When Love is Made Real

Galatians  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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How do we know when something… or someone… is the real deal?
What I mean by that is whatever or whoever it is that makes the claim… is exactly what they are declared to be.
Many make the claim… but only a few will truly pass the test.
For instance, commercials fill the air ways that push products or services that claim to be the best thing out there. But the only way we can really know if their claims are true is to try it out for ourselves… that is… until product reviews became available.
Anymore, when I go to purchase something or to order a product, after I read its description, I then read… the reviews. These reviews are written by folks who have first-hand experience with the product. These reviews are testimonies of people… accounts given by folks regarding the value of the product.
I can tell you today that those reviews have guided me many times in making my decision on what to purchase!
It’s one thing to look at the star rating… but I also chose to read what the people have to say.
A recent Facebook meme poked fun at this process… Captain Kirk (the greatest captain to command the star ship Enterprise) is talking to Spock and he asks him, “Why did the Vulcans wait so long to visit earth?” Spock replies by saying, “Because of its poor review. It only has a one star.”
Here’s the deal: The person selling the product is going to talk it up… but the people who have used the product are speaking from experience. They will tell you if it’s a great deal, or a complete rip off!
So this morning we are going to talk about a real deal. We are going to talk about When Love is Made Real.
God’s love IS real. This Christmas season, we will talk about how God made His love real to us through the giving of His Son, Jesus. This truly is the greatest gift of love this world has ever received!
But church… if we desire to be the people God has called us to be… His real love must be made real in us and through us. What I mean by that is it is NOT good enough to simply talk it up… His love must be evident in the way we live as well.
When God’s love is made real to us… His love will be evident to others through us.
Let’s recap where we are in our study of Galatians.
Paul is working to bring the people back to the true or real gospel message of Jesus. Certain people were working to pull them away from their new found freedom in Christ. Paul was not about to let that happen on his watch. So he wrote this letter to set the record straight.
In our last study, we looked at the conflict Paul pointed out to the Galatians: The conflict between the desires of the flesh and leading of the Spirit.
And near the end of that message, we studied two different lists that are presented in Galatians 5. Those two lists compare the fruit of the Spirit against the acts of the sinful nature. These actions give evidence of which direction we are really walking. It gives evidence of whether we love the things of the flesh… or the ways of the Spirit.
And now, as we will see in a moment, Paul goes on to give some specific examples of how the Spirit transforms what we will call human community. He gives examples of signs we can expect when the Spirit is successfully working to produce a community where the ideal of love is realized. You can believe that when His love is made real to a community… it will change the focus and direction of said community!
To be clear, this list is NOT a new comprehensive set of rules for Christian conduct. If that were the case, such would be entirely counter to the vision that Paul has worked to lay out. However, if the people of God are truly being led by the Spirit of God, then the love of God will be fully evident in their lives!
Here is our main point this morning. When love is made real, God’s transforming Spirit is truly at work, bringing believers into conformity with God’s righteousness.
And our life will become a living testimony… a five star review… regarding the width and the depth of God’s love for all.
God’s love is real… this is true whether or not a person chooses to accept it. However, when the reality of His love hit home… well, you can bet that our lives will never be the same! When His love is at the center of our lives, that means that God is at the center of our lives… for 1 John 4:8 declares that God is love! But it also gives this warning, “Whoever does not love does not love God.”
So we dive into Galatians 6 this morning to take a good look at two points that Paul lays out.
One, When Love is Made Real, we will do what is good.
Two, when love is made real, it is testable and incomparable.

Do What is Good.

