God's Salvation is Enough
BIG IDEA: God’s Salvation is enough when our identity in Him is enough.
1. A person is never free and independent but always follows someone - Satan or Christ.
*Man by nature of the human condition
1.Our first captivity is to the world.
2. Our second captivity is to the Devil
3. Our third captivity is to the sins of the flesh
So then, before Jesus Christ set us free, we were subject to oppressive influences from both within and without. Outside was ‘the world’ (the prevailing secular culture); inside was ‘the flesh’ (our fallen nature twisted with self-centredness); and beyond both, actively working through both, was that evil spirit, the devil, ‘the ruler of the kingdom of darkness’, who held us in captivity
2. If we do not cherish him as Savior we do not have Him as Savior.
*Salvation comes only through God’s Mercy in Christ.
*Kindness in the place of Wrath
he adds the words, “in kindness toward us.” Now ask yourself this question: If there were one person in all the universe the benefits of whose kindness you could choose, who would it be? Would it not be God? You might be able to think of a thousand things that would be kindness to you. But then your imagination would run out. But God’s imagination will never run out.
*So that He might display His Grace in us.
*You should tell someone your grace story.
3. Any Boasting or bragging should be about Christ not you.
This distinction is significant for this reason: at the heart of the controversy that provoked the Protestant Reformation was the sacrament of penance. We all know the story of Martin Luther and his objection to the way in which indulgences were being sold throughout Germany in an effort to raise funds for Rome. The peasants were being given the idea, because of the unscrupulous behaviour of a man by the name Tetzel, that they could buy forgiveness.
This was related to the sacrament of penance. The sacrament of penance is one of the seven sacraments of the Church of Rome, who define it as the ‘special sacrament that is given to the church to aid those who have made shipwreck of their souls’. For Rome, justification takes place through the instrumental cause of baptism. Those baptised receive an infusion of justifying grace into their souls, and they remain in a state of grace, unless or until they commit a mortal sin. A mortal sin is called ‘mortal’ because it has the capacity to kill saving grace.
The purpose for which we have been chosen is to be conformed to the image of Christ, to be servants of God, to be people of obedience who live lives of godliness and righteousness