Nehemiah 1:4-5 - The Content of His Prayer
Sermon Tone Analysis
La Bible Louis Segond 1910 Chapitre 1
O Éternel
Outline of the book - in two - Physical (Neh 1-7) and Spiritual (Neh 8-13).
When the kingdo; is attacked, God’s pepole defiled and mocked, it brings to God’s man sorrow, tears, but it leads him to prayer and action - see Acts 4:29.
Outline of his prayer:
Outline of his prayer:
Neh 1:4-7 - Confessions
Neh 1:8-10 - Remembering of God’s Promise
Neh 1:11- Nehemiah’s plea
Sur quelle base Nehemiah peut-il demander a Dieu de l’ecouter (Neh 1:6), Sachant que le peches entraine toujours une consequence (Prov 15:29; Prov 28:9; Jn 9:30; Isa 1:15; Isa 59:2; Ps 34.16 ; 66.18; Micah 3:4).
Dieu redoutable
great and awesome These words were originally used to describe Yahweh in Deut 7:21. Nehemiah also uses them in Neh 4:14 and Neh 9:32.
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Neh 9:32 - repeats the fact that he is faithfull to his covenant....
This love also includes faithfulness, and is made evident in keeping God’s law as given to Moses; obedience is the proper response to God’s love, not the precondition of it.
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Moses appeals to God’s chesed (Num 14:18–19). When the Israelites confess their sins in Nehemiah, they also note that God did not forsake the rebellious wilderness generation because He abounds in chesed (Neh 9:17). In addition, Ezra shows that God did not forsake the exiles, but instead extended His chesed to them (Ezra 9:9). The prophets often encourage people to return to God citing His chesed along with His grace (Joel 2:13; Jonah 4:2).
Dieu veut voir aussi le resed chez son peuple - entre eux - Chesed is also a characteristic God desires in His people—something He desires over sacrifice (Hos 6:6). Zechariah instructs the people to show chesed to one another (Zech 7:9). Micah explains that God requires justice, chesed, and humility (Mic 6:8). The psalmist shows that God takes pleasure in those who trust in His chesed (Psa 147:11). Proverbs often encourages chesed along with wisdom (Prov 3:1–4). A person with chesed benefits from it (Prov 11:17), and those who pursue chesed will find life, righteousness, and honor (Prov 21:21). The ideal woman of Proverbs 31 speaks with wisdom and teaches with chesed (Prov 31:26).
Analogy and Conclusion:
Analogy and Conclusion:
1Jn 1:9 et Heb 4:16; Heb 7:25.
NB: Idea of servant - in Neh 1:6 he uses servant of God and in Ez 9:9 Ezra uses the term servant or more exactly slaves of the Persians
Neh 1:5 - redeemed by your great power and by your strong hand. The reference, both here and in Deut. 4:34, is to (1) the deliverance of Israel from slavery in Egypt, (2) the miraculous signs in the afflictions of Egypt, and (3) the defeat of Egypt in the Red Sea (Exodus 7–15).1
1 Crossway Bibles, The ESV Study Bible (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Bibles, 2008), 825.