No Longer Alone

Galatians - No Longer What You Used to Be  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  41:42
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Becoming a follower of Christ is not just a matter of following a religion, it is a supernatural transformation. You are no longer what you used to be. Freedom is essential for healthy relationships. When people are free, love is voluntary - a gift to be received and enjoyed. It’s not all about me -nor is it all about you. It’s about us helping each other to become what God created us to be. You were never meant to do this on your own - you are no longer alone.

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Our theme for 2021 is “Redeeming the Time”
Today we wrap up this series on Paul's letter to the Galatians is entitled “No Longer What You Used to Be”
Becoming a follower of Christ is not just a matter of following a religion, it is a supernatural transformation.
You are no longer what you used to be.
The Galatians were people who came to Christ on Paul’s first and second missionary journeys and the churches that they started.
Meanwhile, there were these Jewish teachers that were following Paul’s trail trying to convert the people back to the old way of Judaism.
They were causing these young Christians to doubt everything that they believed and were taught.
And most of all, causing them to doubt what God had already done in their lives and the change that occured.
So Paul had to remind them of the powerful encounter that they had with Christ and that they are no longer deceived.
He had to tell them that they are no longer inferior - say it with me, “I am adequate, I am competent and my life is meaningful!”
He told them that they are no longer cursed because Jesus reverses the curses and because the blessing is stronger than the curse.
And he told them that they are no longer captive because they have the key to unlocking their inheritance in Christ.
Then he gave them the powerful message is that they are no longer slaves because they have a choice - we have a choice!
Last we we heard that we are no longer bound. We are free people. Free to live and free to love.
We are not defined by boundaries, we are defined by movement toward a goal - that goal is Christ.
We are free to follow the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit leads us to Be more like Jesus.
Galatians 5:25–26 ESV
25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.
Freedom is essential for healthy relationships.
When people are free, love is voluntary - a gift to be received and enjoyed.
It’s a healthy give and take.
It’s not all about me -nor is it all about you.
It’s about us helping each other to become what God created us to be.
It’s about a living, loving fellowship with God and each other.
You were never meant to do this on your own - you are no longer alone.

One day, a frustrated teacher decided to pull out all the stops. He decided to take a risk and take a personal interest in each one of his students. The teacher concluded that “the cold facts” were not enough to attract the interest of his students. The only thing which would break down the walls of apathy was the power of relationships.

Months later, his class was the most exciting class in the entire Sunday school. When one of his students was asked what made the difference, the reply was: “Before, our teacher just read us the Bible stories. Now, we have so much more—he challenges us to act out the stories in the Bible and to join him in doing so. For the first time, we feel like we are ministering together.”

We are ministering together - we are moving toward jesus together.
In Galatians chapter 6, Paul tells us to stand together, to sow kindness and to stay focused on our goal.

Stand together.

Galatians 6:1–5 ESV
1 Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. 2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. 3 For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. 4 But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor. 5 For each will have to bear his own load.
Tim Doering of Netzer tells the story of a valuable life lesson learned while playing soccer for Moody Bible Institute. The team was not winning even though they had some great players. They were not working together.
So the coach would make them run laps. If they did not finish under the time allotted, they would have to run more laps. But to build the team, the rule was made that they would have to run the additional laps if even one teammate did not finish in time. They had to cross the line together.
So the faster runners began to hang back just to cheer each other on. The goalie was not as fast as the other players. So they would carry him if necessary, just to cross the line together. That’s what it took to become a team and to start winning games.

Look out for others , but watch yourself.

Paul is bringing correction to the Galatian churches, but the correction is not going to stick unless it is embraced by the whole church.
Someone might say, “that was meant for someone else, I’m not the problem.”
Yes, but that attitude is part of the problem!
If you are in the woods with your friends and there are man-eating bears. The saying goes that you don’t have to be faster than the bears. You just have to be faster than your friend.
But isn’t that a problem that you would sacrifice your friend to get away from the bear?
What Paul calls a “transgression” here is not willful sin.
The tense in the Greek is passive meaning it is something done to a person - or something that catches them off guard.
Like Gentile believers getting circumcised because they are told it will make them a better Christian.
Somebody should really do something about that!
But then there is the other side of things - when you go around correcting people - you set yourself up to be the one who needs it.
Can you receive correction as well as you give it?
In Elijah House we teach that when you judge other people you set yourself up to repeat what you have judged.
So there is reason to be careful!
You want to find that balance between doing what is right in bringing correction, but without being condescending.
Always keep in mind that it could just as well be you.
Next time it might be you!
If you are truly spiritual - you will also have humility.

Faith is not a competition.

