Prayer in the life of a Christian.
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Introduction to Prayer in the Life of a Christian
Introduction to Prayer in the Life of a Christian
Prayer is the MOST important part of every Christian’s day. And we can’t take that lightly. Ask yourself, “Is there anything more important in my day then praying to God most High?” .
When we pray, we are not praying like the pagans to man made image or idea. We are not praying to a dead “saint” to hopefully bring our prayers to God. We’re certainly not praying to our deceased relatives to rain down special blessings to us.
No, we are certainly praying to a LIVING God. The God who is listening intently to our prayers. Desiring for us to ask of Him gifts, like a loving father to his young child. He is desiring us to ask for comfort from Him like a loving mother who calms a crying baby.
Prayer is ALWAYS the greatest comfort to the believer. In times of persecution, when your wounded with scars from the world. In times of marital arguments, or issues of sin. Yes and even when we have sinned, even when we have ignored prayer in order to hide our sin from God, the same way Adam and Eve tried to hide in the Garden. In times of sin instead of running from the Lord, which is futile, and self destructive. EVEN THEN prayer is the greatest comfort to the believer.
The world, the flesh, and the devil would try to deceive us from praying, and from understanding prayer. In fact it seems that prayer is one of the first things to go in the Christian life, almost always followed shortly by sin which was crouching at the door. Here are some primary objections that seem to keep people from prayer.
God already predestined everything, my prayer cannot change God’s will… So what can my prayer really accomplish?
I am too far from God right now, I must first change my ways before I can earn the right to be heard by Him again.
I will always have a degree of doubt, or being double minded, so even in the Lord’s promise, God would not hear my prayers anyway.
We will be answering these questions as we go.. let’s see if you can find the answers throughout the sermon, but if not, that is okay. I will specifically answer them towards the end.
Prayers of Hope vs Prayers of Faith
Prayers of Hope vs Prayers of Faith
There are of course many things to ask, and discern through prayer. But are their prayers that God promises to answer when we call on him? Are we able to experience evidences of prayer in our lives? What Does the scripture say about this?
A prayer of hope is a prayer in which we are seeking the Lord to answer our request or desire, but we do not know for certain if the Lord will give us the “YES” answer we are looking and hoping for.
A prayer of Faith is a prayer in which we are seeking the Lord to answer a request or desire, and we do KNOW for certain the Lord WILL give us a YES answer, and it will be soon or even immediate.
Prayer of Hope Explained:
Prayer of Hope Explained:
A prayer of hope could be something like this.
Matt 26:39
“And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” “Lord, if it be possible, please take this cup from me.”
Jesus, being Omniscient (all knowing), knowing the entire will of the Father, and certainly of His great role to play right here in history, all from the beginning. Still had the desire and prayer, not to suffer by the hand of the father, and this desire was a good desire, a holy desire, a good prayer, and a holy prayer. It wouldn’t have been Holy if he desired this cup to pass above the perfect will of God, and of course He didn’t. “Not as I will, but as you will”
My brother and sisters, If Immanuel, God with us could pray a prayer like this, knowing the outcome. I ask you, “did Jesus pray for nothing?” No. But in that very moment his prayer was answered with comfort. With strength, and with courage to continue on in His faithful ministry.
When you pray a prayer that as far as you know God could answer, even especially that you would see it in God’s character to desire to answer. Do you say to yourself “Everything is already determined” “what.. is.. the.. point?” Do you say to yourself “It will have no effect?”
Every prayer has an effect. Every. Single. Prayer. How many times has God desired to strengthen your faith, and glorify himself through the answer of prayer, but you were unwilling?
Matt 23:37
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!
My Friends, in all areas of life, Prayer is ALWAYS the greatest comfort in the life of a Christian. If you have been guilty of this don’t make the second mistake of distancing yourself from God. Before we move on to “Prayers of Faith” Remember your baptism.
Colossians 2:12
“Having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the powerful working of God, who raised him from the dead.”
If this is you, repent of it, and God who is full of grace will draw you right back into His joy. If this is you, even now you are not really drowning in water, you are drowning in grace.
Pray, and hope. Then watch God answer even these prayers you are unsure about. Watch how when the answer is no, or not yet, how that actually brought you closer to God. Watch how God works in your life through prayer. Maybe even keep a journal, or recount at the end of each day the prayers God answered. And let this be a foundation of assurance in your life. That the Lord lives, and that He is glorified in answered prayer.
Prayer of Faith Explained:
Prayer of Faith Explained:
A prayer of Faith is a prayer in which we are seeking the Lord to answer a request or desire, and we do KNOW for certain the Lord WILL give us a YES answer, and it will be soon or even immediate.
By saying this are tempting God? Are we presuming things from God? are we attempting to force his hand? Truthfully we could do all of these things if we don’t understand prayer. We certainly see false teachers do this all the time. We see real Christians deceived in prayer. Praying for miracles that they believe HAVE to happen because they have faith. We see charlatans come in as “faith healers” claiming to have the “Spiritual gift of healing” taking money from the desperate and broken. Providing no help, and leaving them more desperate then before.
How do we separate this heresy from the true Comforting promise of answered prayer?
(don’t forget about the three objections to prayer from the beginning (specifically need to address the doublemindedness.)