The Secret of Contentment
Sermon Tone Analysis
I have got the materials to do Shirley’s ramp
We are going to tackle this in the second week in December
Anyone that wants to help on this project come and see me and I will give you the details. We should be able to get it done in a day.
Evangelism Update
We split up in two groups
We knocked on 35 doors
We had one really good conversation
There is a place for you in this ministry
Thursday is Thanksgiving
So we will not be having our Wednesday night book study
We are also going to cancel evangelism today because of the rain
Our message this morning will finish up our series on money and it is also going to prepare us for Thanksgiving
I told Bailey I was preaching on contentment yesterday and she said, “What is that?”
What is contentment?
Contentment—a state of mind in which one’s desires are confined to whatever God has alloted him.
The word content means “sufficient” or “enough”.
It is the ability to be satisfied with what God has given to us.
I want us to think about that for just a second....everything we have is given to us by God (James 1:17), and God promises to give us everything that we need (Matt 6:33).
Contentment then is really about trusting that God does meet our needs and agreeing that is is enough.
We will never be good stewards of our money unless we learn contentment
The reason we spend so much money on things we do not need is because we are trying to find contentment in all the wrong places
So in order to be good stewards of our money, we must learn the secret of contentment
Turn to Philippians 4:10-11
This was written by the apostle Paul
And it is his personal testimony to the Philippian Church of his life and how he found tyhe secret of contentment.
Philippians 4:10–11 (NASB95)
But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at last you have revived your concern for me; indeed, you were concerned before, but you lacked opportunity. Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.
Do you wish that you could say that? That you have learned to be content in every circumstance
How many of us in here today could say this with complete honesty that we are truly content regardless of the situation that we are in?
Do you know that Paul wrote this letter from a jail cell in Rome.
And from the jail cell he can confidently says, “I am completely content”. I have everything that I need and even on this dark, dirty, cell floor I can say that I am satisfied!
Do you believe that? Well listen to what Luke records in Acts 16:
When they had struck them with many blows, they threw them into prison, commanding the jailer to guard them securely; and he, having received such a command, threw them into the inner prison and fastened their feet in the stocks. But about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns of praise to God, and the prisoners were listening to them
What a content man who could sign and praise God after being beaten with rods and thrown into a jail cell!
Contentment is not based upon our circumstances
Contentment is not based upon our circumstances
(v 11) “For I Have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am”
That means when Paul and Silas were in the Philippian jail he was content
When Paul was preaching the gospel to hard hearted Jews, he was content
When Paul was hungry he was content!
Whether he was free or imprisoned he was content
Why? Because Paul did not base his contentment on circumstances and neither should we.
We often think that if we could just change our current circumstances that happiness will come
We often think that if we could just change our current circumstances that happiness will come
If we get a bigger house
If we get a new car
If we get a new spouse
If we get over this health crisis
If we can just get all of our kids in school and have 6 hours of peace!
Then we will finally have what we always wanted
So we spend money we don’t have, to buy things we do not need.
So we spend money we don’t have, to buy things we do not need.
A bigger house in a better neighborhood
A newer car with better gas mileage
Or we make worldly decisions thinking that we will find satisfaction there
So we trade our spouse in for a better looking one
Or we search for a better job to become successful
BUT what we all find is that none of those things ever deliver!
No matter how much we think they are going to give us what we long for
No matter how much we reason with ourselves
No matter who tells us that those things are what we really need
They will not and cannot deliver what we truly long for!
Solomon was the richest and most powerful man in the world
He bought whatever he wanted
Had any woman that he wanted
His fame went out all over the earth
The queen of Sheba traveled over 1500 miles just to talk to him
He was the wisest man who ever lived
He indulged in all the pleasures of this world
And do you know what he concluded about it all?
Ecc 1:2 “Vanity of vanities...All is vanity.”
Contentment does not and cannot come from the outside
Contentment does not and cannot come from the outside
This is why circumstances do not deliver
This is why circumstances
This is why things do not deliver
We will never be satisfied from the outside!
Contentment is learned through Experience
Contentment is learned through Experience
Phil 4:12
Philippians 4:12 (NASB95)
I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.
How did Paul learn contentment?
He had been humbled and he had lived in prosperity
He had times when his belly was full and when he was hungry
He had times when there was an abundance and times when he suffered need
God uses circumstances to teach Paul contentment
How many times in your life has God taken you through financial famines?
I’ve been there more than once!
God always shows me I am just as happy with little as I was with much
And God always shows me I have far more than I really need
How many in here have been through a relational crisis
And you thought there was someone that you just could not live without
And in that separation God teaches us that contentment is possible with or without them
How many are going through something right now and you are asking why?
