Discharging Our Christian Duty Rom
Discharging Our Christian Duty Rom. 13:11-14
EBC 2/15/09
2 Tim. 2:3- Paul gives to young Timothy as description of who he was and his duties.
Warreth- to be on active duty, to be in battle
Entangleth- to be woven to
With the affairs- business, occupation
Today, we are winning the war in Iraq because of our brave men and women who are engaged in battle. Every one of our soldiers understood that they have a duty to discharge. In these verses Paul calls every believer to his duty before the Lord as soldiers for Jesus Christ. Some would say many aren’t discharging their duties very well- many would say most are AWOL. There are a few of the troops who have stayed in the trenches, the rest have wandered off to do their own thing. This passage is a call for God's children to get back in the thick of the battle!
I do not want to be named among those who have deserted my post in the heat of the battle. As far as I am concerned this morning I owe everything I have and am to the Lord Jesus Christ and I want to properly discharge my duty before Him.
In light of all this – what is our duty. Duty something done out of a sense of obligation
I. We have a Duty-- so wake up (11)
A. We need to recognize the time
1. Time- refers to a particular time – a season of time. This has to do with the return of Lord Jesus. We need to keep our eyes on the changing world around us and understand that the return of Jesus is near.
a. Many believers cruse thru life never giving a thought to Jesus return. When He returns what is He going to catch us doing.
b. When Jesus comes back for us the full effects of our salvation will be known. Every day we pitch our tent one step closer to glory.
c. Sleep is described as a time of unresponsiveness to the things around us, a state of inactivity.
B. We need to redeem the time
1. High time- a specific hour has arrived. Granddaddy used to say ”boy it’s high time you were getting up”.
b. Too many today are sleeping on the job, living lives without regards to what God wants.
c. We can’t be asleep at the wheel.
1. Eph. 5:16- redeeming the time… evil
2. There is a need for urgency. We need to get about His work. Yes it is His work- but isn’t it wonderful that he has chosen us to help in the work.
II. We have a Duty—so dress up (12)
A. We need to disregard the garments of night
1. Paul’s imagery is that of a person removing all nightclothes and all things associated with night.
2. Far too may believers are walking around still with cloths of the night on, that is their attitudes and actions are the same they always were.
a. 2 Cor. 5:17- we are new creatures
1. As redeemed children why would we want to wear our old clothes.
B. We need to put on the garments of light
1. This verse speaks of a believer throwing aside his old life and putting on his new life.
2. God sees the Christian life as a commitment and dedication to His principals.
III. We Have a Duty--- so line up (13-14)
A. We have a duty to walk in honesty
1. Walk in honesty means to behave properly. We need to live an outward life that is in agreement with who we say we are on the inside. There should be no pretense in our lives.
2. If we are saved we should live as though we are. Our lives should be an open book for the lord.
B. We have a duty to walk in humility
1. Put on the Lord- we are to clothe ourselves in all that Jesus is. We are to adopt his character as our character, His lifestyle as ours.
2. Make no provisions for the flesh- entertain no thought that would have you involved in any thing concerning the flesh.
Are you a faithful soldier for the Lord?