Sermon Tone Analysis

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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Wenstrom Bible Ministries
Pastor-Teacher Bill Wenstrom
Wednesday August 21, 2013
Daniel: Daniel 8:18-As Gabriel Spoke to Him, Daniel Fell into a Deep Sleep But Gabriel Touched Him and Stood Him Upright
Lesson # 245
Please turn in your Bibles to Daniel 8:1.
Daniel 8:1 During the third year of Belshazzar’s reign, the king, a vision appeared to me, I, Daniel after the one appearing to me previously. 2 Indeed, I was staring because of this vision.
Specifically, I myself was in a trance like state staring as I myself was in Susa, the citadel, which was in the province of Elam.
Furthermore, I was staring because of this vision as I myself was beside the Ulai Canal. 3 Then, I lifted up my eyes and then I was staring as behold a ram was standing in front of the canal with it possessing two horns.
Furthermore, the two horns were long.
However, one was longer than the other with the longer one growing up last.
4 I saw this ram continually butting westward as well as northward and in addition southward as all the beasts could by no means stand in front of it.
Furthermore, none could deliver out from its power so that it acted according to its desire.
Indeed, it became great.
5 Then, I myself was in a trance like state as behold a male-goat who is ruler over the goats, was traveling from the west over the earth’s surface.
In fact, it was not touching the earth’s surface.
Also, this male-goat had a conspicuous horn between its eyes.
6 Next, it traveled up to the ram possessing two horns which I saw standing in front of the canal.
In fact, it charged against it in a powerful rage.
7 Consequently, I saw it wage an attack opposing this ram while causing itself to become enraged against it.
Indeed, it repeatedly struck this ram so as to shatter its two horns.
Also, there was no ability in the ram to stand in front of it.
Then, it drove it to the ground as well as trampled on it repeatedly.
Indeed, to the detriment of the ram, there was none who could deliver from its power.
8 So the male-goat who is the ruler over the goats was very great.
However, as soon as it became powerful, the unusual horn was broken.
Then, in its place, four conspicuous ones arose towards the heaven’s four winds.
9 Next, from one of them, a small horn in comparison emerged which grew excessively large toward the south as well as the east and in addition the beautiful land.
10 Specifically, it grew larger than the heaven’s host.
Indeed, it caused some of this host, yes some of these stars to fall to the earth.
Also, it trampled on them.
11 It even presented itself as great as the host’s Commander while taking away the daily sacrifice from Him so that His holy place was abandoned.
12 Consequently the host along with the daily sacrifice were delivered over to it through transgression.
Also, it caused the truth to be thrown to the ground.
Indeed, it executed, yes it succeeded.
13 Then I heard a holy one speaking and a holy one said to this particular one who was speaking, “How long is the vision, the daily sacrifice, specifically the transgression making desolate resulting in delivering over both the sanctuary as well as the host to be trampled?”
14 Consequently he said to me, “For 2,300 evenings, and mornings.
Then, the sanctuary will be reconsecrated.”
15 Now, I was in a trance like state staring at this vision, which I, Daniel desired to understand as behold one like a man in appearance was standing directly in front of me.
16 Then, I heard a human being’s voice between the banks of the Ulai.
Indeed, it ordered and said “Gabriel, enable this one to understand the vision.”
17 Therefore, he approached my location.
Indeed, when he approached, I was terrified so that I fell upon my face.
Then, he said to me, “Please, understand descendant of Adam that the vision extends to the end time.”
(My translation)
Daniel 8:18 Now while he was talking with me, I sank into a deep sleep with my face to the ground; but he touched me and made me stand upright.
“While he was talking with me” is referring to Gabriel verbally communicating to Daniel that the vision extends to the time of the end.
Daniel benefited from Gabriel speaking with him since the latter was giving him understanding with regards to the vision.
“I sank into a deep sleep with my face to the ground” is indicating that Gabriel speaking with him caused Daniel to enter the state of being in a deep sleep with no awareness of his surroundings.
“But he touched me” presents a contrast with the previous statement that while Gabriel was speaking with Daniel, he was caused to enter the state of being in a deep sleep with his face to the ground.
Therefore the contrast is between Daniel’s unresponsiveness to communication from Gabriel and Gabriel causing him to be responsive once again.