It really does amaze me how often this point has come up in recent sermons or studies! If you have been with us on Wednesday nights, you know that this truth or instruction has been at the heart of our conversation for several weeks. Paul emphasizes in Galatians 6:1-3 that when love is made real, you can expect to do what is good.
Galatians 6:1–3 NIV
1 Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted. 2 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. 3 If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves.
Galatians 6:6 NIV
6 Nevertheless, the one who receives instruction in the word should share all good things with their instructor.
It is important to note what is happening here. Paul lays out a good verses bad scenario for his reader. He presents a contrast between what love looks like in motion against what a lack of love looks like. It’s a good verses bad comparison.
One, Paul says in verse one to RESTORE… and don’t REBEL.
When love is made real, those who live by the Spirit should help restore those who are caught in sin GENTLY. Be caring, be compassionate, operate as Jesus did. Extend to others the same kind of love that has been extended toward you.
The Greek word used here for “restore” is katartizo (CA-TAR-TEEZO) and it was commonly used in the NT for mending the fishing nets. When referring to people, it means developing and perfecting human character. With this in mind, Christians must help wayward believers to mend and heal spiritually by guiding and leading them back to Christ.
This requires that we care about the spiritual condition of our brothers and sister. Our community is close enough that we can recognize when someone is struggling.
Our love and concern for others then compels us to say something, to gently restore them with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word.
This is doing what is GOOD.
But Paul warns of the bad that we must be cautious of. We are to restore… but be careful not to rebel.
In that restorative process, be careful not to slip into the same temptation that person is experiencing. make sure you are prayed up and filled up with God’s Spirit and power.
Rebelling certainly sends the wrong message regarding the reality of God’s love. That knocks a star or two off our review that the world is reading. Again, God’s love IS real… but do our actions testify that His love is real to us?
Secondly, Scripture says to Carry… but don’t condemn.
Look at verse 2 again. When love is made real, believers will carry the burdens of others. This means we will be a resource to them in a times of need.
It means our love goes deeper than a simple extension of pity, it means we will engage and become a resource or a help however we can be.
Someone might be thinking, “Pastor, I’m having a hard enough time managing my own burdens… how can I be expected to help others as well?” You rely on God to help get the job done. Carrying the burdens of others is NOT about the strength and stamina you have… but it is about the resources that God wants to make available through you.
You are a vessel through which the power and presence of God will flow. But you must be willing to allow Him to flow freely through you - to be a willing vessel of His love.
This is doing what is good.
And be careful… as we aim to carry, let’s not slip into condemnation.
it’s easy to sit back and to criticize and to judge. It is easy to offer opinion and would’ve, should’ve and could’ve remarks. But it is entirely a different story when we extend a hand instead of condemnation. Paul makes it clear, pride is the path to becoming nothing but humble service of others is a sign of God’s love working in us.
If God’s love is real to us… people will not be viewed as less than. This is true due to our understanding of the truth that we ALL need a Savior… We ALL need grace. If Christ had not carried our sin burden to the cross, then none of us would be here today.
Jesus did NOT come to condemn but to save. Condemning others is conforming to worldly patterns… but carrying the weight of another’s burdens… is giving as Christ gave - THROUGH LOVE.
Third, Paul says to share… but don’t shackle.
Look t verse 6 again. Those who have received instruction are to share good things with the instructor. We are not to take our spiritual leaders for granted.
Now this might seem oddly self serving but hear me out. I am thankful for the men and women who have poured into my life throughout the years - be it missionaries, ministers, college professors, camp speakers, evangelists, etc. I am thankful for their investment and grateful for opportunity… to support them - to share all that is good with them. Those who benefit from the commitment of the “instructor” are to share their material resources with them for their sustenance, so that they can continue in their work on behalf of the community.
This is a text about being generous. People who love God are a generous people… for our God is a generous God! Specifically, in this text, Paul says to take care of the spiritual instructors. Take care of those who are guiding you and teaching you the Word.
Again, I want to say how thankful we are for the generosity that has been extended toward our family throughout the last four years! This church has taken good care of its pastors and we and thankful! Your giving makes a big difference!
This is doing what is good.
But consider what a lack of giving would look like. Instead of sharing, shackles can become the reality.
For example, Bob presented information today regarding one of the missionaries we support. Your giving to missions helps keep that family in the fight. Your giving to missions helps to keep them active in the field God has called them to.
When we share… we send. We invest in the kingdom of God. When we do not share… we shackle. Our lack of giving might stop a work in its tracks or it might stop a ministry from ever being started. When God moves on your heart to give… your willingness to share that resource makes a big kingdom impact!
Now remember that these are examples of what it means to do what is good. This is what it looks like when love is made real… this is what it looks like when God’s transforming Spirit is truly at work. It brings believers into conformity with God’s righteousness.
This certainly was NOT an exhaustive list nor was it given in a legalistic manner. Rather, Paul is painting a picture of what Good is...
And notice what is lacking in all three examples… self. Doing good is a selfless act, action motivated by love that is not passive, but active.
God’s love is an active love… God so loved the world that He gave… He didn’t withhold but He gave. And He continues to give today! He desires for that same kind of love to come alive in our hearts today.
That requires for our self to be crucified with Christ and for Jesus to come alive within.
It also requires… that we pass a test. It requires that take an honest look at who we are as we aim to do what is good.

