We are God's Children (Gal 4:4-7)

Galatians  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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1) 도입
- Suppose somebody asks you like this! “Who are you?” “Who are you?”
- This question sounds very simple, but it is not a simple question to answer.
- Because it is a question about your identity.

Dive Into the Text

1) 예수님 안에서 하나님의 자녀됨
<< Gal 3:26
Galatians 3:26 NIV
So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith,
- This means that when we believed in the gospel of Jesus, we became God’s children.
- God’s sons and God’s daughters
2) 믿기 전에는
- To put it another way again, when we were outside Jesus, when we did not believe in Jesus, we were not His children.
- Originally, who were we?
- For the first time, we were God’s creatures and people. God’s people are not different from God’s children.
- And after Adam’s fall, we became God’s enemies and the slaves of the law.
- This is our previous identity.
3) 때가 차매
<< Gal 4:4-5
Galatians 4:4–5 NIV
But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship.
- When God’s time had fully come, God sent His only Son. Why? To redeem us and adopt us as his children.

양자됨 Adoption

- The Bible says that we are adopted by God.
- This means that we were not God’s children originally. Originally, who is God’s child? Jesus! Jesus is God’s only son.
- But God adopted us so we became God’s legitimate children.
!! What a blessing! What a grace!
- We, who were the enemies of God and slaves of the law, the principles of the world, and the slaves of Satan, became God’s adoptees, God’s adopted children.
- It’s like the situation where a child of the poorest became a child of a king. Out status changed to the most preciouse status, a child of the king who reigns all things in the world, in the universe.
- By the way, what would it be like in the position of Jesus?
- If we were in the position of Jesus, would you like that? I don’t think so! We would hate the situation where somebody else become my father’s children, and I have to share all I have.
- But Jesus was not like that!
<< Heb 2:11
Hebrews 2:11 NIV
Both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters.

그런데 문제는?

- But there is another problem. This is the problem in us.
- Because we are not God’s biological sons and daughters, we do not feel comfortable with Him. It is not easy to call Him father. It is more difficult to call him daddy.
- Suppose a situation where there are both biological child and adopted child in a familiy.
- a biological child feels comfortable with his father and frequently give and take hugs with the father. He calls his father dad loudly. He asks the father for what he needs whenever he needs. Sometimes, he complains to his father! He is close to the father.
- On the other hand, the adopted child feels uncomfortable with the father. It is not easy for him to get or give a hug with the father. It feels awkward when he tries to call the father dad. Even when the father asks the adoptee what he needs, he answer, “it is okay.” Although he has some complaints, he just endures them. Yes. He is not close to his father.
- This is a natural reality.
- Our relationship with God can be similar to this.
- You would hear pretty a lot that God is your father. But do you really feel like God is you father?
- The answer can be yes or no. To some people, it may not feel like that.

그래서 성령을 보내셨다

- So God sent the Holy Spirit to us.
<< Gal 4:6
Galatians 4:6 NIV
Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.”
- God sent the Spirit of the Son into our hearts.
<< Rom 8:15
Romans 8:15 NIV
The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.”
- God Himself sent the Spirit of the Son to us, that we may feel comfortable with God, that we who don’t call God dad may call Him “아빠".
>> Let’s call Him together now! “아버지" “아빠"
- If it is hard for you, we can pray for that.
- There is the Spirit of the Son in us. You can pray that the Spirit in you may work for your identity as God’s children to be restored, and for you to call God “아빠" “dad” closely.
- Then the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the Son, will work in you!

하나님이 원하시는 것

1) 하나님이 원하시는 것
!! Our God wants us to consider God as our dad and to call him dad.
- Even though we are adopted, God loves us as much as he loves his real and only Son, Jesus. We know this!
!! Our God wants us to approach Him intimately.
- He wants us to be in his arms. He wants us to call Him dad sometimes sweetly like whispering, sometimes loudly.
!! That’s why he sent us the Spirit. The Spirit is the one who makes us call God “dad.”
!! Our God wants us to ask for whatever we need because He is our father.
- That’s why He promised us a prayer-response.
!! He wants us to be close to father.
2) 자녀로서의 정체성
- The bible says “We are not slaves. We are God’s children.”
<< Gal 4:7
Galatians 4:7 NIV
So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir.
- Let me ask you this question! “Who are you?” How will you answer this question?
- This questions asks you about your identity.
- Some can answer, “I am God’s person.” Right! But I prefer to answer “I am a child of God” rather than “I am God’s person.” So I always answer “I am God’s son.”
- Some can answer to this question, “I am Jesus’ disciple.” Right answer! “I am God’s servant.” Right! But I like to answer “I am God’s child.”
- Isn’t this answer more special? God’s beloved son! God’s beloved daughter. 특별하다!
>> I hope you guys have this identity!

자녀라면 유업도 받는다.

1) 자녀라면 유업도 받는다
<< Gal 4:7
Galatians 4:7 NIV
So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir.
- It is not that only biological son recieves inheritance. Every adopted children can inherit the father’s property if they are legitimate children.
- Because we are God’s children, we are also His heirs.
- Of course, we cannot get the place of Jesus. But the Bible says that we will reign with Jesus.
- Jesus will share everything with us. He will share even kingship with us in the last day.
- As God’s sons and daughters, we will enjoy all glory and inheritance with Jesus.
- God gave us everything.
- Today’s text says that God sent us his Son, and God sent us the Spirit.
- God gave us everything.
- One of them is eternal life, salvation.
2) 자녀이기 때문에 구원은 확실하다.
!! Since we are God’s children, our salvation is sure.
- If the parent is a normal parent, when his child does wrong, he can punish or discipline him, but he never forsakes him or her. Never!
- So we can have fear of God’s discipline, but we don’t have to be afraid of going to Hell, if you believe in Jesus and you are God’s child.
>> Have the assurance of salvation.
- You are not a slave.
- It is not that you are saved when you do some service in the church. It is not that you are saved when you give money to the church.
>> Lay down the burden that you have to do something!
!! It is not that you are saved when you do something. But it is that we are saved because we became childred of God.


1) 아버지 예화
- 목사님 아빠가 항상 하는 testimony
- 아빠는 아빠가 없었다. 일찍 돌아가셨다.
- So he felt an emptiness in his heart always because he felt like he was not protected or provided with what he needs.
- But one day when he was an young adult, he happened to read a Bible verse.
<< John 1:12
John 1:12 NIV
Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—
- He realized what this verse meant. And He got so moved. And he came to believe that he also had his own father who can protect and provide him.
- He felt his heart became full of unutterable joy and love.
- This is my dad’s testimony.
- Think about how those without father feels when they had their father.
- We who were spiritual orphans became children of God by his grace.
- I hope you all may remember this grace everyday everymoment!

<찬양> Who you say I am

<Three things to remember>

(1) Have the identity as God’s son and daughter!
(2) Call your God “dad” every day! as often as possible. God wants this from you.
(3) Enjoy your inheritance because you are God’s sons and daughters! Especially, enjoy the assurance of salvation! Enjoy a sense of spiritual safety.


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