to deceiving spirits...Danger of deception.
4. Some will give heed to doctrines of demons...Danger of False Teaching.
5. Paul said the Spirit says...but we are not certain how the Holy Spirit spoke, but He did.
6. This may have been a specific prophecy through a person like Agabus in Act 21 who bound his own hands and feet with Paul's belt and prophesied, "Thus says the Holy Spirit, So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man who owns this belt, and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.'" Acts 21:11
7. Paul may have heard the still small voice of God...perhaps the Lord has spoken to you, not audibly, but still a voice that is not of your own, a prompting in your conscience. Or, it may have been much more natural where things are just not working out, and the Holy Spirit is closing doors to re-direct you on the right path...
8. Is this what happened to Paul when they were traveling through Asia minor? In Acts 16, Paul and his companions wanted to travel north into Asia Minor and we are told "they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit" and "the Spirit did not permit them." Shortly after, this redirection would become clear as they received the Macedonian call.
9. Maybe you have experienced the Holy Spirit closing doors, and simultaneous you lack peace about walking down that particular road in life. When a door closes...praise God and trust that He has a better plan. Wait on the Lord to open a door you are at peace about. He will make it abundantly clear.
10. The Holy Spirit can moves in many diverse ways, just like Jesus did many diverse miracles. So, while we do not know specifically how Paul received this instruction from the Holy Spirit, we can trust these scriptures have been received from and inspired by the Holy Spirit.
11. Now what and when are these latter times? Well, these are good questions.
12. What is meant by latter times?
13. To be very true to the Greek, the word "latter" simply means "coming after" which indicates it is speaking about a future time, but not a specific period of time.
14. Latter times and last days to most scholars are differentiated in that Last Days is much more specific.
15. 2 Tim 3:1 states, "But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come..."
16. Last days in this context is specific to that period of time just prior to Jesus' 2nd Coming.
17. When are the Latter Times?
18. Paul wrote to Timothy some 1955 years ago, and easily we could say this whole time frame has been the latter times. From the 1st Century up to Jesus' 2nd Coming are the latter times. So, latter times is a very general term...the latter times is now.
19. Again, this is differentiated from the last days and Jesus' 2nd Coming...
20. Just prior to Jesus' Ascension in Acts 1, the disciples asked, "Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?" 7 And He said to them, "It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority." Acts 1:6-7
21. The disciples were asking when Jesus would return to rule and reign on earth, and He told them it's "none ya business."
22. So, we don't know when Jesus will return and when the last days will be. In many of Jesus' parables he taught the faithful servant will be living their lives prepared, watching, and waiting because He could return at any time. And, the unfaithful servant would be going about their lives unfaithfully with no real regard to the Lord.
23. But, now we are in the latter times, as we are closing in on the last days, it is important for us to understand about dangers that have happened and will continue to happen in Christendom.
24. So, through the Holy Spirit, Paul warns about...
25. Apostasy...Paul says some will depart from the faith.
26. Apostasy is from the Greek word apostasia, which means "a defiance of an established system or authority; an abandonment or breach of faith; a rebellion."
27. Quickly a debate can arise about Eternal Security versus Losing Salvation or Conditional Security.
28. The Doctrine of Eternal Security is summed up as "once saved always saved."
29. John 10:28-29, clearly teaches the Doctrine of Eternal Security. " And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father's hand."
30. I believe this. No one external from that person can take a person's salvation. But, what if that person decides to turn back to the world and depart from God? God will not force you into salvation, and God will not stop you if you want to go.
31. A subscriber to Eternal Security would argue, they were never saved in the first place. So, it's a debate.
32. There are also many versus that support conditional security, scriptures referencing "abiding" in Christ, "falling away," "abandoning the love you first had," etc.
33. Traditionally, in Calvary Chapel we tend to ride the line in theological debates, respecting both views since the Bible teaches both views, and we do not suppose to be able to grasp or pretend to know for certain all the mysteries of God. God and His doctrines are bigger than our understanding, and that's good because if I could absolutely understand God, what kind of God would He be. He is the creator and I am the creation...it is not for the creation to understand everything about the source of all things.
34. So how do we define Apostasy?
35. If you subscribe only to the doctrine of Eternal Security, you are more likely to see this as a form of teaching heresy and falling away from non-negotiable doctrines, like Jesus is God and Jesus is the only means by which we are saved.
36. With this view, 1 Tim 4:1 could be rendered, "...in latter times some will depart from the faith as evidenced by paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons..."
37. Scholar William MacDonald states, "The fact that these people depart or fall away from the faith does not mean that they were ever saved, but simply that they had professed to be Christians. They knew about the Lord Jesus Christ and had been told that He was the only Savior. They professed for a time to follow Him, but then they apostatized from the faith." And, then he would go on to cite many cults of our time as an example of this form of apostasy.