To win we cross the line together, we need to think as a team.
This is difficult, especially for Americans because we are so individualistic and so competitive.
Sure we do team things, but we also think in terms of who is the best on the team.
Who is the MVP?
Who has the best statistics or makes the most money?
Who is the best actress or the best supporting role?
Who is the most popular or voted most likely to succeed?
Translate that into the church?
Who has the biggest/ most recognizable name?
Who is the most influential, has the most followers on their social media or podcast?
Who really “wows” the audience at the conference with their testimony, their prophecy or their miracle stories?
Who is the most spiritual?
How do you even measure spiritual?
Is it in terms of spiritual gifts, anointing, or ability?
Is it because of how your feel when you are around them, like they are on a cloud or something?
Is it because they have God on speed dial?
Galatians (1) Bearing One Another’s Burdens (6:1–3)

In Gal 6:1, then, “those who are spiritual” are identical with those Christians who walk in the Spirit, are led by the Spirit, and keep in step with the Spirit

It sounds like Paul measures spiritual in terms of love and more specifically, empathy.
To be spiritual is to love - that’s the law of Christ.
And to love is to feel - to feel deeply and to really care.
Instead of outdoing the other person we join them in whatever they are experiencing - that’s the burden bearer.
Romans 12:10 CSB
10 Love one another deeply as brothers and sisters. Take the lead in honoring one another.
A burden bearer empathizes - meets a person on their level and lifts them up.
That may mean lifting them up by encouraging them.
Or it may mean lifting them up to the throne of God in prayer.
The point is that burden-bearers may not always be seen as the most spiritual - they may not be seen at all.
But they are the ones doing the heavy-lifting in the Kingdom.

Be an asset and not a liability.

Paul tells the Galatians to bear one another’s burdens, but then, jut three verses later, he tells them to bear their own burdens - so which is it Paul?
Well, first I would like to point out that if you are not able to bear your own burdens, you are not going to bear anyone else’s.
You have become a liability rather than an asset.
So why didn’t he start with that?
Well first, because we all are liabilities from time to time.
We all have times when we are down and need someone to help us up.
It’s just when you think you are some great asset to the Kingdom of God that you may actually become a liability.
Proverbs 16:18 The Message
18 First pride, then the crash— the bigger the ego, the harder the fall.
I think Paul is still trying to make a point about what it really means to be spiritual - because that is after all the problem that he is dealing with.
There are these seemingly “spiritual people” telling them that they are deceived, inferior, cursed, captive slaves who should be bound to the law if they really want to be somebody and not all alone.
And Paul is saying that the people who are saying these things don’t even do what they tell you to do.
In other word’s they are not even bearing their own burden and they expect you to do what they can’t do?
Scott Adams the author of the cartoon strip “Dilbert” which depicts the idiosyncrasies of American corporate office culture coined a term known as “the Dilbert principle” which states that companies tend to systematically promote incompetent employees to management to get them out of the workflow. Because that is where these employees can do the least amount of damage.
Paul seems to be identifying a similar dynamic in the church because he interjects this statement in verse 3.
Galatians 6:3 NLT
3 If you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself. You are not that important.
We put our leaders on a pedestal, but in doing do they cease to be leaders - why they are barely even human!
In the Kingdom, leaders are those who serve.
They are the ones who get their hands dirty,
who get down on the level where people are and lift them up.
If I am only telling you what to do and not doing it, then you have no reason to listen to me.

Sow kindness.

Galatians 6:6–10 ESV
6 Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches. 7 Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. 8 For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. 9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. 10 So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

Reward results.

What kind of organizations or ministries do you tend to give to?
The ones that beg?
Send your best gift and we will send you our latest book.”
The ones that make you feel guilty?
“If you don’t send your gift this month, we are going off the air forever!”
The ones that butter you up and make you feel really good?
“Send us your gift right now because God has told me that He is going to release a miracle to everyone who gives this month.”
Money is and emotional thing and we tend to give our money or spend it based on emotion.
But good business people learn to reward results.
In other words, you spend money to make money.
What is the return on my investment?
Paul is saying that before you decide which teachers you are going to listen to, which church you are going to join or which ministry you are going to support - look at the result.
Are these people just talking or are they actually doing the work of ministry.
What is the impact in peoples lives? Or the impact on your life?
I there real change or is it just an emotion?
Do the people who are reached, reach others?
Do the resources all flow toward the organization or do they flow outward and multiply ministry?
Why is multiplication important?
Because whatever we sow is reaped with increase!

What goes around, comes around.

It’s a spiritual principle that is recognized by every major culture and religion.
Call it karma or “what goes around comes around.”
It’s called reciprocity.
Luke 6:31 ESV
31 And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.
I like “sowing and reaping” because it’s not magical, it’s natural.
Whatever you put in the ground is what will come up and reproduce.
In ministry we say, “you reproduce what you are.”
Just as your natural children are likely to look like you and to act like you, what kind of spiritual children will you have if they look and act like you?
That thought should drive you to your knees in prayer and repentance.
You don’t want your personal inconsistencies (your fleshly attributes) to come back with interest!
But the same goes for the spirit. Whatever you pursue in the way of submission and obedience to God will also be passed on.
I have more vision than I will ever be able to accomplish in my lifetime.
There are more things that I want to do for God than I can personally do, though the desire is there.
Nothing gives me greater joy than seeing my son play the guitar and lead worship (never got very far on that one.)
Or my daughter teach kids in school (I always thought I could be good at that.)
Or my other son who is becoming and engineer (I’m just a nerd.)
Or my other daughter who is such a people person (OK - that is her mother’s influence.)
Be aware of what you are sowing, and sow kindness - or any of the other fruit of the spirit.

