Beginnings: God Makes Nobodies into Somebodies
Judah's story can be overshadowed by the dramatics of Joseph's life story, however, Judah was the chosen bloodline for the kings of Israel and eventually, the King of Kings over everyone and everything. The ultimate Redeemer of us all.
Psalm 113
God Makes Nobodies into Somebodies
God’s Nobodies
I doubt very much whether you have heard of Frank Wimproy, He was one of God’s “nobodies.” But God did a great work through him. Frank Wimproy was one of the workers at the Radnor Street Mission, Shoreditch, London.
One Sunday in 1912, Wimproy felt led to speak to a young lad in the Sunday School, a thirteen-year-old boy. “Now, Will,” he said, “would you like to be a Christian? Have you given your heart to Christ?” “No,” said Will. “Do you want to?” Wimproy asked. “Yes, I think I do,” came the reply. Wimproy took the lad by the hand, led him into the prayer room, prayed with him, and pointed him to the Saviour. Young Will handed the reins of his life over to the Saviour and became a Christian. Will’s full name as an adult was Dr. W. E. Sangster—a man God used to reach many thousands of people with the Gospel of Christ.
Morning Glory, Sept.-Oct. 1997, p. 14