How Hard It Is To Be A Christian Today
Hebrews 11:37—12:17*
How do you explain the enmity that exists between the world at large and God’s people? What have we done to make societies angry enough to hate, maim, torture, and even kill us? What is it that we do that so angers people? True, practicing, Christians pay their taxes and obey the law. They are generous, loving, and helpful. They provide for the poor, the sick, and the lonely usually without any expectation of reward or even recognition. They do not start wars or persecute those with whom they disagree. In fact, we are often guilty of acting like the most vocal Christian haters say that all men should act. What then is there about a real Christian that makes the world so crazy?
I have come to conclude that it is not our behavior that offends so many but our belief and faith in a righteous God. Human beings are sinners. If we are right in the things we believe they are in a lot of trouble! How amazing is it that those that pride themselves on their logic will prefer to risk destruction rather than accept God!?
The message here is not for those that reject the Lord; instead, it is an offer of hope for those that try to remain faithful in the face of trouble.
I. The Christian Life Is A Struggle
A. We are required to act contrary to our nature
1. Sinfulness is the easier course
2. Accepting another standard for behavior eases the pain of day to day living
3. Sacrifice is painful and often seems to offer little or no reward
B. Why not go along to get along?
1. All we need do is alter our views and our behavior
2. There are Christian organizations
that believe and practice more liberal views
3. Why not attend where things are happening?
C. The continued struggle leads to weariness
1. People drop out or move on
2. It is possible to adapt to the guilt
D. We need closer fellowship
1. To share the struggle
2. To enjoy the successes – few though they may be
E. We must encourage rather than argue the little things
II. God Offers Solutions (Heb. 12:12)
A. Lift up the hands that hang down
1. Praise inoculates against despair
2. Taking hold of our fellow’s hands and offering consolation and support
B. Take heart from past success and the example of others
1. How soon we forget the joy