No Longer Alone
Becoming a follower of Christ is not just a matter of following a religion, it is a supernatural transformation. You are no longer what you used to be. Freedom is essential for healthy relationships. When people are free, love is voluntary - a gift to be received and enjoyed. It’s not all about me -nor is it all about you. It’s about us helping each other to become what God created us to be. You were never meant to do this on your own - you are no longer alone.
One day, a frustrated teacher decided to pull out all the stops. He decided to take a risk and take a personal interest in each one of his students. The teacher concluded that “the cold facts” were not enough to attract the interest of his students. The only thing which would break down the walls of apathy was the power of relationships.
Months later, his class was the most exciting class in the entire Sunday school. When one of his students was asked what made the difference, the reply was: “Before, our teacher just read us the Bible stories. Now, we have so much more—he challenges us to act out the stories in the Bible and to join him in doing so. For the first time, we feel like we are ministering together.”
Stand together.
Look out for others , but watch yourself.
Faith is not a competition.
In Gal 6:1, then, “those who are spiritual” are identical with those Christians who walk in the Spirit, are led by the Spirit, and keep in step with the Spirit