The Protection of Israel
...the apple of God's eye...
During the Six Day War Syria, Egypt and Jordan had amassed a combined force of 465,000 troops, 2,880 tanks and 810 fighter aircraft at the edge of Israel's borders. And from June 5-10 Israel not only fought back those armies, but invaded and conquered the invaders' territory. They took the Golan Heights from Syria, the Sinai Desert from Egypt, and the West Bank with East Jerusalem from Jordan. That in itself is evidence to me of God's protection.
Specifically though...on June 5, 1967, Egyptians had prepared hundreds of missiles for their attack on Israel, but before their planes could take off or their missiles could be launched, Israel destroyed the combined air power of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq. Israel, with outdated French Super Mystere fighters, destroyed the most sophisticated Russian MIGs on the ground. Egyptian tank commander in the Sinai Desert surrendered to a vastly inferior Israeli force on the second day of the war all because a desert mirage made him see hundreds of Israeli tanks where there were no more than a dozen!
And...Jordanian forces who welcomed the Israeli tanks under the command of Colonel Uri Ram into Shechem on the third day of the war, because faulty communications misled the Arabs into thinking that these were Iraqi tanks coming to reinforce them.
The battle for Ammunition Hill on the northern outskirts of Jerusalem, which was captured by an Israeli scout by mistake when he fell into a Jordanian trench on the moonless night at 0200 Tuesday morning and started shooting from the hip.
Source: Military History