In Christ, God destroyed the flesh and gave life to us through the Spirit.
So then, we are debtors, but tho whom? Who do we owe something to?
not the flesh- though we once were. We once owed our whole selves to the flesh, because we were enslaved by it since birth. But Christ has paid that debt and set us free from it. We are no longer slaves here
This life was one that led to death, and if we find ourselves as slaves to the flesh and sin then we can be sure our end is death.
no, but we are debtors to
God- What do we owe God, and why?
We owe him everything, because he bought us with a price. He is our rightful master. So just as we were once under the slavery of sin and forced to obey it, we are now under the debt of God to obey him.
This is a life that leads to life as we put the old self, that old death, to death.