Passing the Test.

Look again at Galatians 6:4-5 and then move on to Galatians 6:7-10
Galatians 6:4–5 NIV
4 Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, 5 for each one should carry their own load.
Galatians 6:7–10 NIV
7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8 Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. 9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. 10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
Paul reveals a system to evaluate where we stand regarding the instruction to do what is good. And the first thing to look at is what Paul says NOT to use as a test.
The instruction is clear: Doing good is NOT a comparison game. We are NOT to look to others and compare our actions against his or hers, but rather we are to remain faithful in the opportunities that God places before us.
Comparing ourselves to others is a DANGEROUS thing to do.
First, if we are honest, this system is biased. Why? Because what I have seen is people will find someone who is not doing well to compare themselves against. And then statements like, “Well at least I’m not like _____________,” or “I can’t believe _______________ would do/say that! I would NEVER do such a thing!”
Here’s the deal, so long as we are willing to compare ourselves to others, we will forever miss what God is leading us to do. Comparing ourselves to others is looking for inspiration in all the wrong places.
When it comes to doing what is good, don’t be concerned with the good or lack-thereof of others, but be concerned with what God is leading you to do.
Your calling is NOT to be like anyone else in this world… your calling is to follow Jesus, to be Christ-like… your calling is to be free as you live out the will of the Father!
So if the test comes not through comparison, how are we to know if we are truly doing good as instructed by the Lord?
The Word tells us that we will reap what we sow. We can expect to harvest more of the seed that was planted.
So the test comes in the harvest… what do you find yourself reaping today? What kind of results are coming from the field?
We know we are toward the end of harvest here is the heartland. Farmers are working around the clock to bring in what was sown.
When a farmer plants corn, they do not expect to reap milo. When a farmer sows wheat, they do not expect to reap soy beans. When it comes to harvest, we can expect to reap more of what was sown.
So here is the question we must be willing to ask ourselves: what kind of harvest are we reaping today? Is it one of God’s goodness and kindness, or selfishness and… destruction?
The Scripture made it clear. When we sow to please our flesh, the flesh will reap destruction. But when we sow to please the Spirit of God, from the Spirit expect to reap eternal life.
Going back to our title today… when we sow into others the love of God made real to us, believe for new life to spring up in the hearts of others.
Church, there are a lot of things we can “sow” into others. Their are a lot of ways we can invest in our the hearts of our neighbors and communities. God makes this easy on us on how to choose what we are to sow. DO WHAT IS GOOD. Sow into others the same love God has extended your direction.
Again, God loves everyone. However, not everyone has come to a realization of His love.
When His love is made real, we will testify of His love. We will walk in His love. And we will extend that same love towards others.
God’s love IS real. God’s love is AMAZING. And this world needs more of God’s love. So how do they receive this love?
We… the body of Christ… are to be beacons of His love today. I pray that our lives would be spent not only testifying of His love but also living out and being extensions of His love.
When love is made real, God’s transforming Spirit is truly at work, bringing believers into conformity with God’s righteousness.
That conformity will lead us to do what is good… by God’s standards. Love will be at the center of all that we are and do.
In reflection… we look at what we reap. Perhaps today you find yourself reaping things of the flesh rather than the things of the Spirit. Today, God wants to help you sow something else. But that change… starts in the heart. God wants to make His love real to you today.
If you want to experience that change today, I want you to raise your hand, and ask God to fill you with His love. And get ready, when His love comes in… you can expect his love will flow through you!
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