This is God’s school of spiritual growth
And the lesson to be learned is to faithful to God in all times
What God wants us to do is trust in His providence, in His timing, in His wisdom
There is no such thing as luck, chance, or Karma
Our circumstances are not because of happenstance
Nothing happens without God’s approval
That means if we lose a job, then God has allowed it to happen
That means if we get a job God has allowed it
That means if we get sick, God allows it
God is in complete control and He is the supreme Ruler of this universe!
Here is the problem we often have today: we give Satan way more credit than he deserves
So when we lose a job we give credit to the devil
But when we get a job we give credit to God
Kid gets sick we give credit to the devil
Kid gets an A we give credit to God
Sometimes it is God providence that took that job so He could bring about something in us that we couldn’t get any other way
Sometimes God takes us through the desert to prepare us for something much greater that he has coming in the future
Sometimes God keeps us flat broke so that we stay on our knees in prayer and see Him work in supernatural ways!
God will allow things into our lives that we do not like to give us what we really need!
Do you remember Joseph?
Jospeh was the favorite of Jacob’s 12 sons
Those brothers were jealous and threw Joseph into a pit and then sold him into slavery
He was taken to Egypt and then became Potifer’s right hand man
One day Potifer’s wife tried to lure him into bed, but he refused
She was offended and went and told her husband that Jospeh tried to rape her
He was thrown into prison
Through God’s miracles he became second in command in all of Egypt
A famine came across the land and food was scarce
And one day Jospeh’s brothers show up to ask for food for their household
Joseph said this, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.”
God will allow bad things into our lives to bring about a good result. . Never question what God is doing. We too often blame ourselves and say we are getting what we deserve without considering what God is doing through that. God is so much deeper than we can understand. God takes our mistakes and turns them into treasures.
Rom 8:28 ”And we know that God works ALL THINGS TOGETHER FOR GOOD FOR THOSE WHO LOVE God and are called according to His purpose”
The only requirement in this verse is if you love God.
It doesn’t matter how bad you messed, as long as you truly love God he will tuen your heartache into a triumph.
Contentment is placing all of our TRUST in God to provide
It is about TRUSTING in God in the good times and the bad times.
Whatever God allots to us in our current season of life IS ENOUGH!
Whatever God says we need, is what we need
Where God has placed us there is purpose for it
Contentment is knowing your real treasure is in Christ
Contentment is knowing your real treasure is in Christ
Phil 4:13
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
How could Paul say that he was content with little or much?
Because he did not receive joy from his world.
He did not try to get happiness out of accumulating things
He knew nothing from the outside could give him what he longed for on the inside.
Paul was a man just like you and I are.
He was writing from personal experience.
This does not mean Paul has some kind of power to do anything that he desires
He wrote this letter from jail in Rome
He also knew his death was rapidly approaching.
yet even in the midst of these circumstances, he was completely content
Why? Because even in prison they couldn’t take Jesus away from him!
It provides no superhuman strength
They can take our Bibles.
Paul makes no individual claim here
They can take our jobs, our relationships, our homes.
But they can NEVER TAKE AWAY Jesus
What he is saying is that his source of contentment is Christ
In all of his experiences he realized that nothing even came close to what he had in Jesus
Because He lives within us!
None of the material things, or worldly comforts, or even the gift from the Philippian church could compare to his walk with Christ
Because even if we lose everything we could never lose our greatest joy and that is knowing Jesus Christ.
And this is how Paul faced every circumstance without loosing his satisfaction
That is being redeemed from this world!
That is being forgiven, restored, renewed, given hope, and a future
There is no greater gift in this life than the Son of God who came to save us
Paul had sold everything and purchased the field with the hidden treasure.
He had sold his worldly status and traded it for a heavenly home.
He had sold his goods And traded them for heavenly treasure.
He had traded his wealth, and gained righteousness.
Why was Paul content in any situation?
Because he had something greater than anything this world could offer
And he learned that if he kept his hope in Jesus then he would be content in any and every circumstance
What can Jesus give you that this world cannot?
Only Jesus can forgive your sins!
Only Jesus can change circumstances!
Only Jesus can can give life and give is abundantly!
Only Jesus can bring peace with God!
Only Jesus can truly give us what we long for
Remember Solomon?
He tried everything under the sun and said, it is all vanity
This is how he ends that book, “The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person.”
Thankfulness is impossible without Contentment. Contentment is where thankfulness arises from. We focus more on all the things we want and do not have, rather than all the things that God has given us. We lust after worldly things that do not bring joy, and neglect our source of true joy. Contentment is the key.
If you are having a hard time being content then do this:
Make a list of everything that you don’t have that you want
Then make a list of everything that you need
And then make a list of everything that you deserve
And what we will find is that God has been very gracious to us in so many ways
Contentment does not come from the outside.
It comes by trusting in God’s provisions
And it comes by knowing where our real treasure lies in Christ