Some purposes of Scripture Notes
Some purposes of scripture Notes
Word of God exposes self-confidence.
We must always be open to God rather than to selves. One of the worst things we can have is boosted self-esteem. High self-esteem causes us to look to ourselves and not to God.
We talk must about Joshua and the battle of AI. Explain this battle. If the Israelite’s eyes, and particularly Joshua, had been on God rather than on themselves they would have called for a prayer meeting before battling AI. But, they were full of self-confidence. (Ex. Jr. Wyatt witnessing to JW at daughter’s house). If Joshua had called for a prayer meeting, God would have informed them that there was sin in the house and Joshua could have then dealt with it. We need to be sure there is no sin in our houses that hasn’t been dealt with. This would have saved the lives of 36 Israeli soldier and a humiliating defeat for Israel.
Instead of getting the counsel of the Lord, Joshua accepted the counsel of his spies, and this led to defeat. The spies said nothing about the Lord and only about the strength of their army. They were sure the whole army wasn’t needed for this battle.
Moses had warned Israel about doing things in disobedience to the Lord. That they would have no strength without Him. Deut. 32:30- if the nation had been pleasing to the Lord three soldiers could have defeated the whole Ai army. Isa. 59:2