Which Church are You?
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Purpose: We are each of the 7 churches. Which church are you?
Examination of the 7 churches:
I won’t beat around the bush to much this morning. You know as we have lost some dear friends, family, and church family recently, I’ve noticed through conversations and prayers with many of you that lots of us are beginning to re-evaluate and re-prioritize things in our lives.
Maybe that prioritizing, is quality time spent with family. Maybe it is investing more time in your spiritual walk. Maybe it something else. There’s no way around it, we are in the midst of a shaking. I would doubt anyone here has not been affected by Covid personally either personally contracting the virus or maybe feeling the economic effects, with businesses struggling to hire enough staff or cutbacks or countless other challenges. For a couple years now, we’ve been looking for the world to go back to normal, but as Bible believing Christians, should that really be our expectation?
I don’t mean that to come across in a doom or gloom sort of way, I mean that more in the sense of opportunity.
For instance in the case of re-prioritizing as a result of the pandemic, it has revealed some of our priorities in the wrong place. Just as an example, Some of us being afforded the opportunity to spend more time with family probably shows us it was something we may not have been prioritizing enough before.
Self examination can be a painful process, but ultimately I believe is necessary and healthy.
As a church board we have been studying assessing and addressing how the Spartanburg SDA church can become a more welcoming church. It has occasionally struck a few nerves and pressure points as we examine together. But ultimately we’ve been concluding as a team we don’t want to be a self serving congregation but one that both serves our community and also each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.
This morning it is my hope that todays message inspires conversation at home or with each other, maybe at the Sabbath lunch table; conversations examining our personal commitment to the cause of Christ and even our local church body as a whole.
It’s easy to get into these conversations go negative fast, thats definitely not the purpose of examination, just simply pointing out faults in others or assessing blame. It’s also not to just simply puff ourselves up. The purpose is growth. Its addressing issues so we can grow, its assessing good things for them to continue. When these things are done in the spirit of Godly love, we tend grow. When pride, resentment, or bitterness are in our hearts, its difficult to see the good fruits desired.
When God sees something off in the state or countenance we are in, he doesn’t leave alone. He wants to help.
I like how the book of Proverbs puts it. change slide
for the Lord reproves him whom he loves,
as a father the son in whom he delights.
In the book of Revelation beginning in the 2nd chapter. John writes down what is being revealed to Him by God of the state of seven formed churches in Asia minor. Remember this is very much the early church, each group dealing with unique cultural obstacles, worldy pleasures and pressures blending and bleeding into the church. You’ll notice as you read Revelation 2-3 as each church is addressed. Its usually acknowledged and shown God has witnessed their faithfulness even in the small things. God does not ignore the good neither does He share without a necessary rebuke. Paul would write in similar language in his letters to the early churches as well.
In revelation its a message written with the intent of addressing literal obstacles these churches were facing in their present. However Revelation is a prophetic book and its message had implications and message for the church as it would grow for the next 2000 years even up until today.
Today I am going to explore these messages of Revelation 2-3 and it is my hope we can answer the question for ourselves? “Which church are you?” I don’t intend to steer everyone to a universal conclusion, but that we would truly examine and based on personal conclusions see if God is calling any and all of us to restructure our priorities, but do any or some of the churches of revelation have parallels or similarities to your current walk or by your observation our own local congregation?
Before we jump in, Lets take a moment for prayer.
The first church mentioned in Revelation 2 is Ephesus.
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“ ‘I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance, and how you cannot bear with those who are evil, but have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and found them to be false. I know you are enduring patiently and bearing up for my name’s sake, and you have not grown weary.
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Just a little background: Background
-largest Roman city in Asia
-Great temple of Artemis/Diana. There was a riot in Paul’s day because of the Christian influence that had impacted this worship.
-Paul’s letter to the Ephesians was written to this church, John pastored this church.
Whats going on?
-This is a religiously competitive environment which the church of Ephesus is located; vigilant-withstanding the Nicolaitans and their idolatry and immorality.
I think many times we are inclined to believe there is something God is not seeing, like there is some special circumstance he is unaware of to which we are battling or attempting to resist. God sees it all and knows of our efforts.
Our efforts not blend to the world are not lost on God.
In the case of Ephesus. It was not their blending with the pagan culture that was their biggest obstacle. It wasn’t the grecco/Roman cuture that had become their downfall.
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Revelation 2:4-5
4 But I have this against you, that you have abandoned lthe love you had at first. 5 Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first...
This church of Ephesus by all accounts looks and acts the part of what churches should. They have kept out the unhealthy behaviors and influences their surrounding culture has given into. They do have only one real issue....its a damning one though.
This great church lacks only one thing: Love!
