ANGELS transcription
II Kings 6:8-12. So here we have the setting of this occasion of angelic ministry. The king of Syria had been warring against Isreal and in his counsels and strategies and plans he has been setting traps for the army of Isreal and the king of Isreal. But the prophet Elisha, by the Spirit of the Lord, we are going to talk a little bit about how exactly Elisha knew this. Elisha heard what the King of Syria said in his bedroom and don’t you know that would be worth something. We talk about the Cold War and all the spies we had spying on Moscow and Eastern Europe. Wouldn’t that have been something if we had known what the communist leaders were speaking in their bedrooms or in their offices or where they were making strategies for war. Well, Elisha he would hear this by the Spirit, and he would tell the king of Isreal “Watch out for that trap-Watch out for that trap-watch out for that trap. Every time the king of Syria tried to set a trap the King of Isreal was forwarned and of course he would avoid it and save himself from it. Perhaps even turn it back around on the king of Syria. Well, that is why the king of Syria was forced to say we must have a traitor in our midst. But, somebody there knew a little bit about Isreal and they knew the prophets ministry. They said “No, this is Elisha, he knows what you are saying in your bedroom”. So, the king realizes he has to change his strategies. Instead of going after the king of Isreal he is going to go after this prophet. It says in Verse l3- Now, the servant of the man of God was Gahaza , we don’t have time to show you that but you can read that in other portions of the Bible. Elisha had a servant named Gahazi, he got up early and he got up early and he went out and saw a host composed the city both with horses and chariots. So, Gahazi sees this army that is assembled against them. And the servant says unto Elisha vs. 15. Here we are we have been doing reconissance and some undercover work for the king of Isreal and you have been revealing secrets but now it looks like we’re going to have to pay for it. We have this army circling the city. Notice Elisha’s response. Elisha answered him saying “fear not!” that’s the first thing that came to Elisha’s mind when it related to obstacles and circumstances of life and it should be the first thing that comes to our minds when we face the enemies attacks and it seems like we’re outnumbered and it seems like we’re circled; when it seems like the enemy has us right where he wants us. We must remember not to fear. The Bible gives us substantial reasons not to fear. Now our minds and our natural circumstances they will give us reasons to fear also. I’m reminded of Peter walking on the water. You know we often remember that he sank, and Jesus saved him, but we need to remember that he did walk on that water before he sank. So he got a little bit further along than the other disciples. They were good friends cheering him on, “We’re behind you Peter”; but that’s exactly where they were back in the boat. He’s the one that took the step of faith, the Word says that seeing the wind boisterous, he was afraid and that fear is a spiritual principle that ties up the things of God and clams up the move of the Spirit of God. Beginning to sink, Peter cried out “Lord save me”. Thank God, the Lord did and pulled him back up and told him “don’t fear, don’t fear, don’t doubt, why would you doubt. So Elisha now is turning to his servant and instructing him. He is telling him don’t fear. He is not overly concerned for the welfare of the servant, he is not going to be upset if the servant goes off and has this pagan fear. He is trying to stop a spiritual principle from happening. You know if this was going to take place who cares if this servant goes off and prays by himself. Elisha’s going to take care of himself, let the servant catch up when he wants to. You see, other peoples faith enters in and other peoples fear and unbelief can enter in. But, Gahazi needed to be instructed, don’t fear. Now, notice what Elisha said, “for they that be with us are more than they that be with them.” Now Elisha is not looking at the circumstances, the bible says that we don’t war after the flesh, the bible says the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mightly thru God. The bible says we don’t wrestle against flesh but against principalities, power and rulers of darkness of this world: against wicked spirits in high places. See Elisha was looking at the spiritual source and cause. I think sometimes we fail to see that behind physical manifestations there is a spiritual cause and effect. For instance, I John III says. (Quote) You see health and prosperity are based on a large part upon the prosperity of your soul. It’s what goes on in the inside of man that determines what will take place on the outside of him. If you can get it in your heart and believe it you can see it and you can see it manifest in the natural. Elisha was not focused on the problem; he wasn’t focused on the circumstances or the natural; he was focused on the Spirit and he was drawing his strength from what he knew to do as sure a reality in the Spirit as we have reality in the natural. Whether you know it or not there are certain realities you can’t see. People say I don’t believe in anything I can’t see. Well I just ask them if they have a brain and than ask them if they have ever seen it? It’s good to know that you do believe in some things you don’t see. Some people say “well I don’t believe in things I can’t see” Well, you know, electricity was around for thousands of years and nobody saw it. Than somebody realized there was something there and had enough courage to go fly a kite. It may not of seemed like the wisest thing to do but he realized that electricity could be conducted. And there are other things we could talk about; we have got to realize that behind the shell of the flesh there is a spiritual reality that is actually more real than the natural one. If we can take the assumption that the spirit created the natural, than we could call the Spirit realm the mother realm. If we take that as an assumption that everything that is comes from that realm than that realm must be more real than this realm. And the things that occur in that realm affect this realm. We’re going to find that that is scripturely true; Jesus said at one time, “whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, whatever