I Will Require a Token
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And thus shall ye eat it; with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste: it is the Lord’s passover.
For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the Lord.
And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.
When a man and woman are united in marriage, it has become our custom to require a ring as a token that the promise will always be kept.
It is a reminder to the bride that the promise has been made, and a notice to all others that this woman belongs in the marriage, she is not to be flirted with or touched by any other.
The bride’s ring is not so much a reminder of her promise, but of his promise to her.
The ring represents something that is required to enter into intimate fellowship with the groom. She is now his wife, and the ring is proudly displayed to represent that fact.
The ring screams to the world, “I am His wife, and He is my husband”. My existence is now tied to his. I don’t make decisions on my own anymore, what we do we do together.
49 Now down here, that we’re speaking of, where we’re starting in, is God saying to Israel, “The blood of the lamb is a token for you.” Israel’s lamb, slain, was Jehovah’s required token. It must be the blood. God made a token and give it to Israel. And no other token will work, see, it cannot be recognized.
What is the required token?
So the blood was the token that the life had been given, that something had died, God's requirement; that a life had been given, and the blood had been shed. And the blood stood for the token, that the life was gone. The life of the animal that God had spoke should be taken, was the blood stood for the token. See?
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But in this glorious place, under this covenant, there is a difference between the Blood and the Life. The Token for the believer today is the Holy Ghost; not a blood, a chemistry, but It is the Holy Spirit of God. That is the Token that God requires of the Church today. God must see this Token. He must see It in every one of us.
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Therefore, as the evening shadows are appearing, and the wrath is ready to be poured out from on High, upon the ungodly nations, and upon the ungodly unbelievers, upon the—the professors without a possession, upon these things! And I've tried to unfold myself and live right among it, to see where it was standing, before I said these things. Now we are living in the shadows, and the wrath is ready to strike, and God is requiring a Token that you yourself have received His Token, the Holy Ghost. It's the only way, and the only sign that God will ever pass, because It is the literal Life of Jesus Christ returned back into the believer.
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Now the very Spirit Itself is the Token. The Holy Spirit Itself is the Token, not the Blood. The Blood was shed at Calvary, that is true. But the Blood, as far as it is, went back into the elements from which it come, from the food that He lived on. But, you see, inside that Blood cell was a Life that started the Blood cell to moving. If it was… The chemistry had no Life in it, itself, and therefore it could not move. But when the Life come into the chemistry of the blood, It formed a cell. It formed Its Own cell, then cell after cell, then it become a Man. And that Man was God, Emmanuel, in flesh. But when that Life returned back, the chemistry went to it, but the Token is the Holy Ghost upon the Church, that they see Christ. 96 It has to be, because a woman and her husband become one. They become one. And so does the Bride and Christ become One. The ministry of the Bride, and the ministry of Christ, is the same. And remember, "These former treatise, O Theophilus, have I wrote to you, that Jesus begin to do and continues to do." His death didn't stop Him. No, sir! He returned again. Not a third person, but the same Person returned again in the form of the Holy Ghost, and to continue the work on; and continues on, said the Book of Acts. "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." That's the Token. That's the sign.
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Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.
The Token was required at Jericho.
For Rahab to be saved the Token must be evident.
For the Bride to escape Judgment, the Token must be on display.
We are chosen in God’s mind, but the reality of the Marriage must take place.
Hallelujah! Now notice. You're not only that, but you're going to the Wedding in the sky. And you are wearing the wedding band of predestinated, unmerited grace, a wedding band of grace unmerited of your own. God did it, Himself. He knew you before the foundation of the world, so He slipped the wedding band on you There, put your name on a Book. What a thanksgiving! Hallelujah! Praise our God!
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The Crucifixion could not just take place in His mind.
(Rev 13:8) And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Just as the lamb was slain before the world was formed, you had the token, but it had to become manifested on the earth. The Dove had to come to the Lamb, to make what was in God’s mind a reality.
Christianity has to display its Token, see, publicly, in public life, at the office, on the street, when trouble is around, anything, in church, everywhere else. The Blood is the Token, and the Token must be applied, see, or (it's not) even the covenant is not in effect.
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I don't care, you might have cast out devils. You might have healed the sick by your prayer of faith. You might have done all these things. But if that Token is not there, you're under the wrath of God. You might be a believer. You might stand in the pulpit and preach the Gospel. "Many will come to Me in that day, and say, 'Lord, Lord, have not I prophesied in Your Name, preached in Your Name? Have not I cast out devils in Your Name?'" That's both Methodists, Baptists, and Pentecostals. Jesus said, "Depart from Me, you that work iniquity. I never even knew you."
137 "But when I see the Token, I'll pass over you." It's God's requirement of the hour. The evening-time Message, is to apply the Token.
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Full, complete obedience puts you and the Word One. You believe It, every bit. And all of It's in you, and you watch It working through you.
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Now, now look, just to believe It is not enough. Not to… To walk around where It's at, isn't enough. See, that's to make yourself worse, "For he that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it's sin."
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