Love was the seed which led them become great and to follow. In their striving to keep outside influences such as the Nicolaitians, (a group we know surprisingly little about except that it was likely a local pagan influence) they had lost their affection for the people outside their believing tribe. They hated sin so much, unfortunately they had begun to hate the sinners they existed to shine their light to. This is an extreme ditch faithful believers can fall into as well if we are not careful. Yes abhor what is evil, but don’t lose your love and empathy for those who have been shackled to sin a long the way.
So what do you think church? Is our local immune to issue of Ephesus? What about you personally, Do you look good, fight against evil, persevere for what is right and true? But do you lack love? If this describes you, the message to the church in Ephesus, is also for you! There is a a simple solution. The takeaway, is remember and repent. The tree of Life is waiting!
The next church examined with the angel’s watchful eye was Smyrna.
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“ ‘I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich) and the slander of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
-port city, first to erect a temple to woship rome.
-Christians accused of being athiests, disloyal to Rome, cannibals
-no allies, from the right or left.
whats going on?
The Smyrna christians were getting criticized by the Jews and the pagan gentiles alike. Not just criticized but being slandered. It was as if they were caught in political warfare. They were a people the dominant cultures didn’t understand and they resorted to slander and name calling.
(But that doesn’t happen today at all in todays society does it??)
They are encouraged in verse 9 to hold fast because although their life circumstance seems bleak and poor. God calls them rich!....I believe this is the ultimate compliment. You are rich, because you guys get it! Ultimate compliment from God. You guys understand what I desire for you! you understand what your reward really is! You understand hardships, possibly even death may become you…and yet you are rich!
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Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. The one who conquers will not be hurt by the second death.’
It doesn’t particularly seem like the ideal path any Christian would actively choose to go or would hope to. However the Christians of Smyrna had embraced the life of the apostles before them such as Peter and Paul and John who considered it an honor to suffer for the cause of Christ.
I wish we had Darby schults here this Sabbath to sing the song, “For this cause I live, for this cause I’d die.”
So what was Smyrna’s reprove??? There wasn’t one really! They were encouraged to keep up the faith! Don’t fall to the left or the right! My prayer is our church has some Smyrna in it! My prayer is the hearts of those who are here have some Smyrna in them! We have had a lot of moments here recently to grieve and maybe even grow bitter! God sees your personal tribulations and suffering. My friends God has a crown for you! Hold fast my smyrna Christians! If you have some smyrna in you even a little bit, this message is for you to! As I was studying for this message, I came across a note I had written from studying previously in regard to Smyrna: “-Jesus is with you even if it feels like no one else is.”
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Pergamum-The words of him who has the sharp two edged sword.
Rev 2:13
13 “ ‘I know where you dwell, fwhere Satan’s throne is. Yet you hold fast my name, and you did not deny my faith...”
Would you all like to know an interesting piece of historical trivia? The capital city of the roman province of Asia in the first century AD was in fact Pergamum. Prior to being Roman occupied the Greeks had set this city as the center for intellectual life in the hellenistic world. This also meant it lots of gods and idols. Polytheism reigned supreme. The city had erected temples for Zeus, Athena, Dionysus, Asclepios, and the Roman emporer himself.
No wonder a church set in this environment would have hurdles.
Notice the commendation that the church has remained faithful and true even though it meets in a city where Satan’s thrones reside.
verse 13 goes onto describe their faithfulness “even in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells.” The greek word for witness here can also be translated “martyr.” Likely Antipas had been martyred for his faith, possibly for refusing to bend the knee to Cesar.
The difference between Pergamum and Ephesus both in heavily pagan areas. While Ephesus had zero tolerance for allowing wickedness and influences within their groups. Verses 14-15 suggest there were some in the church practicing pagan traditions such as “eating food sacrificed to idols and sexual immorality.”
Once again God calls for repentance. In many ways he’s asking for the entire church for repentance, not just minority participating in the immoral. Why the whole church, because just as bad as the few who are living these lives described, their church, their family are choosing to do nothing about it. Showing love does not mean looking on in idle fashion. Showing love is seeing your brother or sister truly in trouble with influences in their life and lovingly reproving.
My suspicion is there are those in this place worshipping today because they had a friend here who did not give up on them no matter what knucklehead decisions we’ve made. Does anyone have a friend or accountability figure in your life like that? Would anyone here admit they may need that? change slide
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone that no one knows except the one who receives it.’
Instead of food offered to idols those who are victorious in Christ will receive manna the bread of angels and white stones. White stones in this period were often used as tickets to assemblies or festivals. This white stone has a name only the receiver will know. God is changing us and making us pure.