you loose in heaven will be loosed on earth.” There is a reciprocal cause and effect between what we do here in the natural and what occurs in the spirit, and what occurs in the spirit and what occurs here in the natural. So, Elisha he focused on that and he said “there are more that be with us than that be with them”. Now, I would like to point out here, as the Lord pointed out to me that Elisha didn’t say there is more that be with us than them. He didn’t say there is more that be with us than the army that is surrounding the city. He didn’t say “I have more angels that be with me than there are horses and chariots around this city. No, He said “there is more that be with us than they that be with them.” Meaning there is somebody with Elisha and there is somebody with the enemy. There is somebody with you and there is somebody with the enemy. There is a verse in I John 4:4 (Quote) Now, that’s important. One time I misquoted it, I was preaching and I misquoted it. I said “Greater is He that is in “us” than he that is in the World” and the Lord corrected me. See, us implies we all have to get together for Him to be greater; but no, it’s greater is He who is in you “individually” than he that is in the world collectively. See, you and God make a majority. You and God are enough against the situation. Elisha said “there is more that be with us than that be with them” you see behind these situations, behind circumstances, behind people; there are demonic spirits and principalities in operation trying to effect their causes. Trying to forward their desire. The kingdom of satan is as real as the kingdom of God and it has an agenda, it has goals and satan has desires and plans for you. John l0:l0 (Quote) . You see satan comes with one thought in mind and that is destruction and Jesus comes with one thought in mind and that is life abundantly. As we choose the abundant life we also need to realize that he has made us to be more than conquerors thru Christ who loved us and gave himself for us. So, there were spirits behind the king of Syria, moving him to make war against the king of Isreal and even moving him to come and make war against the prophet. Elisha knew that if he could outnumber or out-power or overcome the spirits behind the men, well than he could rescue the men and deliver them. We will find out that is exactly what happened. Verse l7 Elisha prayed and he said (Quote) Now what did he see, he had been seeing in the natural but now he is seeing in the spirits. Behold …thru verse 23. Well, I guess not! You see, satan was driving these men with evil spirits behind them, but when the angels of God, which were more with Elisha than what be with them, than Elisha was about to minister in such a way that he rescued or delivered these men out from underneath that demonic power and he just led them on into the king of Isreals camp right there in Samaria and they surrounded them and than they said Lord, open their eyes and they opened their eyes and they were surrounded by their enemies. What are they going to do, throw their weapons down. The King of Isreal said should we kill them, should we kill them? But, Elisha said no you don’t do that. Why did Elisha say that, because he knew his warfare was not with flesh and blood. He hadn’t just defeated these men, he had defeated the spirits that were behind these men. He disarmed them a long time before he got near the king of Isreal. So, he made a feast for them and fed them and took care of them. And said now boys if you’ve seen what’s going on here and your free from that demonic power, you go on back to your camp and don’t bother us anymore. So they did, they left and they bothered the king of Isreal and the land of Isreal no more. See, the mountain that was full of horses and chariots of fire was round about Elisha. Lets look at Psalms 91 I want to show you something here. Lets begin reading in verse 5 … 11 See Elisha knew that the angels of God were keeping him and he knew that whatever satan would bring against him the angels of God would rise up and stop it. Let’s look in Psalms 34:1-4 … You see the way to be delivered from fear is to seek the Lord. Once you get your eyes on Jesus there is no more room for fear. He than says Vs. 5-7. See, Elisha knew that these angels were camped out around him. He was surrounded with angelic forces and angelic hosts. He was as conscious of them and more so actually, than he was conscious of physical horses and physical chariots camped out round about the city. Because his eyes were upon the spiritual he was able to move in the spirit and see things take place. Now if we look in John 1: Elisha, he works with angels, well let me rephrase that, angels work for him. The bible says, that all of this innumerable host of angels are ministering servants, ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation. This innumerable host are poised right now listening to our words to do that which we speak when what we speak is according to the Word of God. They hearken unto the voice of the Lord and they obey or fulfill or bring to completion the commandments of God. Now, I want you to read here with me; lets begin in verse 43 of John l …47 Now notice this, it’s very very simple what Jesus says to the man. Nathaniel is doubting that they found the Messiah. Nathaniel is not sure, he is familiar with the Old Covenant, he is looking for the Messiah. He doesn’t know of any prophet coming out of Nazareth. So, Nathaniel is pretty ? and he says “can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Sort of like people around here; can anything good come out of Titusville. Philip saith unto him come and see…..verse 50. I don’t know what happened under this fig tree, I don’t know what he was doing there. He must have been doing something private enough and sincere enough, it sure caught Philip’s attention. Now Nathaniel answered, notice his thought, and saith unto him Rabbi. He went from What good thing can come out of Nazareth to Rabbi, which means teacher or master. Rabbi, thou art … Isn’t it interesting that one Word of Knowledge can change a life forever. See that is all that Jesus was operating in was a simple gift of the Word of Knowledge. The gifts of the Spirit are 9 in number. We have them listed in I Corinthians l2. The Word of Knowledge is simply a fragment or a segment of knowledge that is imparted by the spirit of God about a person, a place or an event in the past. In