38. From a conditional security standpoint, Apostasy can be seen as falling away from non-negotiable doctrines, OR when one professes Christ, and are walking with Christ and then something happens and they denounce God, they abandon Christ.
39. With this view, 1 Tim 4:1 could be describing three different dangers.
40. One last question on Apostasy, why do people depart?
41. In the Parable of the Sower, we get a glimpse of why some people fall away from faith Matt 13...
42. They are not rooted and tribulation or persecution arises and they stumble...departing from the faith. Stony Ground.
43. Thorny Ground. The cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word.
44. There are many other reasons as well, and throughout these latter times we have seen people walk away from their calling such as Christians and even Pastors who completely denounce God; and those who would stray into false teachings.
45. Paul next warns against the danger of giving heed to deceiving spirits...
46. Deceiving spirits refers to those fallen angels who rebelled against God and followed satan. We call them demons.
47. Paul instructed, "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Eph 6:11-12
48. Paul warned in 1 Tim 4 that those Apostate Christians would give heed, pay attention to, or even devote themselves to these demonic spirits. It's scary and shocking, but it's real.
49. The teaching of these deceitful spirits is called "Doctrines of demons..."
50. Doctrines of demons distract and confuse Christians from truth.
51. Demons are no fools when it comes to theology. They were in heaven with God, and cast out, so they have seen the glories of heaven, and know truth, but have chosen an evil path.
52. In Jesus' ministry, when He confronted and cast out demons they would accurately address Him as the "Son of God", and "Son of the Most High God," which was not a profession of faith, but an accurate portrayal of who Jesus is.
53. In Rev 12 it is said of Satan that he "deceives the whole world." Jesus said, "...there is no truth in him...he is a liar and the father of it."
54. We see Satan twist scripture, ever so slightly, when he tempted Eve and when he tempted Jesus. He tempted Eve that she could be like God, and demonic doctrines are often rooted in this very philosophy.
55. False teachings, which are influenced by the deception of demons, have varied throughout the latter times, and have been present in every generation.
56. Today, there are the obvious false teachings of cults like Mormonism and the Jehovah Witnesses.
57. You don't need to understand all of their various false teachings. In fact it is quite simple just to understand a couple things to identify a cult or a false teaching.
58. Jesus is God. A mormon will say Jesus is their savior, but they will deny Jesus is God.
59. Works based salvation. Cults teach Jesus plus ____(fill in the blank) = Salvation. A works based theology is wrong.
60. "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast." Eph 2:8-9
61. There are many other things, like the trinity, that cults deny, but usually you just need to focus on "Jesus is God," and the conversation will quickly reveal a difference in doctrine.
62. There are also more subtle false teachings. There are churches today that will agree on core distinctives of the Christian faith, but teach other things that are off.
63. Catholics ascribe their Seven Sacraments are necessary for salvation, which essentially turns salvation into a works based salvation.
64. They also teach about purgatory, which is a tradition of theirs and not biblically based, where a Christian must first go to purgatory before heaven to suffer for a time purifying them and preparing them for heaven.
65. There are so many other things as well...Praying for the dead; praying to saints; Mary as co-redemptress, immaculately conceived, sinless, her perpetual virginity, & ascension....none of which are biblically based.
66. Seventh-day Adventist and there strict adherence to the Sabbath on Saturday and Sunday worship as the mark of the beast; teaching soul sleep and annihilationism.
67. Charismatic churches and tongues as a sign of salvation; the Word of Faith movement; the Health & Wealth gospel or prosperity theology.
68. When you find yourself steeped in a tradition that has no biblical basis; or you are following a trend that contradicts scripture, these are red flags and likely fall under the category of false teachings and doctrines of demons.
continue to verses 2-3
1 Tim 4:2-3 "...speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, 3 forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth."
Verses 2-3
1. Much like Paul provided a list of qualifications for the Bishop and Deacons, he now qualifies, describes these apostate Christians who have aligned themselves with demonic spirits and teachings.
2. "...speaking lies in hypocrisy...just like demons and how they twist truth... apostate Christians and false teachers twist scripture, use smooth speech, tickle ears; all of which are hypocritical. They pretend to preach truth, but stand on a foundation of lies.
3. 2 Cor 11:13-14 "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light."
4. "...having their own conscience seared with a hot iron..."
5. the word seared in Greek is kautēriazō where we get our medical word cauterize. def. "to burn with a branding iron" and by implication means to "render unsensitive."
6. The apostate's conscience, their very soul, has become numb and dead to spiritual truths; they are not deceived, but are deliberately acting against convictions of their conscience.
7. This reminds me of how Paul was confronted on the road to Damascus, and Jesus said, "It is hard for you to kick against the goads [or pricks]..."
8. Paul witnessed Stephen's death and the truth Stephen presented, and was wrestling with the convictions of truth in his conscience at he was persecuting Christians.
