Parables Part 2

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This morning we are going to be in Mark 4:3-8 and so I’m going to read that and then we are going to pray and get started
You can read along with me in your bible or on your phone and if you don’t have a Bible we have some in the front and back and if you don’t have a Bible at home then that is our gift to you, you can take that with you
So let’s read
Mark 4:3–8 NIV
3 “Listen! A farmer went out to sow his seed. 4 As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. 5 Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. 6 But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. 7 Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants, so that they did not bear grain. 8 Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, some multiplying thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times.”
The parable of the sower
Jesus tells a story or a parable of a farmer who goes out and sows seed into the ground
It would have been a very common thing to do
And most scholars believe that where Jesus was currently located while telling this story the backdrop would have been a visual analogy of this very parable that Jesus was telling
The farmer is spreading this seed all around and so it falls on ground that was hardened like the path and it couldn’t penetrate into the soil therefore it was left on the top for the birds to eat
other was thrown on to some rocks where there wasn’t much soil so it would spring up quickly but ends up getting burned by the sun and withers away because of the lack of a root system
Other seed is thrown among thorns which found soil to grow in but was overtaken by the thorns
And then seed was thrown on good soil where it produced a great crop
Now I think every parable has a single meaning but a variety of applications
every parable has a single goal in mind with many takeaways
The nice thing about this parable is we don’t have to do much guessing because Jesus takes the guesswork out of it
Just a couple verse later his disciples come to Him asking Him what the parable means and so He explains it to them like this
Mark 4:14–20 NIV
14 The farmer sows the word. 15 Some people are like seed along the path, where the word is sown. As soon as they hear it, Satan comes and takes away the word that was sown in them. 16 Others, like seed sown on rocky places, hear the word and at once receive it with joy. 17 But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. 18 Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the word; 19 but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful. 20 Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop—some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times what was sown.”
So for seed you could read “gospel message.”
For sower read “preacher”
for the soils read “people”
So what is the big kingdom idea here?
If every parable is telling of a kingdom idea then what is this one and why is Jesus spending His words and time telling it and then explaining it to His disciples
Here’s what I believe it to be: The receptiveness depends on the state of the ground
Said another way: the receptiveness to the gospel is dependent on the condition of the heart
Here’s what that means: The farmer doesn’t change, and the seed doesn’t change, it’s only the soil that is different
Notice how the farmer does the same regardless.
If you are being preached the true gospel, hearing it from another preacher isn’t going to make it feel better for you
You may have your style preferences and you may like one communicator over another but at the end of the day the gospel is the gospel regardless of who’s preaching it
The truth is the truth no matter who’s communicating it
Notice also, the seed is the same
Listen, we don’t have to water down the gospel to get people to accept it
If someone will only accept a watered down version of the gospel then that just means they won’t accept the one true gospel
We have to stop wasting our time trying to make the kingdom of God fit into our kingdom
It doesn’t work
We learn, live, and let out the one true gospel of Jesus Christ and allow the Holy Spirit to do His work
So that then leaves us with the soil
This parable teaches us that there are 4 different types of soil
The path
Where seed is thrown and satan comes and takes away the Word given to us
Satan will do everything in His power to harden and callous your heart in such a way that you become unmoved by the gospel
2 Cor 4:4 “4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”
It’s what He does and that is often His first tactic. If He can get to your heart and harden it against the kingdom of God then he will
That’s why we must be careful with what and who we are allowing to influence and cultivate our heart
Parents - we must be careful who we are letting our kids listen to and be around and speak into their lives
It doesn’t happen overnight but the enemy will chip away slowly and you won’t realize it until it’s too late
We must put on the full armour of God Ephesians 6 talks about to guard ourselves and ready ourselves against the spiritual battle that we are all in
The rocks
Where seed is thrown and joy is found and yet when trouble or persecution comes they quickly fall away
Another tactic of the enemy is to try to dissuade you by bringing trouble and persecution
The girls want to wrestle me
We love Jesus when everything is all good
But will we love Him even when it’s not?