this case we can see that it was conveyed in one form or another thru sight or vision. Jesus said I saw you, he didn’t say I heard you, he said I saw you; he didn’t say God told me about you, he said I saw you. Whatever He saw must have been private enough that it was proof or evidence to Nathaniel that God is real and you are He. You are my Rabbi, you are the Messiah and you are the king of Isreal. Now notice Jesus’ response. Vs. 50 … You mean you believe me out of that simple Word of Knowledge? Thou shalt see greater things than these. He saith …vs. 51. Hereafter you shall see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man. I want to make a statement here. We are going to look at this logically. If heaven opened as angels of God ascending and descending what would a heaven closed be. If an open heaven is open access to these angelic ministers. What would a closed heaven be. It would be a “no angelic ministry” or perhaps limited. With that thought in mind, now we are going to come back here, but we have got to have that much to go back to Daniel chapter l0. Everything I said the last two nights is setting us up for tonight. Daniel chapter l0; because here we have a powerful chapter of the description of the angelic ministry, in which Daniel receives wisdom and knowledge. In Daniel l0:1 ….verse 2 Now the word mourning here in the Old Testament generally means fasting. He said I was fasting three full weeks. Now that is 21 days. Now it wasn’t a complete fast, it was a limited fast. He said I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth; neither did I anoint myself at all until 3 whole weeks were fulfilled. And …..vs. 6. This was an angelic appearance that Daniel is describing, but notice he says this. And I Daniel alone saw the vision. I want you to underline that. See we don’t know at this point if the Angel came into the physical realm or if Daniel saw into the Spirit realm. But, we are going to find out. Notice verse 7 … They didn’t see anything but they wanted out of there. Now, Daniel he saw, verse 8… see now it doesn’t say he didn’t run away, it says he couldn’t. I have a clue myself that if he would have been able to he would have, but he didn’t have the strength. For my comeliness, meaning the very thing in my that’s beautiful, by nature, was turned in me into corruption and I retained no strengh. When I read this, I’m telling you, I had words to describe the experience I had. When Jesus Christ walked into my bedroom and I ran and crawled on all fours off my bed, into the closet, stuck my head in the corner, in a sleeping bag and begged Jesus, “don’t come in here, don’t come in here”. I could not take the presence of God. I remember listening to another minister when an Angel appeared to him in a room walked right thru the wall. I liked how he described it. He said, “it felt like the skin on my flesh was going to fall off”! What is Daniel saying here, he said the thing in my that is beautiful, my comeliness was turned in me into corruption and I retained no strength. Isaiah said it this way, he said, “lo I am undone”! I mean I am telling you, we are talking about spiritual things that have power. He said “ Now, I saw this great vision, yet I heard the voice of His Words. When I heard the voice of His Words, than was I in a deep sleep on my face and my face towards the ground. In other words, he was slain in the spirit. The power of God hit him. “Behold a hand touched me which set me up on my knees and upon the palms of my hands. I read this years ago and I thought of me crawling across the floor on my hands and knees. You know when your out of strength, that’s about all the higher you can get is up on your hands and knees; especially if you want to move fast. He said unto me “Oh Daniel a man greatly beloved.” That is blind in the King James, the Hebrew literally reads here, and the margin of your bible may show this, mine is a Cambridge Bible. The margin of my bible reads “he said unto me, oh Daniel a man of great desire”. See he had to have something that would take him twenty-one days. Somebody says, “How come so and so gets into the presence of God and I don’t?” Well, probably because of his desire. James says “Draw nigh to me and I will draw nigh to you” People come to me a lot and say, Well I just feel like god has left me. God hasn’t left anybody, you left Him. You draw nigh to God and He is going to come into your life, you have to have the desire to do it though. How much desire is in you. Do you have twenty-one days of desire. What if Daniel had only had twenty days of desire. Well, he would have probably missed it. Let me show you why. He said “Oh Daniel man of great desires, understand the words that I speak unto thee and stand upright. For unto thee am I now sent and when he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling. He was able to stand up. Than he said unto me, fear not Daniel, for from the first day that …the very first day, that was 21 days ago, this is the end of your fast, 21 days, but the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and Twenty days. Now who is this fellow, who could withstand an Angel. Now this somebody that as soon as he appears to Daniel, Daniel falls down and is drained of strength and all of his friends run away. Everything beautiful about Daniel becomes ugly. He hears the Angel speak and he is slain in the spirit and falls on his face. The Angel strengthens him and he gets up onto his hands and knees and then the Angel speaks to him again and he stands up. Than the Angel tells him don’t fear and than the Angel has the audacity to say that there was something out there that was strong enough to withstand him. Well, what is that? He said it was the Prince of the Kingdom of Persia. Now this word prince doesn’t mean a prince like we would have in the natural realm, but a principality. We have it in Ephesians 6, we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities. It is a satanic domain. You know there are satanic kingdoms or cities that are stronger in resistance to the Kingdom of God than others. He said now that this prince of Persia, this is the spirit behind the king of Persia. This prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days, but lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, now Michael, we are getting a little bit better. We know Michael to be one of the Archangels. Who is everywhere in the Word, described as an Angel of War.