Better Together
Galatians • Sermon • Submitted
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· 11 viewsWe are meant to live our lives in lordship together. 3 Directives on how the church can live out our calling.
Sermon Tone Analysis
Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, so that you too will not be tempted.
Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.
For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself.
But each one must examine his own work, and then he will have reason for boasting in regard to himself alone, and not in regard to another.
For each one will bear his own load.
The one who is taught the word is to share all good things with the one who teaches him.
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.
For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.
Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.
So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.
INTRO: A couple weeks ago, James and I went to the Baptist State Convention. (We share(d) about this during SS hour today) The theme for this year’s Convention was “On Mission Together”. Throughout the pastors’ conference and meetings, we heard sermons, missions reports, goals, and strategies that all pointed us the fact that in order for us to be obedient to the Great Commission, we would have to work together.
Considering that there are nearly 8 billion people on earth, and 6500+ different languages, just communicating the Gospel is a BIG task. But we are called to not just communicate, but to “make disciples” of all nations. This is considerably more involved and is overwhelming to even comprehend. Even with the cooperative efforts of the SBC with over 3500 international missionaries in countries all across the globe, stats say that 2 people die without a relationship with Christ every second. (ASR report 2021)
If we zoom in a bit to our local context, it’s easy to overlook that number. In fact, oftentimes we can overlook any sense of responsibility as Christians simply by burying ourselves in the busyness of life and increasingly shelter ourselves from the lost souls around us.
Over the last few weeks, we’ve been studying Paul’s letter to the Galatian church. These folks had been deceived by false teachers, which Paul condemns. The focal point of this letter is the Gospel- We are sinners who cannot save ourselves, but God, being rich in mercy and love gave His Son, Jesus to pay the penalty for our sins. Through faith in the sacrifice of Jesus, we put off our life of sin and surrender to the Lordship of Jesus, our King.
Last week, we explored what it looks like to live in lordship. Today, we will take the concept of Lordship and apply it within the context of the local church.
If you look at Gal 6:1, Paul softens his tone a bit as he calls the Galatians “brethren”. We have shifted to a pastoral plea. You and I can read it this way: Brethren (and Sistren), we were meant to do this together. In a world where we tend to individualize everything, you and I were called into a Kingdom to be a body TOGETHER. Christ established His church as ‘living stones’ that would together demonstrate and proclaim the goodness of Yahweh through the Gospel of Jesus.
Consider a brick… alone it is unimpressive. Now, we could paint it, write on it, make it as unique as possible, but it’s still just a single brick. But when we have a whole bunch of bricks- even though they may all look a little different, together we can construct a beautiful temple. That’s the point. What God has called us to is greater than any individual can accomplish.
We were meant to do all this together- All that has been covered in this letter-
Resisting false teaching
Defending the Gospel
Grasping and living in grace
Correcting our errors
Preserving freedom
Living in lordship
All of this is to be done in the context of the local church- TOGETHER!
There is no directive for us to be heroes or lone-rangers Christians. Rather, we are called as part of the body of Christ to live under the supreme rule and reign of Jesus and to proclaim His kingdom.
So today, as we explore this final chapter of Galatians, I want to urge you to consider your place in this body. I am so grateful for this local church- I can see God working in and through so many lives! Even so, I am confident that there are some of you who have not yet connected in the ways that Jesus has called us to.
I pray that you will be challenged to do so today. If you picked up a bulletin, I encourage you to follow along in the provided sermon guide. Let’s learn together how we are Better Together; 3 directives to living in Lordship in the Local Church.
Let’s dive in. The first directive we see here in verses 1-5 is:
Let Us Be Compassionate Together (1-5)
Let Us Be Compassionate Together (1-5)
Let’s read these again (READ)
We will break this down in 3 areas:
1: Accountability:
Look here at. v. 1- If anyone is caught in any trespass… let me just say that this is going to happen to all of us!
The Christian life is not a life that is free from temptation or burden. That is one of the big lies that people sometimes believe. We have been saved from the rule of sin, but the effects are still present. I’m going to mess up. You are going to mess up. (Some of you are messing up right now!) And because of this, we need one another in order to continue in our growth.
“You who are spiritual...” That is, you who are more mature in your faith. This is discipleship. You who have been walking with Jesus longer need to come alongside those who are newer believers! Every one of us needs to have people who will come alongside us and hold us accountable.
“Restore… in a spirit of gentleness...” He didn’t say, badger them. He didn’t say beat them with a book or verbally abuse them. No, he said restore him gently. To restore means to make like new… maybe even improve a bit.
ILL: Charles Gant recently had an old Ford pickup restored. This was a process- it took time, money, and patience. But today, it is even nicer than it was when it rolled off the factory line.
Accountability is about restoring a brother or sister in Christ to the life that Christ has called them to.
2. Assistance:
Verse 2 says “Bear one another’s burdens...” This is practical. Physically, if you see someone struggling to carry a load, would you not assist them? Paul is likely referring to spiritual or emotional burdens here. Now, this is a broad category, but let me give some examples of a burden:
Anxiety - fear of sickness, financial distress, uncertainty, stress in the workplace
Grief- Loss of loved one, medical diagnoses, persistent sin, a child who has rebelled
Depression - dysfunctional family, trauma, genetic disposition, etc.
As believers, we need one another walk these paths. You don’t have to walk them alone, and we should be ready and willing to take our neighbor’s hand and walk with them.
ILL: In Psalm 23, we see the valley of the shadow of death… I read somewhere that the very presence of a shadow lets us know there is light! You and I are encouraged to walk with one another and point to the Light of our Lord through love.
