Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
< .5
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> .9
WELCOME: eMember Reflections Group Tuesdays @ 7:00 pm
Reflections Church Service
Reformation Sunday
“Treat or Treat”
2 Corinthians 11:1 - 15
Introduction was a shout out to those who sacrifice to serve.
Musicians travel a long way to serve
The history of trick of treat
The Bible is full of trick or treaters
He went through some church history of Martin Luther grievances against the Roman Catholic church.
The reason he nailed his 95 thesis to the door of the Wittenberg Church, in Germany, on October 31, 1517
Most believers don’t know what they believe.
We have to stay strong in the spirit and word of God.
We need a reformation of the heart
The day for doing things for show are over.
Last Week’s Application: What are some of the ways to maintain your trust in God even when circumstances are bleak?
Think about the ways in which God has blessed you, your family even in the midst of trying times.
Stop, and spend some time thanking and praising Him for those blessings.
Genesis 46 & 47 Pharaoh Welcomes Jacob and his family
Opening Question: What’s your favorite way to pass the time during long journeys?
Genesis 46:1 - 7
Question #1: Do you remember the time your family made a major move?
How did it make you feel?
What affect do you think it had on you?
Lesson: Even though Jacob would have been thrilled to travel to Egypt and see Joseph, there must have been a question in the back of his mind: What about the promised land?
Would God bring his people back to Canaan if they left?
Knowing Jacob’s anxieties, God appeared to Jacob in a vision to reassure him.
The journey to Egypt would fulfill part of his promise, making Jacob into a great nation there (46:3).
At the appointed time, God would bring them back (46:4).
and in the meantime, God promised to be with Jacob for the journey (46:4).
Armed with God’s presence and renewal of His promise, Israel was able to make the trek with hope.
Question #2: How much of your extended family can you call by name?
What is your relationship with them like?
Genesis 46:8 - 27
Lesson: Each of Jacob’s sons had a bundle of sons of their own, so that the entire family numbered seventy persons (46:27).
God’s promise to make Abraham’s descendents as numerous as the stars in the sky was already on its way to fruition.
This was an enormous family by any measure.
But the specific number seventy is significant.
In Hebrew culture, the number seven indicated completion and fullness.
In pointing out that Jacob had a family of seventy, the author hints to us that Israel’s family was fulfilling the promise that God had made.
Genesis 46:28 - 30
Lesson: After and absence of twenty-two years, Joseph was reunited with his father Israel.
He was so overcome with emotion, he exclaimed, that he was ready to die now because he had seen Joseph’s face (46:30).
This reunion once again confirmed to Jacob that God’s promises were good and dependable, even when circumstances had seemed to threaten them.
This passage should bolster our faith that things we once thought were now dead, or out of reach, if they are in the will of God can come to fruition, and in ways that not only bless us, but others, and glorify God.
Genesis 46:31 - 34
Question #3: When have you received advise on making a good first impression?
Did it work?
Genesis 47:1 - 6
Question #4: What are some of the obstacles people face when they start a new life in a new place?
What do you remember most vividly about your most recent move?
Genesis 47:7 - 12
Question #5: How does our culture view a person’s responsibility to care for his or her parents?
Lesson: Jacob’s encounter with Pharaoh is very interesting and hints at the fulfillment of another part of God’s covenant with Abraham.
The promise had three parts: (1) multiplying Abraham’s offspring, (2) giving them the promised land, and (3) blessing all the families of the earth through them (Gen.
Israel’s family had already the first two.
Here in the meeting with Pharaoh we begin to see the third come to fruition.
Here Jacob blessed Pharaoh as a firstfruits fulfillment of God’s intention to bless all the nations of the world (47:7) through this line.
The directions of the blessing is significant and displays Israel deep faith.
Pharaoh sat on his throne, thinking that he was ruling over the world.
He should have been the one bestowing blessings.
But Jacob saw that in God’s economy, he had the greater wealth; in God’s kingdom, he had the true position of privilege.
Genesis 47:13 - 26
Question #6: How would you a have handled such a crisis if you were in charge?
Because of Joseph’s wisdom, he acquired all the land in Egypt for Pharaoh (47:20), asking in return only that the people provide a tax of a fifth of their produce (47:24, 26).
Genesis 47:27 - 31
Lesson: As Jacob neared death, he charged Joseph, Do not bury me in Egypt (47:29).
He remembered the promises of God and wanted his bones to rest where his ancestors’ did - in the promised land (47:30).
Joseph, swearing with a solemn oath, agreed the Israel’s request (47:31)
Closing Thought: How have your values and priorities changed throughout the seasons of your life?
What is something you hope you can accomplish before your time on earth is passed?
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