Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
We all have someone in our life who deserves praise for their impact.
Sometimes it is our football or baseball coach.
Sometimes it is a teacher.
Sometimes it is a boss who helped us get started in our trade.
Often our parents are our first role models who shape us.
Fathers are often humbled,
when our kids pray that they would be as big, brave, and strong as their daddies.
Mothers are humbled,
when their kids pray that they would be as sweet and wise as their mommies.
Perhaps you can think of someone in your own life who shaped you.
Everyone of us had somebody who truly had an impact on who we are today.
They did not simply teach us something, but they shaped us.
And to even greater extent,
our testimony as Christians is that no one has shaped us more than God.
God as the
and savior of the World
… has done far more to shape us than any other person in our lives.
Our text this morning reminds us of just how life changing salvation in Christ is.
Our text begins with the declaration:
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ”
What is the meaning of Blessed? (1:3)
What is the indirect command of Peter when he says God the Father is “blessed”?
Blessed and praise are closely related ideas
To say something is blessed, is also to say that something is worthy of Praise.
God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is worthy of Praise.
Certainly, everyone of us who are believers in Jesus Christ believe we ought to give praise to God the Father.
But according to Peter,
what makes God the Father worthy of praise?
For what does God the Father deserve praise?
First, and foremost, it is because of His Mercy.
The text in v. 3 says
our praise should be “According to his great mercy”.
From this text,
We ought to Praise God because of His work in Salvation.
This text gives us 4 reasons why we should praise God.
This early section in 1 Peter will remind us how salvation makes God worthy of Praise and just how much God shapes us through salvation in Christ.
We should Praise God because of:
1) The New Birth.
1 Peter 1:3 (ESV)
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!
According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
The first reason that God deserves praise is for making us born again.
This is a phrase that is often floated around,
You have heard people say - I am a born again Christian.
But what does it mean.
Peter is referencing a teaching he learned from Jesus, as His disciple.
This teaching is recorded in John 3:3-7.
The emphasis in this text is, “who enters the Kingdom of God”.
Entering the Kingdom of God is the same thing as asking the question,
Who get’s saved?
To be in the Kingdom is to receive salvation.
Jesus taught that to receive salvation,
one had to be born again.
What does it mean to be born again?
What does it mean to be born again?
Every saved person must have two births.
The first birth human being receives from their mother.
It is how we receive life.
This is what Jesus meant by being “born of water”.
To be born by a human mother.
However, being born into this world means we carry the sin nature of this world.
We are born not as innocent, good people;
but as wicked sinners.
Thus, every person has a sin problem.
What do you do, when you are born with a sin problem?
This is why you need a second birth.
2. The second birth every human needs is to be “born of the Spirit”.
Our hearts are desperately wicked, therefore we need something that will change our heart.
The prophets spoke of this in a number of places including Ezekiel 36:25-27.
Scripture related to the New Birth: John 3:3-7 and Ezekiel 36:25-27.
Essentially, the new birth is related to God changing our heart in what is called regeneration.
Everyone of us who are truly believers in Christ have this SECOND birth - we are born again believers.
New birth is God changing our hearts in what is called regeneration.
To praise God properly for this,
we need to remember why this is important.
Before we were born again, we had no ability to obey God
or even treat those around us in a loving way.
There are many relationships in which the average person would say it should be characterized by love.
But are those relationships always characterized by love?
How does the new birth effect our choices?
How does the new birth effect our relationships?
How about our marriages?
Marriage apart from God is often ruled by selfishness and mutual benefit
rather than united by a common goal of obeying and loving God.
It certainly is not characterized by selfless Christ like love.
How about our parenting?
Again, often the parent-child relationship is pictured as precious.
Yet, apart from God parenting is ruled by dictatorship.
Either the dictatorship of the parent or the dictatorship of the child.
It is amazing how much selfishness is displayed by parents and children in the family.
It is certainly not united around the love of God or the display of Christ like love.
I remember being in the military commissary picking up some groceries.
As I went about I watched a senior Air Force officer arguing with his kid.
> It’s the classic 10-year old wants Ice Cream, but the Dad says no.
< .5
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