Daniel 8.24-The Bold Face King Will Use His Mighty Power to Destroy God's People

Daniel Chapter Eight  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  1:09:16
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Daniel: Daniel 8:24-The Bold-Face King Will Use His Mighty Power to Destroy God’s People-Lesson # 251

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Wenstrom Bible Ministries

Pastor-Teacher Bill Wenstrom

Wednesday September 4, 2013


Daniel: Daniel 8:24-The Bold-Face King Will Use His Mighty Power to Destroy God’s People

Lesson # 251

Please turn in your Bibles to Daniel 8:1.

Daniel 8:1 During the third year of Belshazzar’s reign, the king, a vision appeared to me, I, Daniel after the one appearing to me previously. 2 Indeed, I was staring because of this vision. Specifically, I myself was in a trance like state staring as I myself was in Susa, the citadel, which was in the province of Elam. Furthermore, I was staring because of this vision as I myself was beside the Ulai Canal. 3 Then, I lifted up my eyes and then I was staring as behold a ram was standing in front of the canal with it possessing two horns. Furthermore, the two horns were long. However, one was longer than the other with the longer one growing up last. 4 I saw this ram continually butting westward as well as northward and in addition southward as all the beasts could by no means stand in front of it. Furthermore, none could deliver out from its power so that it acted according to its desire. Indeed, it became great. 5 Then, I myself was in a trance like state as behold a male-goat who is ruler over the goats, was traveling from the west over the earth’s surface. In fact, it was not touching the earth’s surface. Also, this male-goat had a conspicuous horn between its eyes. 6 Next, it traveled up to the ram possessing two horns which I saw standing in front of the canal. In fact, it charged against it in a powerful rage. 7 Consequently, I saw it wage an attack opposing this ram while causing itself to become enraged against it. Indeed, it repeatedly struck this ram so as to shatter its two horns. Also, there was no ability in the ram to stand in front of it. Then, it drove it to the ground as well as trampled on it repeatedly. Indeed, to the detriment of the ram, there was none who could deliver from its power. 8 So the male-goat who is the ruler over the goats was very great. However, as soon as it became powerful, the unusual horn was broken. Then, in its place, four conspicuous ones arose towards the heaven’s four winds. 9 Next, from one of them, a small horn in comparison emerged which grew excessively large toward the south as well as the east and in addition the beautiful land. 10 Specifically, it grew larger than the heaven’s host. Indeed, it caused some of this host, yes some of these stars to fall to the earth. Also, it trampled on them. 11 It even presented itself as great as the host’s Commander while taking away the daily sacrifice from Him so that His holy place was abandoned. 12 Consequently the host along with the daily sacrifice were delivered over to it through transgression. Also, it caused the truth to be thrown to the ground. Indeed, it executed, yes it succeeded. 13 Then I heard a holy one speaking and a holy one said to this particular one who was speaking, “How long is the vision, the daily sacrifice, specifically the transgression making desolate so as to deliver over both the sanctuary as well as the host to be trampled?” 14 Consequently he said to me, “For 2,300 evenings, and mornings. Then, the sanctuary will be reconsecrated.” 15 Now, I was in a trance like state staring at this vision, which I, Daniel desired to understand as behold one like a man in appearance was standing directly in front of me. 16 Then, I heard a human being’s voice between the banks of the Ulai. Indeed, it ordered and said “Gabriel, enable this one to understand the vision.” 17 Therefore, he approached my location. Indeed, when he approached, I was terrified so that I fell upon my face. Then, he said to me, “Please, understand descendant of Adam that the vision extends to the end time.” 18 Now while he was speaking with me for my benefit, I was caused to enter the state of being in a deep sleep with my face to the ground. However, he touched me so that he caused me to stand upon my feet. 19 Then, he said, “Behold, I am about to cause you to know what will take place during the righteous indignation related to the end because the vision extends to an appointed period of time related to the end. 20 This ram which you saw possessing the two horns represents the kings ruling over Media as well as Persia. 21 Also, the male-goat, the shaggy goat represents the kingdom of Greece. In addition, the unusual horn which was between its eyes represents the first king. 22 Furthermore, the one which was broken and in whose place four took its position, represents four kings taking its position from his nation but not by means of its power. 23 Then, during the latter part of their dynasty, following those who rebel being brought to their end, a bold-face king will take another’s position because of being a master of intrigue.” (My translation)

Daniel 8:24 “His power will be mighty, but not by his own power, and he will destroy to an extraordinary degree and prosper and perform his will; He will destroy mighty men and the holy people.” (NASB95)

“His power will be mighty” advances upon Gabriel’s previous statement in verse 23 which serves to interpret the small horn.