“And made me stand upright” presents the result of Gabriel touching Daniel as he lay with his face to the ground in a deep sleep.
Daniel 8:18 Now while he was speaking with me for my benefit, I was caused to enter the state of being in a deep sleep with my face to the ground.
However, he touched me so that he caused me to stand upon my feet.
(My translation)
Daniel describes for the reader his reaction to Gabriel speaking with him and telling him that the vision extends to the end time.
In verse 17, he tells the reader that when Gabriel approached him to give him the interpretation of the vision, he was terrified by the angel’s appearance.
Now, here in verse 18, he says that when Gabriel spoke with him, it caused him to enter the state of being in a deep sleep with his face to the ground.
This does not mean that Daniel simply dosed off or took a nap but rather it speaks of the fact that he simply lost all power when Gabriel entered his presence and spoke with him.
Daniel is telling us that he fell into a coma like state.
The angelic being’s personal presence and his speaking with him caused Daniel to lapse into a coma like state so that he was totally unresponsive to external stimulae.
Verses 17-18 thus teach that the personal presence and voice of an archangel like Gabriel has a profound affect on a human being with a sin nature like Daniel.
It teaches that coming into contact with a higher race of being such as the angels can physically affect human beings.
While Daniel was in a coma like state, Gabriel touched him with the result that it caused Daniel to stand upon his feet once again.
This also indicates that an arch angel like Gabriel possesses the power to reverse the physical affects his appearance and voice had upon Daniel.
The angel had the power to revive Daniel from the coma like state he was in so that he could receive the rest of the interpretation.
Of course, Gabriel received this power from God.
Angels are created spirit beings (Ps.
148:2, 5) and were created in eternity past, before the creation of the cosmos (Job 38:4, 7).
The Lord Jesus Christ created the angels in eternity past (Col.
1:16) and they are innumerable (He.
Man cannot see angels for they are invisible but can be seen by man when God does one of two things: (1) He lifts the veil of the spiritual dimension (2 Kings 6:17).
(2) He allows them to change their form to human (Hebrews 13:2).
Angels: (1) Protect (2) Provide (3) Proclaim the Word of God (4) Execute God’s Judgments.
As God’s servants who are dispatched from the throne room of heaven to execute God’s purposes, we may observe that the ministry of the elect-angels falls into several categories.
In Relation to God the elect-angels perform the following services: (1) Attendants around the throne of God, and are waiting to serve Him and do His bidding (Ps.
103:20; Isa.
6:1f; Job 1:6; 2:1; Rev. 5:11; 8:1f).
(2) Worshippers in praise of Him (Isa.
6:3; Ps. 148:1-2; Heb.
1:6; Rev. 5:12).
(3) Observers who rejoice over what the Lord does (Job 38:6-7; Luke 2:12-13; 15:10), Soldiers in battle with Satan (Rev.
(4) Instruments used by God to execute judgments (Rev.
7:1; 8:2).
In Relation to Christ, the elect-angels perform the following services: (1) They prophesied of the birth of Christ (Matt.
1:20; Luke 1:26-28).
(2) They announced his birth (Luke 2:8-15).
(3) An angel warned Joseph to take Mary and the baby Jesus and flee into Egypt (Matt.
2:13-15), and an angel directed the family to return to Israel after Herod died (vv.
In relation to His suffering, the elect-angels performed the following services: (1) They ministered to the Lord after His temptation (4:11).
(2) They administered to the Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:43), and Jesus said He could have called a legion of angels who stood ready to come to His defense if He so desired (Matt.
In relation to His resurrection, the elect-angels performed the following services: (1) An angel rolled away the stone from the tomb (28:1-2).
(2) Angels announced His resurrection to the women on Easter morning (vv.
5-6; Luke 24:5-7).
(3) Angels were present at His ascension and gave instruction to the disciples (Acts 1:10-11).
In relation to His coming again, the elect-angels perform the following services: (1) The voice of the archangel will be heard at the translation of the church (1 Thess.
(2) They will accompany Him in His glorious return to earth (Matt.
25:31; 2 Thess.
(3) They will separate the wheat from the tares at Christ’s second coming (Matt.
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