My friends, when you consider the church in pergamum, does it sound like our church? Does it resemble you? Do you find yourself living where Satan’s throne resides, with the odds stacked against you for being true to God? To our kids who are here you may not appreciate the loving homes you’ve been brought up in. Some people here were not so lucky. Some of you grew up experiencing and seeing realities of life you wouldn’t wish upon others. Some of you may have felt so desperate. Is there anyone here where compromises threaten your vital relationship with Jesus? Maybe you may wonder if its just easier to fit in with those around you? Do you identify with the struggles of the church of pergamum?
Now we move onto the words directed toward Thyatira, which is a major contrast to Pergamum.
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“ ‘I know your works, your love and faith and service and patient endurance, and that your latter works exceed the first.
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Thyatira did not resemble anything close to the prominence of pergamum. It was more rural then the big city living. It was the Cowpens of Spartanburg County. Its primary enterprise was trade. Trade guilds gathered here for festivals for trading and buying and selling. Lydia, the seller or purple was Paul’s first convert in Europe. She was from Thyatira
Perhaps she was rescued from a life of the trade guilds where immoral living such as drunkenness, idolotry, and immoral sexual behaviors were common practice amongst these festivals.
While the city of thyatira and pergamum are vastly different, the issues within the church are similar. There is tolerance for known sinful behaviors and influences within the church.
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But I have this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and is teaching and seducing my servants to practice sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols. I gave her time to repent, but she refuses to repent of her sexual immorality.
My opinion is this named false prophet Jezebel is simply a reference and symbol of wickedness. Jezebel is used as the model of wickedness referring to the queen of the Old testament, King Ahab’s wife who warred against the prophet of God Elijah and his contemporaries.
Perhaps it was one Jezebel influence or multiple. But the point is it was being tolerated and its influence was growing. This sort of tolerance leads to compromise.
Currently in our school next door in school we’ve got 17 kids who have signed up for Bible studies. We recently talked about the fall of man in Eden and the entrance of sin. We talked about the difference between being deceived into and actively inviting sin into our lives. Some things, lying, or pride, seem small…but can grow into things much worse. Lucifer’s pride led to active rebellion in Heaven.
The church of Thyatira was experiencing compromise due to the pressures of life and the expectations of others.
It was also giving a platform to others who were giving bad input, or even heretical blasphemous input.
The call to the faithful amongst this group was to hold fast to what is sound, hold onto what is right.
In many ways Thyatira was allowing bad theology or false picture of God to be proclaimed.
To me this doesn’t sound to different or far fetched from the challenges we face today. Maybe the church or followers of Christ are feeling the pressures of compromise from the world more and more. Maybe they are feeling it in their own church circles, do the struggles of Thyatira resonate with you? Have you experienced anything like this here or other churches you have been a part of? Is the message to the church of Thyatira a message for you?
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He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’
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Revelation chapter 3 begins with the angel’s message the church in Sardis. And what an opening statement is delivered.
Revelation 3:1
“ ...‘I know your works. You have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead.”
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In its time Sardis was once a thriving populous and was one of the wealthiest cities around. But in John’s time, its architecture was eroding. It’s esteem and prominence had long since faded. Even its pagan landmarks and statues had been torn down and for newer gods.
The church was in the same state of the city. It was still living off its glory days. Maybe at conference constituent meetings Sardis’s delegates gave off the appearance of a thriving church, but looks can be deceiving. Sardis was in desperate need of some earnest revival. If it continued as it was going it would slowly and gradually, but make no mistake, surely die out.
What is the message to this church? You can condense it to verse 2’s opening 2 words! “Wake up!!” change slide
Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your works complete in the sight of my God.
Maybe I could give a more modern translation: “Sardis a decade ago you completed your building project. You had a celebration and even burned your mortgage papers when they were paid off!.... You built a lovely building to worship in, but there is a problem! You forgot to fill it! Most of you have stopped working! Wake up!
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Remember, then, what you received and heard. Keep it, and repent. If you will not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come against you.
Sardis you are failing in passing your passion and energy to the next generation. Wake up before it is to late! (Sorry modern translating again)
God is calling the church of Sardis to stop living off their historical good name and reputation, which is really ignoring its dying current state.
Any parallels we can draw here? Now don’t get me wrong. Homecoming worship services are great. Camp meetings are great. Remembering our history and even celebrating it can be a wonderful thing. The problem is when we live in our past accomplishments and begin fail to have a passion for the present and eyes for the future. The church is always a generation from dying out.
I remember one Sabbath at a previous church it was time for the children’s story, and I was on to give, except the problem was, there was no children. The adults gathered still asked me to tell the story, and I did and they still enjoyed it. But the story was not for them. It was for their children and grandchildren who were not there. Folks I worshipped in the churches where there were no occasional interruptions from loud crying babie. I would much rather worship in a place where I hear some noise from our little ones.
God was telling the the church of Sardis, wake up from your coma, the life you are living is not living at all! Those who remain committed to the cause will never have their name blotted out of the book of life.