9. Two examples of specific doctrines of demons are now presented "...forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods..."
10. Apostates and false teachers are often controlling in matters of life. They make up rules on what are acceptable practices.
11. The idea behind the traditions and legalistic practices on not marrying and not eating certain foods are founded on the lie that a person who denies themselves, or sacrifices pleasures in life...that person is more spiritual and obtains favor with God.
12. The practice of Asceticism is similar where people of world religions and Monks are strict in their self-denial practices with the goal of reaching a higher spiritual plane.
13. Monks are ascetics, but moreso practice monasticism whereby they seclude themselves from the world to keep religious vows and live godly lives. And, this may seem like Old Country ideas, but there are Catholic Hermit communities scattered across America. I came across one in Adams County.
14. Even in mainstream Catholicism, the idea that one must not marry to be committed to God is seen in the Catholic traditions for Priests and Nuns to remain celibate.
15. Here's the problem with these extreme self-denial practices about marriage and foods...Paul says "God created [these things] to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth."
16. Marriage is good. Food is good. Both were created by God, in the beginning for us, out of His love for us, to care for our needs, and for our enjoyment.
17. So, of course, Satan and demons want to attack and restrict us from these good things, and false teachers uses restrictions to control.
continue to verses 4-5
1 Tim 4:4-5 "For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving; 5 for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer."
Verses 4-5
1. Continuing with further explanation on this same idea, refuting doctrines of demons and controlling apostates, in verse 4, Paul states, "For every creature of God is good..."
2. Continuing with the idea that God has created food for us, and all food is good, we can look back to God's original intentions to see that food restrictions because of a false teaching or religious tradition are counter to scripture.
3. Genesis 1:29, "And God said, "See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food."
4. And to Noah, He said, "Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs." Gen 9:3
5. For some, there is a great struggle breaking from tradition...Peter struggled with breaking Jewish traditions on eating certain foods. In his vision in Acts 10 (which was also a clearance for Peter to go to the Gentiles)...Peter had a vision of an object like a great sheet descending to the earth with all kinds of animals on it... "And a voice came to him, "Rise, Peter; kill and eat." But Peter said, "Not so, Lord! For I have never eaten anything common or unclean." And a voice spoke to him again the second time, "What God has cleansed you must not call common." Acts 10:13-15 God cleared Peter to eat any food...all were lawful.
6. But, let us not forget the Law of Liberty and Law of Love in Rom 14...we have the liberty to eat all things, but let's also be sensitive and loving to those with convictions against certain foods and not stumble, cause offense, or weaken another brother. Rom 14:14-15 "I know and am convinced by the Lord Jesus that there is nothing unclean of itself; but to him who considers anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean. 15 Yet if your brother is grieved because of your food, you are no longer walking in love. Do not destroy with your food the one for whom Christ died."
7. Paul in verse 3, and now again in verse 4 uses the phrase, "received with thanksgiving..."
8. Repetition should be noticed as we read God's word. Repetition indicates importance.
9. How often are we blessed by God we forget to be thankful? We have food to eat. God forgive us for taking you and our many blessings for granted.
10. Americans, for the most part, do not know hunger. We typically eat three meals a day, and have great variety of things to eat. Our kids, and even ourselves, we open a pantry or fridge full of food and say, 'there's nothing to eat.' We are far too spoiled.
11. It's good to take a moment and to pray before a meal, to express thanksgiving.
12. In Verse 5, Paul says by praying and expressing gratitude our food is sanctified, consecrated, or made holy by means of the word of God and prayer.
13. The word of God as uttered in prayer is one way to look at interpreting this verse.
14. I favor that the word of God as we read in Genesis and Acts 10 already sanctified foods, as they were given to us by God.
15. Lastly, as mentioned, be thankful for all things God has given you and sanctify your food with prayer.
16. Wuest says, "The food in itself has no moral quality, but acquires a holy quality by its consecration to God; by being acknowledged as God's gift, and partaken of as nourishing the life for God's service."
17. Prayer before a meal is a great practice...it's a witness in a restaurant, a good model with your family, and a good discipline individually. But, pray with the right heart attitude of thanksgiving, not out of obligation or tradition.
18. The next time you pray as a family, watch your attitude... is the little voice in your head truly thankful, or is it yelling, "C'mon, c'mon get it over with the food is getting cold and I want to eat!"
19. We are blessed, let the food get cold, let your flesh wait...receive your food with thanksgiving and pray.
What a great contrast we have seen today between truth and apostasy.
As we go out into the world this week, remember you are the church, you are the pillar and ground of the truth. Even with Covid-19 restrictions beginning to lift, there are many people influenced by doctrines of demons, and people who have walked away from the truth. They have been deceived by the promises of the world and you may very well be a voice of truth in their life. So, be soft to the Holy Spirit, and how He may speak to you this week.
Let's Pray.