The advancement and the intensification is that Gabriel tells Daniel how this bold face king will assume power to telling him how great his power will be.

This first statement in verse 24 is describing the power of the bold face king represented by the small horn in the vision as being able to exert great force against other kingdoms to defeat them.

“But not by his own power” presents a contrast to the previous statement that the power of the bold face king represented by the small horn will be mighty.

This adversative clause is emphatically negating any idea that the mighty power of the bold face king represented by the small horn originated with himself.

“And he will destroy to an extraordinary degree” presents the result of the previous statement that the mighty power of the bold face king represented by the small horn was by no means his power, i.e. originated with him.

“And prosper and perform his will” is advancing upon and intensifying the previous statement that the bold face king represented by the small horn will destroy for his own benefit to an extraordinary degree as a result of supernatural power given to him by the devil.

“Prosper” is the verb ʿā·śā(h) (עָשָׂה) (aw-saw´), which means “to execute” referring to carrying out something fully indicating that the small horn which represents Antiochus Epiphanes IV “executed” all that Daniel describes in Daniel 8:10-12.

“Succeed” is the verb ṣā·lǎḥ (צָלַח) (tsaw-lakh´), which means “to succeed” indicating that the bold king represented by the small horn in the vision will succeed in bringing about that which he desired, namely the deaths of faithful Jewish believers.

These two words form the figure of “hendiadys” meaning that they express one idea, namely that the bold face king represented by the small horn will succeed in bringing about the deaths of faithful Jewish believers.

“He will destroy mighty men and the holy people” is an emphatic addition to the previous emphatic statement that the bold face king will execute, yes succeed in all that he plans.

The adjective ʿā·ṣûm (עָצוּם) (aw-tsoom´), means “the mighty” referring to the faithful remnant in Israel during the reign of terror in the second century B.C. conducted by Antiochus Epiphanes IV.

The noun ʿǎm (עַם) (am), is in the singular and means “people” in the sense of a large group based on various cultural, physical and geographical ties.

It refers to a large group that is larger than a tribe or clan but smaller than a race.

This word speaks of a national entity which is composed of faithful believers living in Israel during the time of the persecution conducted by Antiochus Epiphanes IV in the second century B.C.

The adjective qǎd∙dîš means “holy” describing those Jews who were believers in Yahweh, the God of Israel during the time of Antiochus Epiphanes’ persecution of the Jews during the second century B.C.

Daniel 8:24 “In fact, his power will be mighty but not by means of his power so that he will destroy for his own benefit to an extraordinary degree. Indeed, he will execute, yes he will succeed. Furthermore, he will destroy the mighty, specifically the holy people.” (My translation)

Gabriel continues to give the interpretation to Daniel regarding the small horn which appeared in the vision to him.

In verse 24, Gabriel is interpreting that part of the vision which is recorded in Daniel 8:10.

This verse records Daniel telling the reader that the small horn grew larger than the heaven’s host.

Indeed, it caused some of this host, yes some of these stars to fall to the earth.

Also, it trampled on them.

Here in Daniel 8:24, Gabriel advances upon his previous statement in verse 23 by telling Daniel that this bold face king’s power will be mighty in the sense that this king will be able to exert great force against other kingdoms such as Israel to defeat them.

Then, Gabriel makes an extremely interesting and provocative statement which stands in contrast to this statement the power of the bold face king will be mighty.

He tells Daniel that the mighty power of this bold face king was not by means of his power or in other words, this king received this mighty power from another.

Based upon the fact that this vision of the small horn symbolically describes Antiochus Epiphanes IV persecution of the faithful remnant in Israel in the second century B.C. would indicate that this wicked king received his power from Satan himself.

Furthermore, as we noted in previous studies in this chapter Antiochus foreshadows Antichrist who the book of Revelation says receives his power from Satan.

