Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
As I prepared for this week’s message, my first title (the title in the bulletin) was “Life’s Interruptions,” but as I actually put the sermon together, I decided to change the title to “Desperate For Jesus.”
So as we begin this morning I want to ask you a question: How desperate are you for Jesus?
Last week we looked at the first part of Mark chapter 5. Toward the end of our passage last week, we came to verse 17:
So Jesus gets back into the boat and begins the voyage back across the Sea of Galilee.
When we come to verse 21, we are back on the other side—most likely outside the city of Capernaum.
And that is were we will pick up the story this morning.
So if you have your Bibles, I want to encourage you to turn with me to Mark chapter 5, and we’ll begin reading with verse 21.
Outside Capernaum
Verse 21 tells us that once again a large crowd gathered around him while he was by the lake.
In reading Mark’s account, one almost gets the picture that the crowd continued to grow while Jesus was gone.
Out of this “large crowd” we are going to meet two people.
Here’s the first one!
Look at verse 22.
The Synagogue Ruler
Here we are introduced to Jairus.
He is described as one of the rulers of the synagogue.
As such, he should have been opposed to Jesus—like so many of the other religious leaders were.
Here’s the thing, Jairus had a problem—a crisis.
For him it was a crisis of belief.
He was struggling with the fact that his 12 year old daughter was sick and dying!
The Jewish traditions could do nothing to prevent his little girl’s death!
So he was desperate.
What he has believed his entire life was now unable to save his little girl!
So in desperation, he turned to this new, controversial teacher named Jesus.
Maybe this Jesus could help.
QUESTION: Do you believe Jesus can help you today?
How about when you face a crisis of belief?
Do you believe Jesus can help you then?
In verse 24 we see Jesus’ response!
Jesus agrees to go with Jairus.
And the large crowd goes with them, to see what will happen!
They had heard all that Jairus said, and they truly wanted to see what would happen next!
The Bleeding Woman
Now we come to the second character in our story.
Look at verse 25.
This woman also had a problem!
She had been bleeding for 12 years.
That meant for 12 years she could not go to the temple to worship.
For 12 years no one could touch her.
For 12 years she suffered.
We also learn that she had tried EVERYTHING!
She went to every doctor she could find.
She spent every dime she had to find a cure.
But nothing worked.
In fact, instead of getting better she grew worse!
The Interruption!
I want you to picture this!
We have a predominant Jewish religious leader—Jairus.
We have his daughter dying!
Jesus has agreed to go to Jairus’ house to help his daughter.
And right now they are on their way—surrounded by a large crowd.
This crowd is now trying to squeeze through the narrow streets of Capernaum.
And everyone is bumping into everyone else.
It is at this point that we are told of the woman’s motives.
Look at verse 28!
She believes if she can only touch the edge of Jesus’ robe she would be healed.
So she begins to press he way through the crowd, trying to get close enough to Jesus to touch the very edge of his robe—closer, and closer.
Almost there!
And finally, she touches Jesus!
And all of the sudden she is healed and she knew it!
Look at verse 29.
After 12 years of suffering, she is healed.
After 12 years of suffering she is no longer bleeding!
Can you imagine how she must have felt in that moment?
I can’t help but think about how excited she must have been—that is until we come to verse 30!
Jesus’ Response to the Woman
Picture this—here is the woman, relieved, thankful, and excited all at once because she has been healed.
At the same moment, Jesus stops and looks around at the crowd and begins to ask, “Who touched me?”
When He says this, the disciples are shocked by the question.
Look at their response!
They think a better question would have been, “Who hasn’t touched me?”
It is so crowded that anyone could have touched Jesus.
How could He possible ask such a strange question?
Still the procession to Jairus’ house has been interrupted!
Jesus has stopped!
Look at the next verse.
Jesus still wants to know who touched Him with intent!
I love the next couple of verses.
Verse 33, is the woman’s honesty, and verse 34 is Jesus’ loving response!
QUESTION: Are you desperate for Jesus?
Back to Jairus’ Daughter!
Now during this delay, and all of the commotion, Jairus the synagogue ruler receives some bad news!
Stop for a minute and feel the emotion!
If that woman hadn’t stopped Jesus, my daughter would be alive!
Why did Jesus have to stop?
Couldn’t He have just kept going?
We’re only a little way away—but now it’s too late!
My daughter is dead!
Feel the emotion that Jairus must have felt.
Feel the despair, the anguish, and the pain!
His little girl is gone!
She’s dead!
But Jesus!
Jesus has a challenge for Jairus.
Jesus sees the fear Jairus is experiencing, and He challenges Jairus to continue believing!
QUESTION: Can you believe in Jesus even when it doesn’t make sense?
Even when it goes against what you can see, or understand?
No One Beyond this Point!
< .5
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