Invest in people.

What is the context of our sowing and reaping?
It’s not about money, or time or resources - those are all things that we invest.
But the harvest is people.
The fruit of the Spirit comes from people.
Multiplication happens through people.
People are what God really loves and wants.
When we are sowing kindness - doing good - the goal is not what is in it for us but how does it help people.
Do you want to make the world a better place, then help people become better people.
We become better people when we look to God and become who He created us to be.
The flesh always says, “what’s in it for me?”
That is the seed of corruption.
The flesh makes us use people to get what we want.
If that’s our motive then even our good deeds turn bad.
One more reason why it’s not about the rules, but about following the Spirit.

Stay focused.

Galatians 6:11–18 ESV
11 See with what large letters I am writing to you with my own hand. 12 It is those who want to make a good showing in the flesh who would force you to be circumcised, and only in order that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ. 13 For even those who are circumcised do not themselves keep the law, but they desire to have you circumcised that they may boast in your flesh. 14 But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. 15 For neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation. 16 And as for all who walk by this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God. 17 From now on let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus. 18 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers. Amen.

Is the urgent really most important?

In case you didn’t know, when you type and email or a post in all capital letters - that is the internet equivalent of shouting.
Paul is shouting as he is writing here.
His message is urgent, nut he has to match the intensity of his rivals who also think they have an urgent situation.
What is so urgent about circumcision?
The Jewish province is occupied by Rome.
Rome controls everything: commerce, culture, even religion.
The Jews have been allowed to keep the temple and to practice their religion as long as they keep their own people in line and don’t make any trouble for Rome.
Herod even built a huge complex, a walled fortress around the temple.
But if you look at it, it wasn’t so much for the benefit of the Jews as it was designed to contain an uprising to the temple grounds.
So Judaism was a legal religion under Rome and they wanted to keep it that way.
Christianity at this time was considered a sect of Judaism, but if sufficient numbers of Gentiles are becoming Christians and Jews are identifying as Christians what is that going to do to the status of Judaism under Rome?
Add to that the fact that Jesus was crucified as an insurrectionist and you have a story that threatens to undo the political stability that the Jews have worked so hard to achieve.
So the solution,according to some, should be to make the Gentiles become Jews and make sure that all Christian Jews are Jews first and Christians second.
This is what is so urgent - it’s a life or death matter to keep Judaism legal.
But is Rome really so important?

Understand what is ultimate.

Who is ultimately in charge?
According to Paul, Rome is a player.
And the Jews are players.
Everybody is a just a player.
But Jesus is Lord - that makes Him ultimate!
Rome had conquered the world and established “peace” - actually what they established was order by crushing any opposition.
The Jews are just trying to keep the peace.
But what Jesus did on the cross was even bigger.
He made peace with God by crushing sin ans satan.
He defeated the powers in the heavenly realm that were in rebellion against God
and by the way, also the powers behind Rome.
God is restoring creation as it was before the fall of man.
That’s why Paul could say that Jesus is ultimate and His goals are more important.
Galatians 6:15 NLT
15 It doesn’t matter whether we have been circumcised or not. What counts is whether we have been transformed into a new creation.

Align with the winner.

You are not alone - you are part of something much bigger than yourself.
In any social experiment, people tend to align themselves with whomever they perceive to be the ultimate winner.
That’s why polls and election coverage these days has become so unreliable.
They are trying to declare a winner before people vote to try to sway the voters who just want to vote for the winner.
At this point Paul offers himself as “exhibit a” evidence of a changed life and why you should not presume to know who the winner is or will be.
He was part of the Jewish establishment.
He used to try to keep all the rules.
He even persecuted the church.
But then he met Jesus who changed Him completely.
He is now a servant of Jesus being persecuted by the very ones he used to work for.
Is there any better example of transformation? New creation?
How about you?
Do you side with whomever makes you fell like a winner?
Or are you marked, transformed, no longer what you used to be?

Questions for reflection:

Have you discovered what it means to love and be in relationship? Are you aware of others, their needs, and their feelings? Do they really know you care? Would you rather tell people what to do or do it with them?
Are you a burden bearer? Can you empathize with those who are struggling or hurting? How might you also lift them up? Who is lifting you up?
How do you invest in the lives of others? What kind of example are you sowing? Who is ripe for harvest? How are you helping others across the finish line?
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