“By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
We assist each other in love by joyfully bearing one another’s burdens.
3. Humility:
Verse 3 - “For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself...”
This is simply the proper perspective in which to offer accountability and assistance. The greatest picture here is that which Jesus gave as he knelt to wash the feet of the disciples. It was given as a model for us to follow. Jesus told his disciples that they were to serve one another this way.
If Jesus, who is King over ALL humbled himself, even to the point of death on a cross, then you and I as believers ought to adopt a spirit of humility and demonstrate compassion together in the Lordship of Jesus.
Discuss: Describe a time when you experienced the compassion of another Christian in the church. What ways could you demonstrate compassion this week?
Next, we see that Paul urge:
Let Us Be Generous Together (6-8)
Let Us Be Generous Together (6-8)
Let’s read these together (READ)
Paul’s directive here is not simply about giving to the church or even paying the pastor. I am thankful that you do both! And this is partly about that, but the greater context is an urge for us to invest in the Kingdom of God.
God called me here. I am confident of this. He also called you to be a part of this body. Together, we have been commanded to take the Gospel message and make disciples in our community and across the globe.
Now, here’s the thing. It will take each of us being faithful to support God’s vision for Little River. Let me tell you something: God desires to do great things here. Often we only plan to do what we know we are capable of. But God promised that we would do GREATER THINGS than these!
And it will take faithful financial support in order to reach and transform our community. It will take joyful volunteers to do the hands-on ministry of outreach programs and mercy ministries. It will take us acting in faith and boldness, planting churches, sending missionaries, training future pastors, establishing schools, and trusting God to do what only He can do.
Do you believe that Jesus came to seek and save the lost?
Do you believe that He died to pay the price for our sins?
Do you believe that eternity is of greater consequence than this life?
Do you believe that the grace and mercy of Jesus can change lives?
Do you believe that your salvation was nothing short of a miracle?
Folks, If we confess with our mouths these truths, then we MUST demonstrate them beyond the walls of this building.
Paul says we will reap what we sow…
ILL: It’s kind of sad when you look at the seeds some churches sow… a cheapened version of the Gospel that is more about emotional responses than Biblical truth. Or a false security of salvation for a monthly gift… perhaps even an entertained bunch who feel good as they coast toward eternal destruction. These churches are reaping the same corruption that they are sowing.
Are we sowing the seeds of the Gospel? Are we giving our time to build relationships with our neighbors? Are we going on mission? Sending out others? We can do this as we are generous together!
Imagine what God will do when we decide to live with Kingdom priority!! When we join efforts and pray together, share the gospel together, show mercy together! Folks, I want you to just envision how God might transform this county!
Discuss: How might your generosity lead to Kingdom Growth? What opportunities do you see at LRBC to work together in generosity that would produce the fruit of changed lives?
We are better together. We are better when we are compassionate together and when we are generous together. Finally, in v. 9-10, Paul offers this directive:
Let Us Be Intentional Together (9-10)
Let Us Be Intentional Together (9-10)
Let’s read these verses again. (READ)
It’s real easy to get discouraged from doing good.
ILL: I was driving the other day and there was construction that had one lane closed. And of course, people were all in the wrong lane, trying to get over… evidently they missed the 5000 signs that said “Left lane closed ahead”. I let like 5 cars in front of me, smiled- waved… and not a single one of those jokers even waved. Like, seriously- is my intentional kindness and good-deed of letting your slacker self in the right lane not worth acknowledgement?
Paul says we ought to not lose heart in doing good though. As Christians, we are called into intentional work for the sake of the Gospel. In fact, Jesus said in
“Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.
I think that is the fruit Paul says we will reap- that God will be glorified on the account of our good deeds shining before the watching world. When people see that God is good, and they turn from their sin and trust in Jesus, God is glorified!
The hard thing for us is that it is much easier to just not let our light shine… We feel alone… and when we see the opportunities to reach out, to lend a helping hand, we shy away because we don’t want others to think we’re weird.
But, together, we can encourage each other- spur one another on towards these good works! (Heb. 10:24-25) Together, we can change the sinful patterns in our lives and testify to the transformational work of our Lord.
Richard Lovelace said “When great numbers of Christians straighten out crooked patterns of living and start making a prophetic and evangelistic appeal to those around them, a culture can be shaken to its foundations.”
That can happen in Transylvania County.
Paul, in verse 10, alludes to a very important truth: He says “while we have opportunity...”
This is where it gets real, folks. Time is short! Christ is coming back, and all those who have not called upon the name of Jesus for salvation will enter into eternal judgment.
Don’t you see?!? Jesus has called the church to be the bearers of this good news! TOGETHER, while there is still time, we can share the truth of the glorious Gospel Freedom! This isn’t just a command for pastors, it’s the mission of the church- believers united in Lordship surrender to King Jesus, taking the HOPE of the cross beyond our sanctuary and into the streets of our neighborhoods and into the halls of our schools!
But folks, this will not happen on accident. NO, our sinful tendencies are to sit back and do nothing… they are to let others do the work. We must be personally engaged, committed to God’s mission.
I want to ask you to make that commitment today. I am challenging you to be in this together.
If you will, take your neighbor by the hand (it’s ok… you can wash your hands before you eat). Take your neighbor’s hand and join me as we prepare to pray.
God has called us to be compassionate together. To be generous together. To be intentional together. Let us shine the goodness of our Lord together - towards one another and towards the watching world.
Let us pray.
Discuss: How can you be intentional with others in the church for the sake of God’s Kingdom? Describe the sense of urgency by which we ought to operate.