Does anyone personally relate to the trials of Sardis. Is the message to Sardis a message for Spartanburg?
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Following the word given to Sardis the angel gives words to the church of Philadelphia.
“ ‘I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.
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These words were fitting as Philadelphia served as a gateway into the rest of Asia. It was a major trading city and frequented by travelors. You could almost envision it being a tourist town. T
the church had many of the same temptations the others were dealing with. They are commended for remaining faithful and refusing to deny the name of God.
Being surrounded by heathen and Pagan worship, they appear to not have let those influences insides their body.
Once again God proves to not have a blind eye to circumstances. He has seen Philadelphia naming the emperor, “The son of the most holy one”
The church of Sardis is reminded they serve the real deal the authentic son of God who is no counterfeit mortal.
Like Smyrna, Philadelphia receives no correction but simply encouragement they have not been abandoned and their faithfulness is going to be rewarded. Their suffering is not in vein. The promise of victory is sure. change slide
Rev 3:11-12
“11 I am coming soon. hHold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown. 12 jThe one who conquers, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God...”
God is telling him, while the city identifies with the world systems of the day. Their identity is in Christ alone!
Does this describe our church? Is your personal identity found in Christ the way the Christians in Philadelphia was? It is something to think about!
Easily the most famous and the most preached and the most shared church message.
A little background: Laodicea was the banking city. It was where gold was stored. The cloth there was the best around. The city had so much wealth that when an earthquake devastated much of it in 60 AD, Rome offered to rebuild it, but the city declined. They had so much wealth they didn’t need to go into debt with the government . They would not be needing any bailouts. It would seem that of all the cities, mentioned, Laodicea would be the one we would want to live in, because it was the place to prosper.
If I had to picture the church’s worship space. It was likely the most grand. It would have had the most bells and whistles.
What could possibly be wrong with a place like this? change slide
“ ‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.
What a picture. Similar to Sardis, appearances can be deceiving. church life, and life in general appear to be thriving, and yet God tells them their taste is off putting enough to be spit out. change slide
For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see.
Hes telling the believers of Laodicea they have invested in shiny things that ultimately would not last. I would imagine this is not just talking adorning and beautiful items, but a cultural mindset that would even affect their children, not challenging them to sufferers for Christ more of a brand of entitlement similar to God’s people of the Old testament.
Jesus’s own words come to mind in Matthew 6.
“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.
But the message is not one of doom and gloom, likely quoting the proverbs verse we read at the beginning.
Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent.
God is not having John write to be mean or extra critical. You will find often when Jesus reproved, even harshly it was because He could see untapped potential.
God calls even the Laodicean believers to repent, and that their work is not finished. There is hope for even the faithful in Laodicea.
Does our church relate to Laodicea? Do you have some Laodicean in you? Is this message for you?
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Some have said, we are the Laodicean generation of the church. That we are lukewarm. That we are more concerned with the world’s pursuits and pleasures more than the cause of Christ. Maybe there is some truth to that. Its certainly hard to ignore. As I mentioned at the beginning, we are in the midst of a shaking. Our priorities are coming to the surface, both good and not so good. I think so of us are beginning see our own Laodicean attitudes surfacing. Again self examination is sometimes a painful process but as I mentioned earlier, its a necessary one.
But heres the thing while there is no denying our generation is filled with Laodicea and the Sardis’s and thyatiras and pergamum churches can describe generations before. I also believe we are made up of all of the seven churches. Today we are a melting pot. We have members of the body with the endurance of the Smyrna church and the faithfulness of Philadelphia. We have some Ephasus in us, those who do and say all the right things but are lacking in love. We have some amongst us like Sardis, who might be described as the appearance of living, but really we are in a spiritual coma!
So I ask, what is going to wake us up?! Those of us who are sleeping! what alarm is loud enough to wake us up?? Is it a global pandemic? Is an an economic collapse? Is it sinful living??? Is it when we lose our loved ones?? What more needs to be done to wake us up?? Do we need more Hope for Hurting Hearts seminars? Do you not see that 800 people will come on our campus looking for children’s clothing but very few would receive a greater hope that we offer right here on this church campus.
As revelation says, “He who has ears let him here what the spirit says to the churches..
My friends, the 7 churches are right here, they are all present in this place.
As we leave this place I hope you are doing so inspired to have some talking points during lunch.
But before you go lets Consider the repeat advice of the angel given to John to write:
I see your works both good and bad
I see your faithulfness and endurance
Hold fast, there is a reward coming greater than your trials
Those of you shackled by sin, repent! Believe! If you have brothers or sisters in your life wrestling with sin, remember God reproves because he loves. When you reprove, do so in love.
He who has ears let him hear. Which church are you?