Thou Shall Not Murder
Exodus 20:13 ““You shall not murder.”
All of you are thinking, “Check! Let’s get to Cracker Barrel before the lines get too long.”
I’m sorry, but this command has more to do than simply killing someone like we see on the I. D. Channel.
God is providing something good for his people. It is protection and a way of life. God is not stating the obvious; He is giving something that is very good.
Murder was the first sin that the Bible documents after Adam and Eve when Cain kills his brother Abel out of jealousy.
a. The Bible is full of murder just as our world is full of murder.
b. How do we live in a world where murder abounds, and how does this passage apply to us?
CIT: Christ followers value human life.
In this text, the word for murder, “rasah,” denotes a lawful, premeditated, or immoral killing of another human being, but it also includes death cause my carelessness and negligence.
Premeditated murder received capital punishment.
Sanctuary cities were also made for people who killed another person in an accident.
Laws were also placed for individuals who were careless, such as not watching a bull that had shown a history of goring another animal or person.
Not every instance of killing another human is murder.
War - Theologians debate over just war theory.
Capital Punishment - Appropriate instances call for capital punishment.
Self-defense - Arguments could be made for self-defense as an appropriate instances for self-defense.
Enforcement of the Law - In certain circumstances, the state and law enforcement has the ability to take life - if it is done justly and in accordance with just laws as they relate to the Bible.
English Standard Version Chapter 5
20 For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
21 “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.’ 22 But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.
Jesus says, “If you harbor anger in your heart about another person, you are guilty of murder.”
Jesus condemns murder, but he also says that harboring wrath in one’s heart is also sinful and deserving of punishment.
He does not say it is as bad, but he does say it is worthy of punishment.
It is in the same vein of sin. Anger gives birth to wrath and hatred which gives birth to murder.
We should understand that anger is a more damaging sin than we often realize.
Anger eats our soul from the inside, and it replaces it with a heart that is vindictive, vengeful, and spiteful.
Anger will eventually cause you to do things to people around you that you never expected.
Murder is a deep, deep evil.
Man takes into his own hands what is only God’s to do. When Job says that the Lord gives and takes away, even life is in God’s hands. When we murder, we take life into our own hands, and God does not take that lightly.
Murder is a robbery of the worse kind. You cut short a person’s only existence in this world.
Murder is more normalized that you think. We are often just blinded to the way it takes place around us.
In most cultures in the world, the majority of that culture thinks its okay to systematically kill somebody.
The killing of unborn children is nothing less than murder.
From the moment of conception, a child is made “in God’s image,” and that little person, no matter how small or large, has the right to life.
No matter how normal murder is around us or how dulled everyone else’s senses are to murder, we cannot become desensitized, because everyone is created in the image of God.
What is murder due to negligence?
An obvious example would be driving while under the influence. If your driving is impaired, and you kill someone, you are guilty of murder.
Sometimes, we are guilty of negligence by avoidance. If we see someone who is being killed, and we do not speak up, we are guilty.
God gave Ezekiel a call to go to the nation of Israel and prophecy against them. He said, “Tell them everything that I say to you that they may repent. If they do not repent, their blood is on their hands. BUT, if you do not say what I tell you to say, their blood is on YOUR hands, Ezekiel.”
Murder by Anger - How do we control our anger?
We have to acknowledge that we live in an angry and hateful world. When you acknowledge it, you are better prepared to face it.
It is easier to find anger and hatred in the world than our hearts, but the anger in our hearts is the most damaging to us.
Is there anyone that you have not forgiven?
Some people live in a perpetual state of anger.
We pray for the people who we are angry.
We ask for forgiveness, and we seek reconciliation. Could you imagine what would happen if you let go of all of the anger in your heart?
How much more clearly you could see?
How much more service you could give?
How much more love you could show?
The Worse Murder of All Time
God came down.
He healed. He taught. He corrected. He loved. He redeemed.
Man, because of their wretched state - murdered Him.
Jesus went to the cross, and Barabbas went free.
That’s grace. Murder is among the worse of sins, and God’s grace is for them.
If God can forgive David, God can forgive you.
f. A person's life is his most precious possession. Consequently, to rob him of it is the greatest sin we can commit against him, while to give one's own life on his behalf is the greatest possible expression of love for him. This, then, is the ultimate contrast: Cain's hatred issued in murder, Christ's love (issued) in self-sacrifice. // John Stott
Christ gave Himself that we may go free.
God’s forgiveness is for t