How do we counter this attack? We need roots!
How do we get roots? By knowing the Word of God and knowing the Father
I also believe part of a spiritual root system is having those who are rooted with you
Having those people in your life that when you feel like you’ve been rocked and shooken to the core and you don’t know if you can go another day
They are deeply rooted in the Word and love of Jesus and they can help keep you rooted there as well
Having a small group is a great step in that direction
The thorns
Where seed is thrown but the worries of this life choke out the truth
Usually if the enemy can’t get you with a trouble He will disguise it as a blessing
Often times if the enemy can’t get you to walk away through troubles He will give you all this stuff to blind you from the truth. He will convince you that you don’t need anything else, anyone else, that you are completely sufficient
You’re successful, happy, everything is good so why would you need to step out of your comfort zone and follow a God who is going to call you into the uncomfortable?
If I’m honest, I think this is the tactic the enemy uses most in America and I also believe that our churches are filled with this type of soil
I think churches are filled with people who have enough, life is good enough, they come to church, they hear the Word, they go through the motions but there’s little to no fruit. They’re unfruitful and we know what Jesus says about the branch that bears no fruit
And the worst part about it is I think pastors have preyed on these types of people. Because they fill the seats and the giving buckets
But I love you too much. You could never give a dime to cornerstone, you could hate my guts, but I can’t let you sit there and be deceived and hold back the truth just so I can garner your affection toward me
If the things of this world matter more to you the the gospel of Jesus then something is wrong
If you are more worried about making a dollar than sharing the truth about Jesus than something is wrong
If a toy means more to you than a soul then something is wrong
Please, I beg you, don’t deceive yourself. Be honest with yourself and then do something about it
The good soil
Where the seed is thrown and produces a crop
We are called to produce a crop
We are called to love on another
We are called to give of ourselves
We are called to lay our lives down
We are called to follow Jesus
We are called to joy
We are called to hope
We are called into an abundant life
If our faith in Jesus does not produce something then you may want to check your faith
Notice also that it produces something far greater than it ever could have on its own
When we are truly working in and for the kingdom of God we are going to produce and experience things we could have never imagined or done in our own power
I don’t talk. God called me to be a teaching pastor
It was the last thing I would have expected and yet here I am
Because of God. I don’t stand up here and do this on my own. It’s only by the power and working of the Holy Spirit in me that I am able to this week in and week out
When you work in the kingdom of God for the King of the universe you’re going to experience and do things you could never do on your own
The soil
Now a lot of times when this is preached it’s presented as, here are the 4 soils, you better hope and pray that you are the good soil, the end
The problem with that is that this parable gives us no reason to believe that the soils can’t change
In fact, I could argue that the soils must be able to change because we were once all the path. Hardened and far from God. But Jesus, the faithful farmer, comes and makes the hardened calloused heart a fertile life giving ground
And so if the soil can change then we need to ask ourselves a few questions
What soil are you?
Are we hardened against the Word of God?
Are we one trouble away from giving it all up?
Are we too worried about the things of this world?
Or are we a person who lives the life God has called us to producing fruit thirty. sixty, and a hundred times over?
Where are we and what changes do we need to make in order to insure that we have hearts open to the gospel of Jesus Christ?
Another question that could be asked is: What soil are you producing around you?
In our families: are we creating children who are going to be calloused against the Word of God and the gospel? Will they be more worried about the things of this world? Will there faith be reliant on yours so that when troubles come they have nothing to stand on of their own and so they walk away from the faith all together?
In our friends: Are we representing Christ in a way that’s going to produce life or are we leaving a trail of dead soil every where we go?
God is like the land owner. He calls the shots and provides us with all that we need. He’s given us His Word and has called us to take it to the nations.
Yes we are called to take it Haiti and to Africa and to Europe but we are also called to take it to Perry Fl
We are called to take it to our communities, to the grocery store, to work with us, to the house with us
Are we living that out? Are we the soil God has called us to be and are we producing soil around us that God would be please with?
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