Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Background on the Greatest prayer ever recorded in scripture.
The attitude of Jesus toward His disciples, and toward us.
Jesus prayed:
For His presence in our lives.
For our presence in the world.
For our presence in the life of Christ.
Jesus prayed:
For His presence in our lives.
The Lord Jesus said “Now I am no longer in the world...”, haven’t really left the world yet — arrested, mocked, insulted, humiliated, beaten, tortured, crucified.. and yet He prays more for His disciples than Himself.
Jesus said while He is in the world, He is the light of the world.
Jesus did not pray for His absence… turning them over..
“I have kept” - “I have guarded” in the ESV
Judas had a chance to repent.
But the evil voices convinced him that his sin is more powerful than God’s forgiveness.
Christ is present in us now - the Psalmist said in His presence is fullness of joy.
He said in Matthew 28, “I am with you always”.
The Paradox of the Now and Not Yet!
The Lord Jesus has never really left us, but we say “Jesus is coming soon”.
- sounds contradictory..
the Lord is not physically present here on earth, but He has promised a Helper -the Holy Spirit.
- He is with us now, but we can not yet see Him with our physical eyes.
- He has given heaven to us now, but we can not yet experience it as we will in eternity.
- All of Christ's gifts already belong to us now, but we can not yet experience them to the fullest.
The Holy Spirit has been given to us as a guarantee.
Someday we will claim our full redemption when one of these two things happen: a) When Jesus takes us home when we fall asleep and wake up in His presence..
b) The rapture takes place and we are caught up to be with the Lord forever in glory.
The exciting news for all of us today is : The Rapture close — the rapture is at Hand!
Jesus prayed:
2. For our presence in the world.
We are IN the world but NOT OF the world.
"the world has hated them because they are not of the world.”
Why would the world hate us?
Stand for Christian values today.. and you will be hated.
Parents standing for conservative values being called “domestic terrorists”!
Jesus prayed for our preservation.. that we will not be tempted to compromise.
We win the world for Christ not by appeasement.
Softening and sugar coating of the Gospel message.
- prosperity preaching… pandering to alternative family lifestyles..
What I have mentioned are direct attacks from Satan..persecutions!
More subtle approach — to do keep us comfortable so much so that we do nothing.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
- Edmund Burke
Jesus prayed for:
For our presence in the life of Christ.
Are we ready to live the life of Christ?
Are we able to live the life of Christ?
Are we available to live the life of Christ.
Dual citizenship.
best of both worlds…
We cannot be dual citizens of heaven and the world.
When we became citizens of heaven, we must outright revoke our citizenship of the world.
We cannot have the best of both worlds..
We must unequivocally choose Christ!!!
Illustration of a citizenship certificate.
We are citizens of the country we pledge allegiance to.
Who do we pledge allegiance to?
We are present in this world not as citizens, but as ambassadors of Jesus Christ.
How do we live the life of Christ?
a. Constant sanctification by God’s word.
How do we live the life of Christ?
By fulfilling the Great Commission.
How do we live the life of Christ?
By the righteousness found in Christ.
not religion but by the grace of God.
“We are not a religious church!” - let’s have a sign outside..
Dissect this verse: How does Christ sanctify Himself, when we know that He is sinless?
sanctify = consecrate
“The object of Christ’s consecration to His work was the severance of His disciples from the world and their inspiration with the same spirit of self-sacrifice and devotedness to sacred uses.” - John Calvin
Jesus has gone before us, we don’t need to add more.. just let the Lord live His life in and through us.
To live is Christ...
You have been qualified, you are made able.
The challenging question is: Are you available?
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9