Revelation 12 makes clear that Satan has persecuted Israel throughout her history and will continue to do so right up to the Second Advent of Jesus Christ.

The power of Antiochus and Antichrist to kill faithful Jews does not come from God but rather from Satan.

God permits Satan to give these wicked rulers their power but only to glorify Himself in the end by raising these faithful Jews from the dead by means of His omnipotence.

Gabriel then tells Daniel that the result of this bold face king receiving his power from Satan is that he will kill to an extraordinary degree.

The angel of God then brings out the implication of the bold face king killing to an extraordinary degree, namely that he will execute, yes succeed in whatever he does and whatever he plans against God’s people.

Lastly, Gabriel tells Daniel that this bold face king will kill God’s people, who he describes as a “holy people” and “mighty.”

The latter describes the faithful remnant in Israel during the persecution of Antiochus Epiphanes as being strong in their faith in Yahweh, the God of Israel.

The former describes these faithful believers as being set apart to serve the God of Israel exclusively.

It describes these believers as setting themselves apart to worship and serve the God of Israel exclusively, implying that they oppose the bold face king.

Now, as we noted in our study of Daniel 8:10, Daniel describes the people of the beautiful land in this verse as “the heavens’ host” and “the stars.”

Daniel tells the reader that the small horn grew larger than the host of heaven.

Then he advances upon this by informing the reader that the small horn caused some of this host, yes some of these stars to fall to the earth.

He also trampled on them.

The “heaven’s host” and the “stars” are both a reference to the nation of Israel and specifically regenerate Israelites, which is indicated by Gabriel’s interpretation in Daniel 8:24.

In this verse, the elect angel interprets “the heaven’s host” as referring to “the mighty people.”

Also, in verse 24, Gabriel describes the faithful Israelites as a “holy nation,” which parallels and interprets the phrase the “stars” in Daniel 8:10.

Nothing in the context of chapter eight would indicate that the host of heaven and the stars is a reference to the elect angels.

In fact, the bible teaches that no one can kill angels.

Gabriel’s interpretation in Daniel 8:24 and history makes clear that regenerate Israel and specifically faithful believers in Israel are being referred to by the expressions “host of heaven” and the “stars” in Daniel 8:10.

In this verse, Daniel describes this small horn causing some of the heaven’s host, yes the stars to fall to the earth, which is a symbolic description and prophecy of Antiochus Epiphanes IV waging war against Israel and killing some of regenerate Israel.

The description of the small horn trampling on the stars refers to Antiochus Epiphanes IV attempting to wipe out this faithful remnant in Israel.

In the Old Testament, in relation to the nation of Israel, a “remnant” referred to a small percentage of the population of the nation of Israel who survived divine judgment in the form of the Assyrian and Babylonian invasions and deportations.

The concept has its roots in Deuteronomy 4:27-31; 28:62-68; 30:1-10.

The remnant doctrine appears in the writings of Isaiah (Isaiah 10:20-22; 11:11, 16; 15:9; 16:14; 17:3; 28:5; 37:4, 31, 32; 46:3).

It is used in Nehemiah (1:3) and in the writings of Ezra of the returning Israelites from Babylon (Ezra 9:8, 13, 14, 15).

Haggai speaks of this remnant that returned from Babylon (1:12, 14; 2:2).

Paul first mentions this remnant doctrine in Romans 9:6 and then develops it further in Romans 9:27-29.

In Romans 9:27, Paul cites Isaiah 10:22 to teach that only a remnant of Jews throughout history will be saved, which supports his premise in Romans 9:6 that not all racial Israel is considered by God to be spiritual Israel, children of the promise and spiritual descendants of Abraham.

Paul alludes to this remnant doctrine in Romans 10:16.

The concept of the remnant appears in Romans 11:5, where it refers to the “remnant” of believers in Israel in Paul’s day, in the first century.

Though not explicitly mentioned, the testimony of Scripture is that Satan was behind this persecution of the Jewish people by Antiochus Epiphanes IV.

The Savior of the world would be a descendant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and specifically would be from the tribe of Judah.

Thus, by attempting to kill the Jews, Satan would be preventing the incarnation of the Son of God.

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